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Volume 93, Issue 129
Special Edition, Page 50
Royal Gazette

15 October 2519

the man who is the husband of his or her mother, if he or she is not a biological child of the husband of the mother and—

(1)the husband of the mother has died or is deemed to have died after having been declared to have disappeared by a court order and, at the time that he died or is deemed to have died, he still had the right to institute a child repudiation action according to section 1542;

(2)the marriage of the husband of the mother and the mother has ended in divorce, has been annulled by a court judgment, or has been declared void by a court judgment;

(3)the husband of the mother and the mother have not cohabited as husband and wife for more than three years and are not expected to return to live together as husband and wife again; but this shall be inapplicable in the event that the husband of the mother and the mother live apart because of a court order according to section 1462;

(4)the mother has married the man of whom the child is a biological child;