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Volume 141, Number 58A
Page 19
Royal Gazette

24 September 2567

“(3)a person who, knowing that the inheritance owner has been killed intentionally, fails to report the matter in order to have the offender punished; but this shall not apply if the person has not yet attained full sixteen years of age or is an insane person incapable of discerning right from wrong, or if the killer is his spouse or direct ascendant or descendant”.

Section64.The text of (1) of section 1625 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be repealed and replaced by the following text:

“(1)the shares in the spousal property shall be governed by the provisions of this Code on divorce by mutual consent, which are supplemented by the provisions of sections 1637 and 1638, and must particularly be governed by sections 1513 through 1517 of this Code, but the shares so determined shall take effect from the day the marriage ends by cause of such death”.

Section65.The text of section 1628 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be repealed and replaced by the following text:

Section1628.The spouses who desert each other or live apart without lawful divorce do not lose the statutory right to succeed to each other’s inheritance.”

Section66.The Civil and Commercial Code amended by this Act shall not apply in the event that a law makes a specific provision for family or succession.

Section67.All the provisions of any law, statute, regulation, rule, ordinance, byelaw, announcement, order, or cabinet resolution which refer to husbands or wives or husbands and wives shall be deemed to also refer to spouses whose marriages are registered according to the Civil and Commercial Code amended by this Act.

The text of paragraph 1 shall not apply in the event that a provision of a law, statute, regulation, rule, ordinance, byelaw, announcement, order, or cabinet resolution otherwise states about the legal rights, duties, or status or any other matters relating to husbands or wives or husbands and wives.

Section68.The state agencies responsible for assessment of achievement according to the law on criteria for the drafting of laws and assessment of achievement of laws shall review the laws under their responsibility which deal with the legal rights, duties, or status or any other matters relating to husbands or wives, husbands and wives, or spouses, in order to support the legal rights, duties, or status or any other relevant matters in favour of the spouses under the Civil and Commercial Code amended by this Act, taking into account the suitability for their gender also.