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Volume 107, Issue 187
Special Edition, Page 39
Royal Gazette

26 September 2533

Note: The reasons for promulgation of this Act are as follows: Since the provisions of Book 5 of the Civil and Commercial Code—which deal with the validity and effects of an engagement, the protection of an insane spouse, the administration of marital property, the separation and consolidation of marital property, the voidness of a marriage, the grounds for divorce, the person to exercise the parental power upon divorce, the presumption of legitimacy of a child, the institution of an action for repudiation of a child, the institution of an action for repudiation of the status of being a legitimate child, the registration of a child, the institution of an action for legitimation of a child, the parental power, custodianships and curatorships, the administration of the property of a minor, the rights and duties of a father, mother, child, guardian, and adopted child—are still not in line with and do not support the social conditions at present, it is appropriate to improve them in order to increase their suitability. It is therefore necessary to enact this Act.