2544208Oregon Exchanges — Number 4

Oregon Exchanges

For the Newspapermen of the State of Oregon

Eugene, Oregon
December, 1917
Vol. 1. No. 4

John F. Carroll. Possessor of an Optimism That Made Him Fight Smiling

(By David W. Hazen of the Portland Telegram.)

Winter came. But lily petals fell instead of snowflakes. The seasons brought only flowers and sunshine to John F. Carroll. The summers of his soul knew no parching winds; the winters of his heart knew only the glad ness of the Yuletide. He passed away at five minutes past 1 o'clock on the morning of December 3. Some little time before he had gone to sleep like a tired child after the day's play. After months of pain that brought forth no word of complaint, the end came peacefully at the family residence, 576 East Fifteenth street North.

Mr. Carroll was an optimist. His was the optimism that comes from Irish parentage, an optimism that is ever present, an optimism that believes in good fairies. Born in the little coal mining town of St. Clair, Pa., he always told his friends who came with sorrowful stories:

"Never say it's winter till the snow is in the bed."

Then he would laugh and explain. The miners~—his father was one lived in little cottages with clapboard roofs. These roofs became warped and when the winter storms came the wind would blow the snow into the houses. So an old Irishman whom young John Carroll knew used to tell him when the lad would be chilly at the beginning of the cold season:

"Ah, me boy, never say it's winter till th' snow's in th' bed."

Always Fought Smiling.

Taking this bit of philosophy into the world, John Francis Carroll was ever the happy Warrior. Only once in his long, active career did an enemy defeat him; that was in Cheyenne, and came as a result of his stand in the so-called rustler war.

John F. Carroll was editor and half owner of the Cheyenne Leader, which he made the paper of Wyoming. He had deplored the activities of the cattle rustlers, but when his friends began their war on the small stock men he rebelled. The Leader took up the fight for these little fellows.

"You'll have to stop that, John, or we 'll make you walk out of town," was the warning given him by one who had been a warm supporter.

"The walking isn't crowded," was the reply.

Slowly but surely the cattle barons of the young commonwealth began to crush the Leader. The owners of the Leader held on and starved until they saw that the "little fellow" got a square deal, and then Mr. Carroll and his family went to Denver.

In Denver he took charge of the moribund Denver Post and built it up to be the greatest newspaper in Colorado. It was while here that he gave the greatest negro poet of the world, Paul Lawrence Dunbar, his first real start. Later he took charge of the Times and still later became statistician for the Colorado Fuel & Iron company. Then he decided to come to the Pacific coast as editor of the Oregon Daily Journal of Portland.

Was 59 Years Old.

But before the folk of Oregon met him, John Francis Carroll had led a most active life. Born June 1858, he worked as a breaker boy in the coal mines near his native town. His mother died when he was a lad, and he and his only brother, the late Bishop Carroll, were reared by an aunt. Both parents of the children were natives of Ireland.

John F. Carroll's first newspaper work was as a reporter on the Pottsville, Pa., Evening Chronicle. He reported for his paper nearly all of the famous Molly McGuire cases; 17 of these men were hanged, and the young Chronicle representative witnessed nearly all of these executions. He never talked about them in after years.

His early newspaper work was done in order to make money to attend medical college. He had been a student at the Pennsylvania Normal school, but teaching was not to his liking. Entering the medical department of the Western Reserve university at Cleveland, he studied there for some time but was compelled to quit because his eyes failed him. He never again took up the study of medicine, which he had decided to take as a preliminary course to the study of surgery.

Before going to Cleveland, John F. Carroll worked on the Missouri Republican, at St. Louis; he was city editor of the Omaha Bee in 1880–1, when the elder Rosewater was struggling to make this paper live. Mr. Carroll used jokingly to tell how his employer would go down the alleys and by paths on his way to and from the office in order to dodge printers and other creditors.

Rose Festival and Public Market.

Mr. Carroll came to Portland in August, 1903. In May, 1906, he was made editor and publisher of the Evening Telegram. It was an editorial he wrote for the Telegram that started the annual Rose Festival. He was ever active for civic betterment, the fight he made for a public market having been won after several years of hard work. As a token of his labors, when the market was at last established it was named the Carroll public market.

He was a great reader; the best of all literature he knew—classics, history and biography, the sciences, and for light reading, mystery stories. He was a lover of all the fine arts, and his knowledge of painting and porcelain, of etchings and rugs, of gems and tapestries, was far above that of the student layman.

He was a member of the Scottish Rite Masons and the Mystic Shrine.

Retrenching in Home Trenches

(By Sam Raddon, Jr., Northwest Editor, the Journal.)

Opportunity for broad, constructive, patriotic war-service of permanent value and effect is presented newspaper publishers of Oregon, city and country, in promotion of the government's new war savings certificates and thrift stamp campaign.

The newspapers have been asked to spread the gospel of retrenchment in the home trenches. They will do it, as they have done in the past, and as they will continue to do whenever the request is made until the world has been made safe for democracy.

Thrift, moreover, is a good gospel.

The thrift campaign is to be largely a campaign of education, even though the implied objective of the propaganda is money (of which Oregon's apportionment 1s $17,244,780,) for war purposes.

The real objective is a broader, deeper one, the interest returns upon which cannot be computed. It is the development of the idea of the virtue of thrift, until thrift shall have become a national characteristic, not only for the duration of the war but for all time. The potential results of systematic saving as a national endeavor, are immeasurable.

President Wilson feels that the campaign is a most vital one. "I suppose not many fortunate by-products can come out of a war," said the President in addressing the war-saving committee, "but if the United States can learn something about saving, out of the war, it will be worth the cost of the war. I mean the initial cost of it in money and resources. I suppose we have not known that there was any limit to our resources; we are now finding out there may be if we are not careful."

John F. Hylan, mayor-elect of the city of New York, is a member of the war-savings committee in New York. "The plan for selling the war saving stamps," says Judge Hylan, "appeals to me more than any other financing that has been attempted since the war began. This is because, entirely apart from patriotism, I can see an infinite number of personal benefits of a practical nature that will come to every good American who begins buying stamps at this time. The benefit derived from saving is the most practical benefit in the world. We in America have much to learn about economy and thrift, and any medium by which these virtues are taught will have good effect."

The campaign will be of wide appeal, for it must reach the workers of the nation, offering them opportunity to do their "bit" financially, and it will be a popular campaign and a successful one once its objectives are understood.

It remains then for the newspapers of the state to drive home the virtues of thrift, in war~times and peace, until they are implanted and clinched in every heart in the union.

Next month which one of you is going to send us something we can use! Let it be anything that will interest the newspaper men of the state.

For You Newspaper Soldiers

(By Emma Wootton)

In this day of shrapnel, camouflage, and reveille, you former journalism students of the University, and you newspaper men of the state, who are now keeping yourselves busy——or trying to at least—in Uncle Sam's army and navy are liable to forget, perhaps, that there is a state University.

Of course you wouldn't admit that you are in the process of forgetting the University because your ears are full of the sounds of war. You wouldn't forget it, but lest you should, here are some happenings of the University that you'll want to know just because you are interested in it, and because you haven 't forgotten. These notes are for you newspaper men and former newspaper aspirants. They will keep you in touch, perhaps.

It has been said by a certain newspapermen of the state that he is glad to find out what journalism students are cut out for. So many of them have enlisted and they all make excellent soldiers. But notwithstanding this little shot, the loss of these students is felt greatly on the campus.

Perhaps in no other school or department of the University is the toll of the war felt as it is in the school of journalism. You rallied splendidly to the call but you left a great hole that can 't be filled by the girls and the few men in the advanced courses.

The Emerald was perhaps the first to suffer, because so many have gone. Almost all of you did your part toward making it a success. It was hard to take up the work on it at the beginning of the year without you. But with Harry Crain as editor it has been pulling up to its old standard.

Jeannette Calkins is making just about the best business manager the Emerald has ever had. She has a go to her that sees a thing through. At the beginning of the year it was not an uncommon thing for her to stay up till two o'clock in the morning cutting and folding the paper. Then she would get up at five to deliver it herself in her car. With a force like this, things have to go.

William Haseltine is news editor; Robert McNary is make-up editor; Beatrice Thurston, women 's editor; Douglas Mullarky, feature editor; Melvin Solve, dramatic editor; Pearl Crain, society editor; Lay Carlisle, assistant manager; and Catherine Dobie, circulation manager.

Beatrice Thurston, women's editor of the Emerald, is also combining her newspaper work with band music. She was elected manager of the band.

For the first month the Emerald was printed in Yoran and Koke's printing shop, but at the end of this time it was returned to the Guard oflice on account of the facilities there that made the printing cover less time.

You would be surprised if you could see the additions in the way of machines that have been made in the ofiice of the school of journalism. A linotype of the latest model of the double magazine, side auxiliary type, has been installed; a power run stitcher for binding pamphlets, catalogues, etc., is in its place; a new Babcock-Optimus cylinder press is in the ordering.

Registration this year surpassed all expectations and predictions—it neared the 900 mark. In only one way did the war affect the Oregon student body—there are now registered approximately the same number of girls as men. Previously the percentage had run about 60 per cent men to 40 per cent girls. A remarkable increase was shown in the freshmen registration. A gain of 25 per cent was made over last year.

All of you former University students will soon be receiving the Emerald at your camp, if you are not already doing so. The student body granted a fund of $100 for this purpose and the Alumni association is assuming the rest of the expense. The University wishes to keep you in touch with its doings.

Honors never come singly, you know. Jeannette Calkins, business manager of the Emerald, has been elected president of the women 's band. This band, which the girls all are sure will soon replace the men 's band, toots under the supervision of Albert Perfect. Many of the girls had never seen an instrument at close range before but they have already reached the waltz stage.

The women of the University are going to show their pride in the University men who are in service by making a service flag. There will be a star for each of you former students on it. It will measure 10 by 18 feet and will display from 350 to 400 stars. It will hang in front of the administration building.

An intensive course in advertising will be offered next term, combining work in the schools of commerce and journalism and the department of psychology. The course will be five hours and will be completed in one term.

There is a strong demand for men and women to take charge of the advertising in large stores and many calls have been made on the school of journalism this fall which it has been impossible to fill.

"Let's Go, Boys, Let's Go" is the name of the new rooter's song composed by W. F. G. Thacher, who is teaching in the school of journalism, too, this year. The song is full of "jazz" and has original music.

Will J. Hayner Gives Answer

To the Editor Oregon Exchanges:

I have read with some interest F. S. Minshall’s article on “Organization of County Units,” published in the November number of Oregon Exchanges, and while his theory seems logical, I believe it can be conclusively shown that such an organization is not practical.

In the first place, while the interests of the small town weekly publisher and the big town daily publisher are in a manner identical, the big town publisher is too apt to have a desire to corner the bulk of the business in the county, regardless of the fact that by so doing he cripples the small town publisher.

While we dislike to accuse the big town publishers of having selfish motives in the matter, the fact remains that they have taken but little interest in questions which advocated changes in existing laws that would tend to give the small town publishers business justly due them. As an illustration, we will take the matter of notices for teachers’ examinations, usually sent to the two papers in a county having the largest circulations. The fact that these two papers may be published in the same town makes no difference. The county superintendent of schools must comply with the law, and as a result it is not infrequent that two papers in the same town or the same locality publish the notices. This is not only an injustice to the teachers, who are to be found in every town and hamlet in the state, and who depend upon their local papers for information, but it is also an injustice to the small town publisher, as it results in his paper losing prestige as a medium of information, and eventually he learns that some of his former subscribers are regular readers of one or the other of the papers with the alleged largest list of subscribers.

Then again, the publisher of the big town daily or weekly is too apt to conclude that he is in a class a little above the small town weekly publisher, and is entitled to a little more consideration in the way of patronage than his humble brother. This was demonstrated at the meeting of the Oregon State Editorial association in Medford in 1916. On that occasion the publishers of the county dailies and big town weeklies got together at a meeting from which the small town publishers were excluded, and entered into an arrangement whereby print paper was to be purchased in carload lots and distributed from two or three central points to those publishers who were “in” on the deal. In this manner print paper could be obtained at a lesser cost than where publishers were buying in dozen bundle lots, and therefore meant a considerable saving on the cost of publishing a newspaper. As this arrangement was a saving proposition in production, why were the small town publishers excluded from the benefit! As the object of the editorial association is presumed to be for the mutual benefit of all its members, why was it that the small town weekly publishers were not invited to cooperate in this matter of obtaining print paper at a lower price! Would such a procedure as this invite the organization of county units as suggested by Mr. Minshall?

The fight in the state legislature last winter to retain the delinquent tax list in its present form was not in the interest of the small town weeklies. Had this been the case an effort would have been made by the “legislative committee” of the editorial association to obtain a law that would have divided the tax list and provided that all parcels of land on which taxes were delinquent should be published in the paper nearest the property. A law along this line would have given every publisher a square deal and would also have given the delinquent tax list a much wider publicity. As the law now stands, it is not unusual to see two papers in the same town publishing the delinquent tax list.

The provisions of the law which provide that all the county patronage shall go to the two papers of opposite political affiliation having the largest circulations is unfair. The weekly publisher in the small town is paying his proportionate share of the taxes and is entitled to his proportionate share of the county printing. Bids for bonds, for road construction, for wood and other matters from the county court, job printing from the several county offices, and other work which should be divided among the various printers in each county, or awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, is all turned over to the paper with the alleged largest circulation.

To exist the small town publisher must have business, and there is no valid reason why he should not receive his proportionate share of the county printing. But no relief from present conditions would follow the organization of county units. The publishers who now have the lion’s share would expect to retain it, and as soon as the small town publishers suggested changes in the state law that would give them a county “take” occasionally, trouble would follow.

The writer is a member of the Oregon State Editorial association and while he believes it has some good features, he does think that those at the head of its affairs have not shown that interest in the welfare of the small town publisher to which he is entitled. Not until the publishers of the small town weeklies get together and form an organization from which the “biggest list” publishers are excluded, can they hope to “come into their own.” Such an organization must strive for laws which would give them a “look in” on county patronage, and thus enable them to attain a higher standard of value in the communities where they are published. The present editorial associations in Oregon are all right so far as the country dailies and the big town weeklies are concerned, but publishers of small town weeklies can hope for nothing in the way of “fat takes” through these associations unless there be some agreement or understanding which will assure a benefit for all instead of a few. There must be a mutual interest between the big town and small town publishers, otherwise it is a “house divided against itself,” and the real object for which editorial associations were ostensibly formed is lost. Small town publishers could no doubt organize county units to good advantage to themselves, but in order to get results such units must be composed of small town publishers exclusively.

(Signed) WILL J. HAYNER.

The Sword is Mightier Than the Pen

Letters From Newspaper Men and Women in the Service Show Great Variety of Work

Carmen Swanson, a former journalism student of the University, writes from the Puget Sound navy yard:—

“Technically we haven ’t reached the front yet at the navy yard, Puget Sound, Washington, but for active service the trenches ‘haven’t got any thing on us.’

“We have a little war all our own here—a war on the endurance of women. Meek, tired ‘sailorettes’ bow to the command ‘work ten hours a day’ and, ‘work Sunday——all day.’ Sometimes these little ‘sailorettes’ pounding a typewriter all day, wonder dumbly why civil service girls doing the same or lighter work, receive higher base pay than they, and why these girls also receive compensation for overtime and Sunday work, but they cheer the flag at every picture show and cry ‘My Country, ’Tis of Thee.’ Our country has to save its Liberty bonds some way, and let ours be the silent and forgotten glory.

“In our office we feel ourselves peculiarly honored, for not every enlisted girl enjoys the same opportunity for patriotism, even at Puget Sound. Many of the offices ask only seven paltry hours a day—and only every third Sunday. And of course these girls receive the same pay as we. Somehow we can’t but pity them as being denied their due share of glory, and while sensible of our advantage, believe that in all fairness these girls should be permitted the same opportunity with us.

“Several boys have enlisted for yeoman duty also, and they enjoy the same conditions of work afore-mentioned. Enlisted men, seaman branch, say they find life dull, with little to do. They have two afternoons for liberty leave each week. A small liberty, moving pictures, and an occasional dance and entertainment vary the monotony. The Y. M. C. A. supervises the dancing and entertainments. To these dances are bidden yard employees of the fair sex, those possessing histrionic talent being given an opportunity to demonstrate before the ‘free for all’ dancing begins.

“And these dances give even the wall flowers a chance to come before the public, for the sailors display rare gallantry in rescuing one from oblivion. The sailors I have met are fine, clean fellows, a type which I think prevails, despite statements to the contrary. Most of them are eager for sea duty—to thrash the Kaiser, they say.

“And we ‘sailorettes’—well, we’ll just stay on the job at the rear of the front—that all may be well with our boys who go to fight for Uncle Sam and Liberty.”

Sergeant Joe L. Skelton of the 13th Aero Squadron at Garden City, R. I., a former student in the University of Oregon school of journalism, writes as follows:

“I left Eugene last April and went to Vancouver Barracks where I enlisted in the aviation section of the signal corps. From there we were sent to Camp Kelly at South San Antonio, Texas. I guess that is the worst place in the United States. It was hot and we had drill, squads right, squads left and to the rear march stuff until we got tired of it. Then we didn’t get enough to eat and it was dusty and the wind blew the whole state of Texas back and forth through that camp every day and about the time a fellow would get a few army beans in his mess kit a whirlwind would come along and fill it full of dust. The country was full of rattlesnakes, tarantulas, horned toads, lizards and Mexicans, and we were sure glad when we left there the 5th of July for Dayton, Ohio. Our company was made the 13th Aero Squadron, and was the first to leave the field.

“We went to the new Wilbur Wright field at Dayton, where we had nice barracks. We got busy assembling planes and keeping them in flying condition. There is a crew in charge of each plane. The crew chief is responsible for the plane and under him he has a motor man and several other helpers. I started as motorman and worked up to crew chief and a sergeant. It was in Dayton that I spent quite a while in the air. The longest trip I had was from the field to Cincinnati and back. On that trip we were in the air about two hours and a half.

“A little more than a month ago we left there and came to the field at Garden City, R. I., which is a second unit to the flying field at Mincola and just across the road from Camp Mills.

“This is the jumping off place and now we’re waiting for orders to go across. And the way things look right now, we ’re liable to go aboard a transport most any time.”

The medical corps of the United States army has attracted three Oregon newspaper men who are now encamped at Camp Lewis, American Lake, Washington, the site of the Ninty-First division of the National army. They are Earl R. Goodwin, formerly sports writer for the Morning Oregonian, who is a member of Field Hospital B; Percy A. Boatman, a sergeant in the 361st Ambulance company, and Forrest Peil, a private in the latter company. Boatman wrote considerably for the Oregon Emerald, the student publication at the University of Oregon, and for papers in Spokane, Washington, his home town. Peil formerly was city editor of the Evening Herald at Klamath Falls, Oregon, and later reporter on the Morning Register of Eugene.

These men, all of them in their early twenties, should not be classed with the drafted men in the National army because they are stationed at Camp Lewis. They volunteered for service last spring when the field hospital company was formed at Portland and the ambulance company at Eugene with volunteers. Their companies are attached to the 91st division, which is made up almost entirely of drafted men from the states west of the Rocky mountains.

When Goodman, Boatman and Peil arrrived at Camp Lewis they were not long in taking up in a small way the work dear to them. From time to time they sent articles to Oregon newspapers, telling of conditions at Camp Lewis in general and particularly of the way the men in volunteer Oregon companies were faring. They expected to continue this practice throughout the war, both because of the possible profits and because they wanted to keep as actively as possible in the game of slinging ink. It was not long, however, until Major General H. A. Greene, commander of the 91st division, issued a general order forbidding “any officer or enlisted man of the division from acting as a newspaper correspondent or from sending any matter, written or photographic, for publication.” With no little disappointment this order was read, but without a murmur, as any good soldier would have done, the boys discontinued writing stories.

This is bound to result in some staleness in the boys, but it is pretty certain that at the end of the war, if they are alive, they will walk into some Oregon newspaper office and ask for a job. And they will expect to get it. Meanwhile they are learning how to execute “fours right," how to check a hemorrhage, and how to lift a wounded man onto a litter to carry him to an ambulance.

P. H. Holmberg, formerly a reporter on the Evening Telegram, and for seven years a member of the staff, writes from the naval station at Seattle:

“It always has been my opinion that the navy is the best branch of service, and now, after about four months’ experience, I am convinced that I am right. The navy offers many opportunities for willing men, and this is true now more than ever before in the history of the United States.

“I enlisted in the Oregon naval militia in Portland on August 5, 1917, and left for the U. S. naval training station, Seattle, on August 9. Although my present rating is seaman second class, I have hopes of becoming a wireless operator before going to sea. The government is operating a radio school at the University of Washington, and I have been attending classes for about eight weeks. Like the majority of men attending the school, I knew nothing about wireless work before entering the service.

“The training camp is ideally located on Lake Union, only six miles from the Seattle postoffice. The men sleep in tents, and comfortable folding cots, with sufficient blankets, have been provided. A welfare building with bowling alleys, billiard tables, library and dance hall, is a feature of the camp.

“The caliber of men at this particular camp is of the highest standard. A large percentage are college men and come from the best families of this section of the country. Many men have already left for sea duty, and those remaining are ready to go. As Chaplain James often remarks, ‘They will be heard from before this war is over.’ "

Charles Collier, an ex-student in the school of journalism, and now stationed at the marine barracks at San Diego, in a recent letter says:

“San Diego is the best place that I know of after having spent three months here upon leaving the Mare Island training camp.

“We marines are stationed within the beautiful exposition grounds now called Balboa Park. Here also is located the navy dry land training school, for which the fair buildings serve as quarters and the large paved ‘plaza’ as a drill ground. “Of course the marines are proud of their football team, and as we have other diversions besides digging trenches, we are no longer recruits and have hopes of getting to France; at least a number are studying French with that in view. “One of the recruits had been instructed in sentinel duties. He was approached at night by an oflicer and he brought his rifle to port arms and called out ‘halt!’ The oflicer stopped and remained some time in the dark and then asked the sentinel, ‘Well, what are you going to do now!’ The recruit was a little nonplussed, but, remembering part of his instructions, ‘I’m going to halt you once more and then shoot you.’ Of course we are experienced guards now, though to date we have guarded nothing more important than the lawns and organ on the grounds.” Frederick K. Kingsbury, ex ’20, a former journalism student of the University, writes from Harvard University where he is training for the naval radio service. “Harvard University has turned over to the navy eight buildings, which are used for class rooms and dormitories. We have 2200 men here now, all training for the naval radio service.

At the end

of a sixteen weeks’ course, we are sent to sea, some directly from here, but others from the receiving ships at Norfolk, Virginia. “This life is very uncertain, for one never knows where he’s going. My course will be over January 19, and then I expect to be sent to some destroyer in the war zone. Of course no one knows just where these ships are, but the North sea is by no means the only field of activity of our destroyers, for one recently transferred from Cairo has been heard from at Naples, Italy. If anyone were to ask me for the main thing in this navy life, I would say ‘uncertainty.’ ” Sergeant Harry B. Critchlow, Camp Lewis, formerly reporter on the Port

land Evening Telegram, Salt Lake City Herald-Republican and Chicago Evening American, writes: “After more than four months of grind in the regular army I have found but one thing I do not like. The grub is fine—I have gained 14 pounds~—the bunks are O. K.; the drill is man-making in its habits; but that ‘revelee’ business is ‘the nuts.’ I can see only one redeeming feature:

the regimental band plays popular rag time pieces while you dress. As luck has it they do not play the ‘Star Spangled Banner.’ I do not care to stand at attention these cold mornings unless entirely dressed. “As I see it, the newspaper man who enlists will greatly profit by his experience, if he returns from the war alive. Every day is cram full of 11 incidents that stamp themselves in the mind of the reporter soldier and broaden him in his vision. The man who has the ability can recall these incidents after the war, to his financial advantage.

“When I left the Chicago Evening American in July and enlisted, all of the red-blooded newspaper men in the ‘Windy City’ were joining the colors. The newspaper game has long had the reputation of having men who had nerve and I think the names of the many men in the profession that are now on the various muster rolls, amply justify that reputation.

“Just now the sword is mightier than the pen.”

In writing of his experience in the navy, George Colton, a former student in the school of journalism, writes:

“It is a far jump from journalism to active service in the United States navy. But the transition was accomplished when I was called to the colors on Friday, the thirteenth of April, and I was given an assignment that will take to the end of the war to cover.

“To be satisfied with Mars’ demands on one is a fortunate thing in going to war. Often this does not happen, but in my case I have the opportunity of combining duty with valuable technical training and considerable pleasure.

“My ship has visited many foreign countries, and in the last nine months I have cruised approximately 20,000 miles on the Pacific ocean and the South seas. To visit Latin America before the war would have been a rare pleasure, but due to the war I am doing my ‘bit’ as a machinist ’s mate and yet seeing many foreign countries, and how their inhabitants look and live.

“Many strange things happen in the South seas, where the blood runs warm, and men can be won to any cause by the glint of gold. Germany knows the power of her gold and intrigues, and is desperately trying to retain control of the countries that have not declared war against her. But she is gradually losing her hold, and recent indications that I have seen and heard point to a united South America behind the allied cause.”

“Getting and Charging"

(By Bert R. Greer, Editor and Owner of the Ashland Tidings.)

The Advertising Association of America, composed of all creditable advertising agencies, is one of the best organizations in the country. It is organized for self protection. They have a system whereby they know more about your rates than you do. They found it absolutely necessary to know the LOWEST rate at which business could be placed in your newspaper. As long as one agent had one rate and others another the one having the highest was badly handicapped in securing business because the other agent could run a given schedule in the same bunch of papers at a less rate, and, of course, he got the business. The members of this association exchange a list giving the lowest rate obtainable by any agent for space in your paper. No agent will place business with you at a higher rate, because he knows you are taking business lower from his competitor. Therefore, that fact is the first calculation in determining how to get foreign business and get the money for it.

FIRST: Have one rate and stick to it. Unless you do that you are a goner.

SECOND: Do not sell preferred position at any price. The preferred position scheme was originated as a method of grabbing free insertions. The Tidings absolutely refuses to sell preferred position, yet it always delivers preferred position whenever possible, on the theory that the paper must produce results in order to justify continuance of the business. The foreman in the Tidings ofiice knows he will be called on the carpet for bad positions on foreign ads. and the third offense is capital and decapitable.

THIRD: Recognize the fact that the square foreign agent is a big asset to the country newspaper, cooperate with him in every legitimate way in helping him to get business. If there was no foreign agent there would be no foreign business. He is a creator of business for country papers and should be so regarded. Let him know you appreciate him and do not consider him a grafter, but a valuable asset. If he insists on grafting cut him out and tell him why. It will do him good.

FOURTH: Always keep your paper before the live agent. Send sample copies to the advertiser direct, telling him what he is missing by not using your paper and asking him to call his advertising department ’s attention to the value of your publication. The Tidings has secured many valuable contracts through the insistance of the advertiser with the agent that this field be covered.

FIFTH: Never quote your agent ’s discount directly to advertisers. That discount must be confidential, for, what use would the advertiser have for the agent if he could place his business direct on as favorable terms without the agent! Remember, the agent is and should be considered your agent. He is rustling business for you. Give him a chance to get it. Help him get it. The advertising card of the Tidings carries the gross rate, but is marked net. When it goes to a credited agency there is written in ink on the margin, “15 per cent commission to established agencies only.” That protects the agent.

These are some of the main principles which have given the Tidings more foreign advertising than other southern Oregon publications.

The Tidings rate has been raised from 8 to 17½ cents the inch in five years without losing a standard advertiser. We write it in the contract that no other advertiser has a less rate. To “stick, brother, stick” is a great factor.

James Sheehy, president of the student body of the University, and athletic editor of the Emerald last year, was appointed head of the food conservation drive here on the campus. How he worked it is not known, but now all of the houses are holding meatless, wheatless, and butterless days, and many of the women claim that they are eating less candy.

{{c|Oregon Exchanges

Published by the School of Journalism

University of Oregon Free to Oregon Newspapermen; to all others, $1.00 per year

Issued monthly. Application for entry as second class matter made at the post office at Eugene. Oregon.

STAFF THIS ISSUE Editor . . . . . . . . . . Bob McNary Assistant Editor . . . . . Miriam Page Managing Editor . . . Adrienne Epping Exchange Editor . . . Emma Wootton Circulation Manager . . Rosamund Shaw


of articles

and items of

interest to editors, publishers and printers

of the state are welcomed.

John F. Carroll, Deceased

With the death of John F. Carroll, editor of the Evening Telegram, the state of Oregon loses one of its most competent, well liked men. Mr. Carroll was at all times the full fledged newspaper man. He was square. He was wide awake. He was a worker, and during the days

of his life he set an example of hard labor that it would be well for

a great number of editors of the state to take to heart. Now, of course, someone is to take his place. Who that someone will he remains a question that the news paper men all over are watching

with interest. Whether some one of the oflice stafl? will step into Mr. Carr6ll’s shoes and take charge or whether an outsider will be brought in, no one seems to know. But the fact remains, that who ever takes his place, be he outsider

or be he local man, that person will have to “get up and move.” Carroll

Greetings to the Men at the Front To you Oregon newspaper men in the service, we are sending this issue of Oregon Exchanges, with the ex press purpose of giving you a little news on

what your



doing. We have gathered together notes from all over the state and are sending them to you so that you may

put in a little of that spare time by posting yourselves on the doings of old friends.

Your duty is to fight for the na tion and uphold the glory of the flag at the front. Ours is to help you all we can, and to keep up the spirit at home. We will all be in it sooner or later, but until we are, we intend to do our bit here to keep the men

cheerful and in good spirits. The time will come when more of us will go, either through voluntary enlistment or through the draft, and when we do reach that stage we hope that we may stand up to our

new duties and “face the music” as well as you are doing. You have not been tried out at the front “over there” as yet, but when you are, just remember that we are here in Oregon, trying our best to keep things at home going and trying to help in any way that we may. We are pulling for you and hope that our pulling will bring you back to us and to the newspaper business of the state. To you soldiers who have sent in

a few little items of interest—and we read them all with interest——we

want to extend the thanks of the staff of Oregon Exchanges. If you think that it is any snap for a

took the Telegram and made it a


go—he changed the location and

hold of a thing like this and make

the publishing of the paper; now,

it go, you are sadly mistaken. We started without any knowledge of anything print-wise—and we have gotten thus far. If it takes up a

the man who takes his place will have to work and work hard.


Someone give us a slogan. “The Biggest, the Best, the Only Paper,” or something like that. Make it new. 14






little of your spare time, we are as sured that we have done some little

good; if it doesn’t hit the spot— well, we have had the practice any


There Are Five of Us Here

“What has become of the custom of giving the editor of the small country newspaper a turkey on Christmas!” the Central Oregon Enterprise wants to know. “The custom was a beautiful one,” it says,“and should not be allowed to become obsolete. . . . We are not too proud to accept a turkey. . . . so don ’t be backward about bringing it around. We’ll tie it to our editorial foot and make it roost on the head of our bed.” And everywhere the editor goes, that turkey is sure to go, too.

Educational Newspapers

could be done for him. ‘Why, nothing that I know of,’ said the man, ‘You see I have a nervous prostration and the doctor told me to stay

in a quiet place. Noticing that you do not advertise, I thought this would be about the quietest place I could find.’ Let me tell you it was anything but quiet there for a

few minutes. The poor man found himself in the street wishing that he had landed on a feather bed. But the next week the store sur

.prised itself with a big display ad in the home paper.” in

to go, too.

Help Us Out

If you are working in a news paper oflice and are in touch with

The newspaper as an educational institution is becoming ever more important and more indispensible. Especially now, when each day brings its quota of new and start ling events so vital to every American, does the daily newspaper supply a pressing need. Educators have felt this and have instituted as a part of the routine of the school day

the men, it would be greatly appre

the reading and discussion of the previous day’s events as they are

told clearly and briefly by the daily press.

ciated by Oregon Exchanges if you would send in the names of your men in the service. We are trying to send them all the news possible, but there are many whom we have not been able to locate and place on

our mailing list. We are trying to keep the newspaper soldiers in formed as to the newspaper doings at home. Will you keep us inform ed as to their whereabouts! It is no little task, and we need your help.

The daily newspaper is coming to

be used by schools and colleges as a text book; and it is safe to say that it will prove to be just as val uable, just as economical, and just as fair as any other in use at the present time.

A Come-Back Editor Oregon Exchanges: I note in the last issue of your


very valuable publication, to which I have been a contributing subscrib er ever since its first issue, an item quoted from the Harrisburg Bulle

Landed in the Street

tin, of which one W. C. Conner is editor, in which it is stated that I

The following story clipped from one of the papers on our exchange

recently sold a second hand type

desltr, migihft tlielp a glplod rtnanyr

because the ca “I” was all battered

ver isers ey cou ge a 1 e “peep” at it. “A thin, sickly, little man entered one of the stores in one of our small towns recently and quietly seated himself on a convenient chair. One of the clerks approached and

to pieces.

asked if‘he wished to purchase any

one I had never used, having got it in taking over the Leader, of which Conner was editor, and not having

thing. Oh, _no, said the man, I Just dropped 111 for a few minutes.’ After an hour had passed, the man ager of the store, becoming curious,




asked what

writer, which the customer returned This is the first time that

I have ever caught Bill Conner tell ing the truth, and he didn’t tell

the whole truth this time, for a truth only half told is almost as bad as a lie. The fact he neglected to state was that the typewriter was

time to repair it, I sold it to the

first fellow willing to carry it away —(Signed) Elbert Bede.


On Land and Sea

More than 100 employees of the Oregonian have joined the colors and are now serving at home and abroad. The list includes men in all departments. Some of them held responsible executive positions. The editorial department supplied a number of men who won commissions and there are non commissioned officers scattered generously throughout the lists from all departments. A comparatively complete list of the men who are now in the service follows:

Editorial Dapartment—Captain Austin B. Richardson, 364th Infantry, Camp Lewis, American Lake; Captain Walter de L. Giffard, “Somewhere in Europe” with British forces (left October 3, 1914); Lieutenant Roscoe Fawcett, Camzp Kearney, San Diego Flying School, San Diego, Cal.; Lieutenant Jerrold Owen, 364th Infantry, Camp Lewis, American Lake, Wash.; Lieutenant James Cellars, Artillery, American Lake; J. Willard Shaver, American Expeditionary Force, Co. F, 18th Railway Engineers; Earl Goodwin, Field Hospital, American Lake; Fred G. Taylor, Marine Barracks, Naval Station, Guam; Harry M. Grayson, 100th Co., 9th Regiment, Marine Corps, Quantico, Va.; Corporal Charles P. Ford, Headquarters 66th Artillery Brigade, 41st Division, Camp Mills, Long Island, N. Y.; Frank W. Barton, Co. F, 18th Raliway Engineers, American Expeditionary Force; William Smyth, Ambulance Unit, American Lake; Earl Johnson, Aviation; Frank Hochfeld, Coast Artilltry (since discharged, physical disability).

Mechanical Department—Press Boom: Russell McCoy, Headquarters Co., 61st Division, Camp Mills, Hempstead, L. I. Stereotype Room: Ralph R. Henderson, Co. C, 117th Engineers, 42nd Division, “Somewhere in France"; James F. Dewey, 93rd Co., Coast Artillery Corps, Fort Stevens; Jacob Warren, 162nd Infantry (formerly Third Oregon). Composing Room: W. D. Brewer, Headquarters Co., 361st Infantry, National Army, Camp Lewis, American Lake; Fred Durette, Aviation, Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas; A. B. Coughlan, Co. B, 116th Engineers, 41st Division; Fred Barker, Headquarters Co., 116th Engineers, 41st Division.

Business Office—Charles C. Chatterton, Ordnance Department, U. S. Arsenal, San Antonio, Texas; Raymond Hill, Bugler, Marine Barracks, Bremerton, Wash.; Colin A. Fowler, Corporal, U. 8. Marine Barracks, Bremerton, Wash.; Kenneth Ross, Sergeant, 162nd Infantry; David Geil, Corporal, 162nd Infantry; Second Lieutenant Neal Tyson, probably in France, attached to Third Oregon; Lex Humphrey, Corporal, Third Oregon Machine Gun Company; Lieutenant Leslie Ross, 12th Infantry, Presidio; Harry Bloor, Canadian Guards.

Mailing Room—E. Burton, C. Dillon, R. E. Donahy, W. G. Gregory, H. Hochfeld, P. Hudson, C. O. Harris, W. C. Kelly, F. Ahlson, C. C. Wright, C. E. Young, W. R. Vetter, Navy.

Circulatlon Department—Kenneth Joy, Co. A, 116th Engineers, 41st Division; Oron Lear, U. S. Marines, Mare Island; Elwood Gallien, U. S. Marines, Bremerton, Wash.; Jack Montgomery, Radio Service, Fort Stevens.

Carriers—Richard D. Akers, Charles Allen, Andreas Albrecht, Frank Angel, Gordon Babb, Harold Bergen, DeWalt Bonebreak, Harold Burnett, Frank Bosch, Don Beery, C. C. Callahan, Ransom Cook, Hugh Clerin, Newland Conrad, Percy Davis, Claire Elrod, Jack Erlinger, George Ferguson, Harold Feese, W. W. Foster, Clayton Frisbie, Albert Gentner, George Graves, Will Gregory, Ray Hawkins, Andrew Heeb, Oscar Heintz, Augustas Hixon, Ward Holcomb, Rahph Holliday, George Hoban, Wayne Houston, John Langley, James Jordan, M. Kiririshian, Ben Lictgarn, Thomas Lovell, Walter Middleton, Leslie Merrick, Magnus Morud, C. M. Morris, Pierre Miller, Louis Miner, Ronald O’Connor, B. H. Parkinson, Raymond Powell, Hafften Paulson, Alvin Peters, Kenneth Ross, Claude Roycroft, Joseph Salstrom, Charles Sivenius, Willard Soden, Morgan Staten, Frank Simmons Jr., Theodore Squires, Nathan Twining, Ralph Tyman, Carl Wagner, Thad Wilson, Winfield Wallace, Chancey Wightman, Fred Wiegand, Glover Young. The following men from the editorial department have enlisted in the Base Hospital Unit No. 46, and expect to be called early in 1918: Paul Ryan, night police reporter; Fred W. White, day police reporter; Lynn Davies, general assignment reporter, who was formerly in the Canadian contingent.

Joseph Patterson, formerly of the reportorial and field correspondence staff, has served almost a year in France with the American Ambulance company. He is now at home and expects to return to France with a fighting unit in the spring.

Th Journal is represented in the nation's service by 38 young men from its various departments, all of whom are serving in the different branches of the army, navy and marine corps as volunteers. No sooner had the first call for men been sounded, last April, than it began to be answered by these boys who now are scattered far and wide on land and sea.

Of these 38 men, seven are from the business oflice and advertising departments, seven from the editorial department, 23 from the circulation department and one from the mailing room. They are as follows:

Business Office—Philip Jackson, first lieutenant, quartermaster corps; Will F. Hessian, second lieutenant, field artillery; James I. Jordan, marines; Will Farrow, field artillery; Fernald Cornwell, field artillery; Frank Herbert, infantry; Reed Moore, quartermaster corps.

Editorial Department-F. D. McNaughton, field hospital service; Clyde A. Beals, field hospital service; F. H. McNeill, engineers (road); Leland Thibert, field artillery; Rex Stewart, marines; Paul D. Murphy, American field service; Stewart O. Blythe, bureau of public information.

Circulation Department—Bernard Anderson, navy; Byron Mathews, navy; Ray Fox, navy; Pete De Cicco, aviation; Alden Kelly, aviation; William Farmer, aviation; Horace Wilson, ordnance; Earl Harkins, ord nance; J. K. Zinck, engineers; Herbert Goodwin, engineers; Carl Roehr Jr., engineers; Don McClallen, machine gun; Charles Herbert, cavalry; Frank Davies, infantry; Wallace Potter, infantry; Lawrence Dinneen, infantry; Claire Alden, field artillery; Sam Reichenstein, coast artillery; Russell Kidder, field artillery; Rollin Lobaugh, coast artillery; Merle Brown, coast artillery; Arthur Farmer, coast artilltry.

Mailing Room—Clyde Raymond, field hospital. In addition the following 69 young men, all former members of the Journal Carrier’s association, have answered the call to colors:

Navy—Errol Willett, Blwyn Weston, Hallard Bailey, Stuart Robertson, Barnes French, Frank Beach, George W. Stiverson, Raymond Weston, James Bowen, Leon Devereaux.

Engineers—Varner McCormack, Russell Colwell, Webster Jones, William Harmon, Howard Woodburn, Herbert Sessions, Walter Gerstel, Harold Farmer, Leland Garner, Arne Rae, Howells Dickinson, Elmer H. McCormack, Morton Hager, Donald Campbell, Wilfred P. Watkins.

Infantry—Harry Hollister, Donald Dyment, Reuben Voss, William G. Geiger, Alvah Weston, Irving Wiley, Frank Robinson, Jesse Holden, Aaron Cohen, Herbert M. Strickland, Don V. Beery, John L. Folkins, Laurence Trowbridge, Lawry J . Jefferson, Robert Huntress, Stephen A. Church, Magnus Morud, Ben Lichtgarn, Minot S. Fry, Charles G. Bluett.

Coast Artillery—William McKibben, Harry Kurtz, Warren Lewis, John Scott, Lee Berkley, Clarence Stephenson, John B. Victors, Alvin F. Peters, Harry W. Moss, Seth Nygren, Letcher Nelson.

Cavalry—Baltes Allen, Glenn S. Campbell, Clark White, Lloyd Reppy.

Quartermaster Corps—Lloyd Holmes, Ben F. Sinsheimer Jr. Machine G-un—Lawrence Brown.

Aviation—Roland Toevs.

Field Artillery—Fraucis B. Haffenden.

Ambulance Service—Albert Gentner.

Radio Service—John Wells, Gale Moore.

In the field of correspondence in various points in the Pacific Northwest, approximately 20 Journal writers have left their occupations to enter the federal service.

A Home-Made Paper Punch

(A suggestion by F. S. Minshall, Editor of the Benton County Review)

The materials to be used are: a brace and five-eighths and quarter inch bits, both of which should be very sharp; two five-eighths inch bolts eight inches long, with washers and handle taps; a piece of furniture 80 ems long by 10 ems wide, and two 2 by 2 inch pieces six inches long.

Bore holes in the ends of the furniture; lay upon the end of a strong table or counter and bore holes to correspond; insert bolts heads down; put on washers and taps and nail on two inch pieces to square stock. Next put in amount of paper desired under furniture, clamp down tight, mark the position of the holes upon the furniture, and then bore down through furniture, paper, counter and all with quarter inch bit.

This contraption, costing but a dollar or so will do work that will compare favorably indeed with an expensive machine, whether cutting a hundred or a thousand sheets.

All Over Oregon

“Blow your own horn a little bit” is an excellent adage. And it is a poor rule that doesn’t work both ways.

Hence the circulation department of the Astoria Evening Budget has taken up the cudgel to assist the newsies and give them an incentive to stick on the job.

These little merchants are business men in the making. Some of the best men, captains of industry, were newsies once and point with pride to their first business venture.

That’s why the circulation department of the Evening Budget has undertaken to establish a competitive system among the little merchants to increase their sales and reward them for it.

There are eight or more youngsters between the ages of 10 and 13 years selling papers on the street, who are just as liable to develop into railroad magnates, congressmen, mayors or judges as some of the men who now occupy such positions.

To carry out this ginger system among the kiddies the circulation manager has offered an honest-to-goodness bike as a living prize to the boy who makes the best record during a continuous performance of six months commencing with November 1. The bicycle is a peach.

When it comes to supporting your Uncle Sam, the staffs of the local newspapers bat 100 per cent. Eight have enlisted in the army or navy to fight the Germans. Those who remained or took the places of those called to the colors have all bought liberty bonds, as well as aided the Red Cross and other patriotic enterprises. If every concern does as well, there is no question of the success of the bond issue. The newspapers’ honor list of those called to the colors is as folows: Leigh Swinson, E. C. Ferguson, C. E. Sainson, J. C. Murray, Arthur Perry, Jack Schrick, Kenneth Murray, A. E. Powell.—Med£ord Mail-Tribune.

Of the information furnished by the Western Press association of Portland, a file of which is sent to each newspaper in the state, is a comprehensive review of the business life of L. J. Simpson, founder of North Bend. Mr. Simpson at the last editorial meeting held at Pendleton extended to the editors of Oregon an urgent invitation to hold their next meeting at “Shore acres,” the Simpson home on the brink of the Pacific. This vast estate is the scenic place of Coos Bay, and the hospitality of Mr. Simpson has been heralded far and wide. It is needless to say that all editors who attend the next convention will be more than pleased with their visit to this $100,000 home where they will become the personal guests of one of Oregon’s foremost citizens. Editors receiving this file should place it where they can find it as they will certainly want it after returning home from the convention. It will be of great service in reporting the meeting place.

First Lieutenant James E. Montgomery, aviation section, signal corps, U. S. R., commissioned at the second officers’ training camp at the Presidio, is now stationed at Vancouver barracks. Lieutenant Montgomery, formerly editor of the Hood River Glacier, at time of leaving for the training camp was commercial superintendent of the Coos & Curry Telephone company and vice president of the Southwestern Bank of Oregon at Marshfield.

Kathleen Coates, formerly editor of the society page for the Roseburg Review, is now the correspondent for the Oregonian at Reed college. The story is told that when only sixteen she was watching an aeroplane flight and wrote up the accident that occurred, thus getting her start with the Roseburg Review.

Frank C. Doig, who has been

manager of the International Service bureau at Portland for the last year, has been transferred to Seattle. He will be succeeded in the Portland bureau by Maxwell Vietor of the Oregon Journal staff. Mr. Doig succeeds J. A. Jarmuth as manager in Seattle. Mr. Jarmuth has been transferred to the Chicago ofiice of the I. N. S. He will do field work for the association with Chicago as a base. Portland has been made the transmission point for the eastern news of the I. N. S. Two operators are now employed; one copying the eastern report, and the other relaying it to points in Oregon, California and the Pacific Northwest.

Burle Bramhall gave up the study of journalism at the University last spring to join the army. He is now sergeant storekeeper, camp and garrison equipage, with the Miscellaneous detachment bf the Quarter master corps at Camp Lewis. Sam Michael, also a former journalism student of the University, is in the same branch of the service. He is in the requisition department of the camp quartermaster.

Ben Sheldon, the former Medfordite, editor of the Grants Pass Courier, and manager of the Grants

Harold B. Say, city editor of the Eugene Guard prior to his enlist ment, and Lillian Porter of Portland,

a former journalism student of the

University, surprised their friends


by getting married in



December 7. There had been no rumor that the affair would take place so it came as a surprise to everyone. Mr. Say is a member of

the Second company, Oregon Coast Artillery, stationed at Ft. Stevens, Oregon, of which sixty were students

of the University last year. ___.o_M.

The Western World of Bandon, Felsheim do Howe publishers, will issue





which will be somewhat of an in novation. These wide awake editors have asked the public to contribute the news matter for the edition

and they will give their time to rustling advertising to make it pay. Their last issue states they have been successful and that some rich stories and items may be looked for. oi Henry M. Hazen, Salem corres pondent for the Portland Evening Telegram, whose appointment as private secretary to United States

Senator McNary was announced some time ago, has decided not to accept





remain in Salem as the Telegram correspondent.

Pass chamber of commerce, has left iQM

for Chicago, where he expects to obtain a position in Red Cross work

Both of the Pendleton dailies have received notification from the

which will take him to the western

war front.

There is also a rumor

that Mr. Sheldon went east to marry

a young woman in Minnesota. Medford Mail Tribune. io The Gold Beach Reporter, E. M. Bogardus publisher, has been sold to A. E. Guyton and John A. Juza of Marshfield, the latter to have active management. Gold Beach is the





and is located at the Rogue River.





Cliflord Sevits, who was connected with the Eugene Register last year, while taking journalism at the Uni versity, now rises to the tune of the bugle at Ft. Stevens. 20

Typographical Union that the cost of living is going up and that after

January 1, 1918, the members will demand more money for their eight hour shifts and time and a half for overtime.

——o Guy LaFollette, editor and owner of the Crook Creek Journal, has just recently completed a beautiful new eleven-room residence on the hill

east of Prineville, commanding a view of the Ochoco valley and the snow csqpped mountains in the dis tance.

ioi. Mark E. Moe, son of A. D. Moe, publisher of the Hood River Gla cier, is now in France with the 30th aero squadron. Sam J. Howe of South Estacada, who has been in charge of the mechanical destinies of the Eastern Clackamas News since June, 1914, has resigned, his resignation taking effect December 15.

Mr. and Mrs. Howe will leave at once for Portland, where they will make their home and where he will give his entire time to the interests of a large number of Minneapolis and St. Paul investors, whom he is

Joseph Patterson, former reporter and field correspondent of the Oregonian, returned to Portland recently after spending almost a year at the '

front with the American ambulance service. Mr. Patterson was in the fighting at Verdun and all along the

Champaigne front. He furnished copy for several interesting news

stories, and contributed several of the most interesting articles on the

war that have yet appeared, in the opinion of the veteran newspaper men of the staff.

  • 0

C. Milton Schulz, former editor of the Myrtle Point Enterprise, and W. R. Smith, former editor of the Ore gon Motorist, have made a trade

representing in an attempt to bring about the sale of a large tract of eastern Oregon land, in which all have money invested.

The News has been fortunate in obtaining the services of Mrs. Matt Boyle and her mother, Mrs. N. B. Ecker of Estacada, both of whom are experienced newspaper women. Mrs. Ecker_for several years pub lished the former Estacada Progress and was identified with her son,

Clyde Ecker, in publishing the In dependence Monitor. This arrange ment with four employees promises to keep up the present standard of the News and incidentally handle a few orders for job work. 0 C. S. Dunning, copy reader of the Oregonian, has been called east on business and probably will not re turn. T. P. Berry, one of the well known newspaper men of Los An geles, has succeeded him. Herbert J. Campbell, head of the copy desk, and chief assistant to Paul R. Kelty, news editor, has undergone an operation for the re

moval of his tonsils recently, and expects to be in better health as a result.

Mr. Campbell has been in

ill health for several weeks. W. E. Bates, copy reader, has returned to the desk after several weeks’ ab

whereby each becomes the successor

of the other.

The negotiation is

mutually satisfactory, according to

the statements of the incoming and retiring editors made in the Myrtle Point paper, which, under Mr. Smith ’s management, will be known as the Southern Coos County American.

0 Rollin Gittings, exchange editor of the Journal at Portland, and a living “book of knowledge” for all members of the staff, is no longer a commuter, having sold his home in Rossmere and moved into town. He continues to make week-end trips to visit his family on their farm near Turner.

0 C. H. Williams, of the Oregonian reportorial staff, was one of the suc cessful guessers in the beef pound age guessing contest at the Mann facturers and Land Products show. Mr. Williams was one of eleven who guessed the correct weight of two beef cattle on exhibition at the show.



ioi A little daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.

a holiday issue of 12 pages on De

Mullin in Irvington, Friday, De cember 7. Mr. Mullin is advertising

of home boys in service, letters from them, special articles on food con

manager of the Oregon Journal of

servation and the war, besides its regular news and editorial features.


0?. E. E. Potts, formerly of the Boise Statesman, who recently joined the staff of the Oregonian, has brought his family to Portland.

The Gresham Outlook will print cember 14.

It will contain pictures

——o A. S. Johnson is a recent addition to the afternoon staff of the Oregon Journal of Portland. He is covering railroads. 21 The newspaper boys of the state might be interested in a plan the Western World of Bandon has of reminding subscribers that it is customary to occasionally drop a dollar and a half at the office in order to keep them in good standing. Each week is published, in one corner at the bottom of the first page, an “Honor Roll,” giving the names and addresses of new subscribers and those who have renewed during the week.

The plan has proved a wonderful success from a financial standpoint, the subscription receipts having more than doubled each month since this idea was put into practice, and this without sending out statements.

Noticing the names in the “honor roll” each Week, subscribers naturally are reminded of their own obligations in that respect, and, being re minded week after week, they are bound to act sooner or later.

When returns begin to fall off the Western World heads the list with a little confidential talk about the constantly increasing cost of production, etc., thus, in a good natured way, making a direct appeal. immediately takes effect.

Occasionally one pays up and requests that his name be not included in the roll. Such requests of course are complied with, but the remittance comes in just the same and there is no harm done.

It is surprising the amount of interest the roll creates. In giving addresses quite frequently local residents are brought in touch with some of their old friends, who had formerly lived here, but of whom they had lost trace. In a number of instances old acquaintances have been renewed.

The “honor roll” has been a winner for the Western World; it ought to be for others.

Miss Dorothy Evans of Roseburg has joined the staff of The Dalles Chronicle as reporter. She studied journalism at the Oregon Agricultural College, and until she resigned to accept a position with the Chronicle was employed on the Roseburg Review.

The Portland Journal city room has been rather upset for a week during the installation of a new system of indirect lighting and a rearrangement of desk room.

John Stevenson, formerly with the Portland Telegram, later municipal judge, and now practicing law, is directing publicity for the war saving certificates and thrift stamp campaign. “Judge” Stevenson is being assisted by Sam Raddon, Jr., Northwest editor of the Portland Journal.

Fred Lockley, staff correspondent of the Portland Journal, has left for New York, whence he will sail December 17 for France to engage in Y. M. C. A. war work. When asked whether he would consider going to Europe, he said that he would not consider it, but he would go.

M. Fitzmaurice, editor of the Times, Condon, is a patriot, spelled in upper case. When the government’s war savings certificates and thrift stamp campaign was launched, Editor Fitzmaurice announced in his paper that he wanted Condon to go over the top in its subscriptions to the new fund. To get things started in that direction he set aside a couple of days during which he promised to buy a 25-cent thrift stamp for every grade school child who bought a stamp for himself. At the hour of going to press tabulation of the returns has not been completed, but it is safe to say that the editor, the children and Uncle Sam all win, hands down.

Lloyd Riches, manager of the Weekly Oregonian, has been elected secretary of the Oregon State Editorial association, succeeding Phil S. Bates of Portland, whose work now keeps him out of the state so much of the time that he feels that he is unable to handle the secretarial duties. Mr. Riches is one of the most active members of the association. He took a prominent part in the program given at the 1917 convention of the association at Pendleton. Before accepting his present position with the Oregonian, he was editor and publisher of the Stanfield Standard.

A. E. Guyton of Marshfield, Coos Bay representative of the Oregon Journal of Portland, is employed by Capt. Arnold who is here enlisting the loggers and lumbermen for service in the Loggers legion. Mr. Guyton is thoroughly familiar

with the lumber industry and is, as well, intimately acquainted with almost all the loggers in all sections of the country. His services to Capt. Arnold will be doubly efiicient. Mr. Guyton has the distinction of shooting the most news of all the representatives employed by the Journal, and seldom permits an opponent to scoop him.

Miss Dorothy Kibler, for six years employed on the Coos Bay Harbor at North Bend, four of which as linotype operator, is back on the job after a two months’ trial as a stu dent in the department of journal ism at Stanford University. She found that she could have but one period of what she believed was practical work, while she must carry 14 hours a week of the theoretical. Miss Kibler is considered in the Coos Bay country as the most competent mechanician, as well as one of the speediest operators.

C. S. Jackson, publisher of the Portland Journal and state director of the war savings certificate and thrift stamp campaign, has gone east to remain until after the first of the year. Mr. Jackson will confer with Secretary McAdoo and other officials during his visit in Washington, where he and Mrs. Jackson will spend Christmas with their son, Lieutenant Philip Jackson, quartermaster’s department, U. S. A.

The universal or “round table” system of copy handling has been installed in the city room of the Portland Journal, with a shiny new table to work upon, and with J. L. (“Count”) Wallin, formerly telegraph editor, in the dealer’s chair. Considering the newness of the plan, work has started out in good shape, and the boys are satisfied that they are going to like the new arrangement.

F. W. McKechnie, manager of the United Press association’s bureau at Portland, has resigned his position and enlisted in the radio service of the navy. Mr. McKechnie will get his preliminary training at the Mare Island navy yard, and after a few weeks there will probably be sent to Harvard" before going into active service. Mr. McKechnie’s successor at Portland will be Philip Sinnott, lately with the Los Angeles Tribune. Mr. Sinnott is an Oregon man, having lived and worked at Oregon City prior to going to California more than a year ago.

L. K. Harlan, until the last few weeks editor and publisher of the Pilot Rock Record, died of typhoid fever in a La Grande hospital during the latter part of November. Harlan was a young man about 30 years of age. Previous to his Pilot Rock venture he had had experience in publishing a paper at Heppner and at Condon. He sold out in Pilot Rock and moved to La Grande with his family to be come foreman in the composing room of the La Grande Observer.

Another member of the Oregonian’s family has entered the service of his country. This time Fred S. DuRette , for 11 years employed in the composing room of the Oregonian, is the man. He has enlisted with the air division of the Aviation corps and is on his way to training grounds at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. His contingent was quartered in Vancouver Barracks until ordered south to go into training.—Oregonian.

The Cottage Grove Sentinel has moved from the old fire trap which it occupied for years into a modern brick building on Main street, and a plant which is one of the best in any country city in Oregon is now displayed to advantage.

A. E. Scott, who drifted away from the newspaper business a year ago to try fruit raising, has returned to the Forest Grove News-Times, and resumed his position as half owner.

While awaiting orders to report

for training with the United States the faculty and students. Mr. Eakin has been with the Herald for the last year. He was a member of the class of 1916, and from the journalism department began serving his apprenticeship on the Eugene Guard. Mrs. Frances Whitehead, a central Oregon homesteader, and secretary of the state legislature at the last session, is now acting as city editor of the Herald.

W. E. Mahoney, marine editor of the Oregonian, of all men on the local staff, finds the war censor regulations a “nuisance," viewed strictly from the enterprising reporter’s standpoint. With launchings, departure and arrival of offshore vessels, and all manner of regulations on the waterfront, Mr. Mahoney’s complaint is that it would take a Philadelphia lawyer to decide what is printable and what is unprintable news.

Ralph J. Staehli, formerly reporter and automobile editor of the Oregonian, and later of the Journal, has entered the advertising business for himself, being now executive of the Lee Advertising agency in Portland. Reports are that he is “making good” and utilizing some of his many ideas in the advertising business. One of the features of his work is his ability to engage well known classic artists for some of his commercial work.

Peggy Curtis, formerly reporter on the Oregonian staff, is “making good” in New York, where she is “free lancing.”

be called out with the base hospital

C. A. Smith, superintendent of the art room of the Oregonian, is experimenting with a number of flashlight apparatuses in the hope of finding one that answers the requirements of the Oregonian, (which he says are many and varied). Mr. Smith expects to perfect an apparatus for instantaneous flashlight photographs.

recently put into effect on the Southern Pacific, bringing the Shasta into Portland after dark, has created a new need for a satisfactory quick flashlight apparatus. The Oregonian staff photographers are often called upon to “catch” notables on the run and their arrival at night has increased the difficulties. 0?

C. C. Powell, former owner and editor of the Baker Herald, has been booking motion picture features recently, and superintending their exhibition, since disposing of his interests at Baker to Bruce Dennis last September. Mr. Powell’s enterprise is taking him to every





former city editor of the Baker Herald, was a University visitor this week renewing acquaintances among

The change in train time

large city on the Pacific coast.


Dennis has been devoting his whole time to work for the State Council of Defense, of which he is secretary. The Baker Herald is being edited by W. H. Walton, former owner and editor of the Hood River News.

Lynn Davies, formerly a member of the Canadian contingent, is a member of the local staff of the Oregonian. He is a former Washington

high school man, and he expects to No. 46 early next year.

. Charles Percy Ford, former copy editor of the Oregonian, is now Cor poral Ford, with the field artillery. He has been stationed at Camp Mills

unit recently.

io Mrs. Ida Bishop, of the proof reading staff of the Oregonian, has resigned to go to Chicago, where, it is understood, she will be on the staff of one of the dailies there. Z0

Miss Curtis recent

ly was asked to submit all her ideas to the New York Times exclusively. o Roscoe Fawcett, sporting editor of the Oregonian for the last seven or eight years, has won a commission as first lieutenant in the non-flying aviation section of the signal corps. He is now at Camp Kearney, San Diego. 24

Everett E. Stanard of the class'

of ’14 is now engaged in magazine and





Browns Walter R. Dimm, graduate of the school of journalism, who was formerly associated with his father, J. C. Dimm, in the publication of the Springfield News, has been advertising man for the W. F. Grant company at Albany, New York. He spent last month at 95 Elm street, Albany, recovering from a severe attack of typhoid fever. Mr. Dimm was accepted by the army Y. M. C. A. for service abroad, but changed his mind and enlisted in the Quartermaster corps as a printer.

Sergt. Forrest L. Moe, 12th company, Oregon Coast Artillery, stationed at Fort Canby, Washington, has been recommended to attend the third officers’ training school at the Presidio, San Francisco, beginning about January 5. Sergt. Moe, who

Allen G. Thurman, circulation manager of The Dalles Chronicle, has resigned and will leave for San Francisco, where he will take charge of the “city circulation” of the San Francisco Call, one of the largest newspapers in the west and the oldest paper in the bay city. The fact that Mr. Thurman was chosen for this responsible position proves his high capability in the circulation end of the newspaper business.—The Dalles Chronicle.

C. J. Owen, business manager of the Pendleton Evening Tribune, recently paid

a hurried



Camp Lewis to visit his son, Jerrold Owen, now a lieutenant in the in

fantry. Owen, Jr., until his enlist ment, was city hall reporter on the Morning Oregonian. Just before reporting at American Lake he

was a member of the Barometer staff while at Oregon Agricultural

plighted his troth to a well known

College, has had newspaper experience on the Hood River Glacier.

Portland young lady.

W. S. Brown of the Nyssa Jour


nal responded to an S. O. S. call

Alvin A. Anderson, formerly in the editorial department of the Astoria Evening Budget, the Aber deen, South Dakota, News, and the Minneapolis News, is back in God ’s country again. He is now assistant

for assistance in the issuing of the Malheur Enterprise during the last week in November. Mr. Brown operated the linotype until the arrival of Mr. Henry, after which

he worked in the job and ad de

secretary of the Astoria Pulp and partments.

Paper Co., a new concern which is turning out

chipboard and


may later branch into newsprint. MOM

C. E. Wilson has resigned a reportorial position on the Salem Capital Journal and has returned to Texarkana, Texas, where he will

take a position with Bradstreets. His place has been filled by G. E. Brookins, formerly of the Univer sity of Oregon, who has been a publisher of country newspapers in the Willamette valley. Moi._.

Merlin S. Batley, formerly a jour nalism





and now a member of the staff of the Twin Falls Times of Twin Falls,

Idaho, was married to Vesta Dene Thomas of Twin Falls on Thanks giving day. Mrs. Batley attended Northwestern University at Evans

ton, Illinois.

-—o S. C. Morton, editor of Helens Mist and mayor Helens, has been appointed judge of Columbia county ceed Judge R. S. Hattan, Helens.

The vacancy was

the St. of St. county to suc of St. caused

by the death of Judge Hattan.— Hood River News. ————o Findley McNaughton, formerly a member of the morning staff of the Oregon Journal of Portland, and Clyde Beals, formerly of the after noon staff, now both attached to the 91st division, Field Hospital, spent Thanksgiving with Portland rela tives and friends. 0—M

Arthur N. Jones, formerly tele graph editor of the Oregon States man of Salem, now holding a similar position on the Medford Sun, spent Thanksgiving day with friends in Salem. 25 Dr. Frederick L. Upjohn, noted motorboat enthusiast with an international reputation, who died recently at Huntington, Long Island, was an uncle of D. H. Upjohn, Salem correspondent for the Portland Oregonian. Dr. Upjohn made a fortune in the drug business in South America.

Mary E. Baker of Eugene, a former student in the school of journalism of the University, was married on Thanksgiving day to Henry Clifford Spaulding of Salem, an Oregon Agricultural College man. They will make their home in Newberg, where Mr. Spaulding is the manager of a mill.

John F. Stone, an Oregon man who is on the staff of the Honolulu Star Bulletin, and who contemplated leaving the islands to return to the mainland, has decided to remain with the Star-Bulletin. He is a cousin of Stephen A. Stone, managing editor of the Oregon States man of Salem.

Robert S. Houston, now of Eugene, has accepted a position with the Coos Bay Harbor of North Bend during the holiday rush. The paper will issue a special Christmas number, which is the usual custom.

The Coos Bay Times of Marshfield will issue a special Christmas number about December 12th.

O. W. Briggs, news editor of the Evening Record of Marshfield, has just returned from a short vacation. He spent the greater part of his time in San Francisco and San Jose visiting old friends.

Mrs. Murray Wheat, linotype operator of the Astoria Evening Budget, has resigned and moved to Tacoma. Her husband is a lieutenant at Camp Lewis, having received his commission at the first Presidio training camp.

H. Sherman Mitchell, formerly a stall’ member of the Astoria Evening Budget, and a student in the school of journalism at the University of Washington, is now editor of the University of Washington Daily and correspondent of the Portland Oregonian. Mr. Mitchell edited the Anchorage, Alaska, Times this summer.

L. P. Arant, formerly a student at the University, has taken a position on the telegraph desk of the Oregon Statesman, of Salem. He fills the vacancy left by Arthur N. Jones, now with the Medford Sun.

E. N. Hurd, publisher of the Signal at Seaside, the Oregon beach resort, is now half owner in the The office of the Catholic Sentinel Owl Printery of Astoria, a job printing concern. He still retains his interests in the Signal.

has been moved to the Rothchild

building, Fourth and Washington streets, Portland. ____0i Lawrence Dinneen, a former jour Miss Hattie Brown, for three nalism student of the University, is years cashier in the business office now a corporal in Company L, 162nd of the Astoria Evening Budget, was United States Infantry, at Camp married to James W. Overton, of Mills, Long Island, New York. Astoria, December 2. oi. M. W. Goldman, an expert press Henry Fowler enlisted on Decem man from Portland, has taken the ber 10 in the medical corps in the position as pressman on the Twin army. Mr. Fowler has been associate editor of the Bend Bulletin Falls, Idaho, Times. the past year.

H. T. Hopkins, editor of The Dalles Chronicle, has recovered from an attack of pneumonia, which kept him away from his desk for several weeks.

Joe D. Thomison, editor of the Hood River Glacier, is the proud father of a son, born on November 23. The Toveri (Comrad), a Finnish paper at Astoria, has suspended publication of an English section, and again is circulated solely among the Finnish population. The English section was started in early October during a shipworkers’ strike. The editors of the Finnish paper contended that the English dailies in Astoria did not publish the strike news correctly.

Floyd D. Brown, for some time foreman of the Silverton Tribune, now at San Diego in the aviation department of the U. S. army, has been promoted to sergeant of the first-class. He was the first of the Silverton boys to enlist in the service at the time of the Mexican difficulty, and was transferred to the aviation department a year ago.

The Silverton Tribune and the Silverton Appeal have just installed new linotype machines—the Tribune a No. 5, and the Appeal a Model K. Both machines are busy and the appearance of each paper has been considerably improved.

Ben F. West, one of the pioneer printers of Marion county, now county assessor, has his eye on the secretary of state job to succeed Ben Olcott, and it is more than probable that he will be a candidate.

The Crook County Journal has established a good line of foreign advertising during the year by sending out a rate card with sworn circulation and other items of in

C. D. Babcock, formerly correspondent of the Oregonian at Salem and otherwise known as a newspaper man throughout the state, has been appointed business manager of the Insurance Economics society at Duluth, Minn., at a salary said to be between $4,000 and $5,000 a year. Mr.

Babcock was formerly corporation commissioner of Oregon and a member of the State Industrial Accident commission. He also was active in behalf of the Oregon Blue Sky law, several years ago.

  • 0

J. Willard Shaver, ex-reporter on the Oregonian, now with the Eighteenth Railway Engineers in France, is sporting editor of the Spiker, the only newspaper published by American troops on French soil. Shaver is a former University of Oregon man, and has developed into a ukelele player, according to recent ad vices from “over there.” 0—ii.

J. C. Savage, who two months ago suspended publication of the Coquille Herald, has been employed as timekeeper on the Hauser road contract, being built under the county bond issue plan. Mr. Savage

now resides in North Bend and visits

the print shops whenever he gets


terest, and by going out after the

business. Moi E. H. Flagg, publisher Warrenton







announced his candidacy for state senator from Clatsop county. Mr. Flagg has served in the state legis lature before. ioi

G. L. Drummond, editor of the Glendale News, may locate in Eu gene if he finds it possible to lease his plant in Glendale. During the last part of November he made a tour of Coos county. He also visit ed Eugene.

0 A. B. Shaver, at one time pub lisher of the Newberg Enterprise, has started a job"ofl‘ice in Salem, and announced a few days ago that he expects to establish an independ ent weekly paper in that city soon. He will equip his plant with a large cylinder press. ———o Claude Bristol, for several years city hall man for the Oregon Jour nal of Portland, is taking the ex aminations for service in the avia tion corps. __oi The Morning Astorian is install ing a new Goss Comet perfecting press which will soon be in opera tion.

  • 0

On December 6 the Bend Bulletin began volume two of its daily, which had been in existence exactly one year on that date. 27 A serious fire near the office of the Grants Pass Courier put the electric wires out of business and made it impossible to use the linotype machines during the first part of November. Editor A. E. Voorhies found it necessary to secure help from the Medford papers in getting out his paper.

George Dick blows the bugle down at Fort Stevens, where he is stationed with the Third company of the Coast Artillery. Last year he was mailing clerk of the Eugene Guard. Manly Fuller, formerly connected with the press room of this same paper, is also a member of the Third company.

D. C. Sanderson, editor and publisher of the Freewater Times, has been in poor health for several months and was forced to take a trip to Denver recently for treatment.

Francis Finneran, a journalism student of the University and formerly on the Eugene Guard and the Albany Herald, is another member of the Second company of the Oregon Coast Artillery stationed at Ft. Stevens.

Fred McNeil, for a number of years police court reporter on the

Oregon Journal, is now a member of the



was among those receiving appoint

ments as first lieutenants in the in fantry at the first Presidio. The Bulletin has expressed a very great pride in Lieutenant Wodflen. ioi

Robert Osborn, formerly on the Crook County Journal staff, is a sophomore at Reed College, Port land, this year, and in addition to

being on the Reed College Quest staff is active in other student body

affairs. lo-ii

Ben E. Lampman sprang into fame again recently when his poem “The Fish Story” was bought and printed by the Saturday Evening Post. ii—o-i—

William E. Mahoney, marine ed itor of the Oregonian, a Spanish war veteran, is drilling weekly with one of the Home Guard companies. ii-°___.

. Miss Iley Nunn Cage is a new re porter on the Oregon Journal of Portland and is doing hotels and


tioned at Camp Meade, Maryland. io M. H. Hyde, formerly of the La Grande Observer, is temporarily fill ing in on the copydesk of the Oregon Ian.


Miss Ruth Pettigrew is a fresh man at the Oregon Agricultural College this winter. Miss Petti grew is the daughter of W. M. Pettigrew, editor of the Redmond Spokesman and has been assisting her father in the oflice previous to going to Corvallis. __°___ Fred A. Wodflen, formerly assoc iate editor of the Bend Bulletin,

general assignments.



Walter R. May, assistant city ed itor of the Oregonian, is taking two special courses at Reed College dur ing his “off” hours.