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Section32.His Majesty requires that this Act be applied also to the literary and artistic works already existing on the day of coming into force of this Act and having not yet fallen into the public domain due to expiry of the protection terms under this Act.

The literary works published in the Kingdom prior to the day of coming into force of this Act and registered under the Authors’ Rights Act, 120 RE and the Act Amending the Authors’ Rights Act, 2457 BE shall, His Majesty declares, enjoy the benefits of the protection terms under the old Acts previously named or under this Act, depending on whichever is the longest.

Section33.As for the affairs considered unlawful by this Act, which have been executed prior to the coming into force of this Act and considered lawful by the law in force at the time of their execution, His Majesty prohibits them from grounding any litigation.

As for the replications considered lawful according to the text of the previous paragraph and still existing when this Act comes into force, His Majesty declares that they may still be distributed.