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Volume 141, Number 58A
Page 11
Royal Gazette

24 September 2567

Section1492.Upon separation of the marital property according to section 1484, paragraph 2, section 1491, or section 1598/17, paragraph 2, the separated parts shall become personal property of any spouse, and all the property subsequently acquired by either spouse shall not be deemed marital property but shall become personal property of that spouse, whilst the marital property subsequently acquired by the spouses through a will or written gift according to section 1474(2) shall equally become personal property of each of them.”

Section37.The text of section 1492/1 of the Civil and Commercial Code, which has been amended by the Civil and Commercial Code Amendment Act (No 10), 2533 BE, shall be repealed and replaced by the following text:

Section1492/1.In the event that the marital property has been separated by virtue of a court order, the cancellation thereof shall be possible when either spouse makes a request to a court and the court orders the cancellation. But if the other spouse objects, the court may order the cancellation only when the cause of the separation has already ended.

When the separation of the marital property has been cancelled according to paragraph 1 or it ends because either spouse has been discharged from bankruptcy, the personal property existing on the day the court gave the order or the day of discharge from bankruptcy shall continue to be personal property as before.”

Section38.The text of section 1493 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be repealed and replaced by the following text:

Section1493.In the event that the marital property is no more, the spouses must help each other pay the expenses of the household in proportion to the amount of their respective personal property.”

Section39.The text of paragraph 1 of section 1498 of the Civil and Commercial Code, which has been amended by the Civil and Commercial Code Amendment Act (No 10), 2533 BE, shall be repealed and replaced by the following text:

Section1498.A void marriage creates no relationship between the spouses in regard to property.”

Section40.The text of paragraphs 1 and 2 of section 1499 of the Civil and Commercial Code, which has been amended by the Civil and Commercial Code Amendment Act (No 10), 2533 BE, shall be repealed and replaced by the following text:

Section1499.A marriage which is void because of contravening section 1449, 1450, or 1458 does not cause the person who has entered into it in good faith to lose the rights acquired on its account before a final judgment is given to declare it void.