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(c)distributes for commercial purposes such a copyright-infringing replication; or

(d)commercially displays in public such a copyright-infringing replication, or orders to be brought or brings into Siam for sale or hire such a copyright-infringing replication;

is declared by His Majesty to be guilty of an offence, for which the punishment shall be a fine of not more than fifty baht for each replication created, but not exceeding five hundred baht per each commercial activity.

Whoever knowingly and brazenly produces or has in possession a plate for production of such a copyright-infringing replication, or knowingly and brazenly causes a copyrighted work to be displayed or performed in public for seeking of profit without the consent of the copyright owner as provided in this Act, is declared by His Majesty to be guilty of an offence, for which the punishment shall be a fine of not more than five hundred baht.

Whoever is convicted by a judgment of repeating an offence within five years when the offence previously and subsequently committed is one provided in this section is declared by His Majesty to be liable to the maximum fine designated therefor.