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Volume 141, Number 58A
Page 18
Royal Gazette

24 September 2567

Section59.The text of paragraphs 1 and 2 of section 1545 of the Civil and Commercial Code, which has been amended by the Civil and Commercial Code Amendment Act (No 10), 2533 BE, shall be repealed and replaced by the following text:

Section1545.When a child learns of the fact that he is not a biological child of the man who is the spouse of his mother, the child may request a public prosecutor to institute an action for repudiation of the status of being a legitimate child of that man.

As regards the action under paragraph 1, if the child knows of the fact that he is not a child of the spouse of his mother before attaining majority, the public prosecutor shall not institute it upon the passage of one year from the day the child reaches majority, but if the child knows of the said fact after attaining majority, the public prosecutor shall not institute it upon the passage of one year from the day the child knows of such fact.”

Section60.The text of section 1598/15 of the Civil and Commercial Code, which has been amended by the Civil and Commercial Code Amendment Act (No 10), 2533 BE, shall be repealed and replaced by the following text:

Section1598/15.In the event that a court adjudges either spouse incompetent and the other spouse serves as his custodian, the provisions on the rights and duties of the person exercising the parental power, save the rights under section 1567(2) and (3), shall apply mutatis mutandis.”

Section61.The text of paragraph 1 of section 1598/17 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be repealed and replaced by the following text:

Section1598/17.In the event that a court adjudges either spouse incompetent and finds it inappropriate to appoint the other spouse as the custodian, the court may appoint his father or mother or a third person as the custodian. In this event, the custodian shall jointly administer the marital property with the other spouse. But if there is a significant reason for which injury could be caused to the incompetent person, the court may give a different order.”

Section62.The text of section 1598/38 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be repealed and replaced by the following text:

Section1598/38.Maintenance may be claimed between spouses or between a father, mother, and child whenever the party that should receive maintenance receives no maintenance or receives maintenance which is insufficient for his individual circumstances. The court may grant or refuse to grant this maintenance in any amount, taking into account the ability of the person who has the duty to provide it, the conditions of the person who is to receive it, and the circumstances in the case.”

Section63.The text of (3) of section 1606 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be repealed and replaced by the following text: