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Section26.Whoever infringes the provision of paragraph 3 of section 7 or infringes the provision of subsection (3) of section 20 which relates to the indication of the source of a copyrighted work is declared by His Majesty to be guilty of an offence, for which the punishment shall be a fine of not more than five hundred baht.

Section27.As regards a case of copyright infringement according to the provisions of this Chapter, His Majesty declares that it can be instituted only upon complaint from the person aggrieved.

Section28.Subject to the following conditions, His Majesty declares that the provisions of this Act shall apply to literary or artistic works published in a foreign country which is a member of the Copyright Union as if they were first published in the Kingdom, and shall apply to literary and artistic works of the authors who, at the time of producing those literary and artistic works, are subjects, citizens, or residents of a foreign country which is a member of the Copyright Union as if they were subjects, citizens, or residents of the Kingdom of Siam. However,