"Pátria" ("Fatherland" in the Portuguese language) is the national anthem of the Democratic Republic of East Timor. It was first used on November 28, 1975 when East Timor unilaterally declared independence from Portugal, shortly before the Indonesian invasion on December 7.

Following Indonesia's withdrawal and the transition to independence under UN administration, it was adopted as the national anthem on independence on May 20, 2002.

The music was composed by Afonso de Araujo, and the words were written by the poet Francisco Borja da Costa, who was killed on the day of the invasion. It is only sung in Portuguese, there is as yet no version in Tetum, the country's national and co-official language.

— Excerpted from Pátria on Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia.
46231PátriaFrancisco Borja da Costa

Portuguese lyrics

Pátria, Pátria, Timor-Leste, nossa Nação.
Glória ao povo e aos heróis da nossa libertação.
Pátria, Pátria, Timor-Leste, nossa Nação.
Glória ao povo e aos heróis da nossa libertação.
Vencemos o colonialismo, gritamos:
abaixo o imperialismo.
Terra livre, povo livre,
não, não, não à exploração.
Avante unidos firmes e decididos.
Na luta contra o imperialismo
o inimigo dos povos, até à vitória final.
Pelo caminho da revolução.

English translation

Fatherland, fatherland, East Timor our Nation
Glory to the people and to the heroes of our liberation
Fatherland, fatherland, East Timor our Nation
Glory to the people and to the heroes of our liberation
We vanquish colonialism, we cry: down with imperialism!
Free land, free people, no, no no to exploitation.
Let us go forward, united, firm and determined
In the struggle against imperialism, the enemy of people,
until final victory, onward to revolution.