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Volume 107, Issue 187
Special Edition, Page 38
Royal Gazette

26 September 2533

to the adoption of a child before the day of coming into force of this Act.

Section70.The provisions of Book 5 of the Civil and Commercial Code as amended by this Act shall not affect the validity of the engagements, marriages, premarital contracts, status of fathers, mothers, and children, guardianships, and adoption of children which have taken place since before the day of coming into force of this Act, save where this Act otherwise provides.

Section71.As regards all the limitation periods or time periods designated by the provisions of the Civil and Commercial Code since before the day of coming into force of this Act, if they have not yet ended on the day of coming into force of this Act and the newly designated limitation periods or time periods are different from those originally designated, the longer ones shall apply.

General Chatichai Choonhavan
Prime Minister