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Section30.The country of origin of a literary or artistic work shall be as follows:

if the literary or artistic work has not yet been published, the country of origin is the country of the author;

if it has already been published, the country of origin is the country of first publication;

if it is simultaneously published in several countries which are members of the Copyright Union, the country of origin is the country the law of which provides for the shortest term of protection;

if it is simultaneously published in several countries which are members and nonmembers of the Copyright Union, the countries of origin are the countries which are members thereof.

Section31.His Majesty declares that the provisions of this Chapter shall come into force from the day on which His Government accedes to the International Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, done at Berne in September 1886, revised at Berlin on 13 November 1908, and completed by an Additional Protocol signed at Berne on 20 March 1914.