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Volume 141, Number 58A
Page 12
Royal Gazette

24 September 2567

A marriage which is void because of contravening section 1452 does not cause the person who has entered into it in good faith to lose the rights acquired on its account before he knows of the cause of its voidness. But the said void marriage does not create to any spouse the right to succeed to the inheritance of the other spouse as his statutory heir.”

Section41.The text of paragraph 2 of section 1504 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be repealed and replaced by the following text:

“If no court has ordered annulment of the marriage until both persons attain the age under section 1448 or, in the event that a marriage between a man and woman is concerned, the woman becomes pregnant before attaining the age under section 1448, the marriage shall be deemed to have been valid since the time of the marriage.”

Section42.The text of paragraph 2 of section 1508 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be repealed and replaced by the following text:

“In the event that the person having the right to request annulment of the marriage has been adjudged incompetent by a court, the person who may request a court to adjudge an insane person incompetent according to section 28 shall also be able to request annulment of the marriage. But if the person having the right to request annulment of the marriage is an insane person who has not yet been adjudged incompetent by any court, the said person may request annulment of the marriage but he must request the court to adjudge the insane person incompetent at the same time. In the event that the court dismisses the request for adjudgment of incompetency, the court shall also dismiss his request for annulment of the marriage.”

Section43.The text of paragraph 2 of section 1510 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be repealed and replaced by the following text:

“The right to request annulment of a marriage according to this section shall terminate when the spouse in question attains full twenty years of age or, in the event that a marriage between a man and woman is concerned, the woman becomes pregnant.”

Section44.The text of section 1515 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be repealed and replaced by the following text:

Section1515.When the marriage has been registered in accordance with this Code, divorce by consent shall be valid only after the spouses have it registered.”

Section45.The text of section 1516 of the Civil and Commercial Code, which has been amended by the Civil and Commercial Code Amendment Act (No 16), 2550 BE, shall be repealed and replaced by the following text: