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Volume 93, Issue 129
Special Edition, Page 51
Royal Gazette

15 October 2519

(5)the husband of the mother breaches the duty of a father, thereby causing considerable injury to the child to the extent that entitles the child to repudiate the relationship as a child and father with the husband of the mother;

(6)the husband of the mother commits serious misconduct or lives a dishonourable or immoral life, which is considerable to the extent that entitles the child to repudiate the relationship as a child and father with the husband of the mother; or

(7)the husband of the mother has a serious hereditary disease and there is an appropriate reason to consider that the husband of the mother having such a serious disease would bring considerable injury to the child to the extent that entitles the child to repudiate the relationship as a child and father with the husband of the mother.

In the event under (1), (2), (4), (5), or (6), the action for repudiation of the status of being a legitimate child must be instituted within two years from the day the child knows that he or she is not a biological child of the husband of his or her mother and the child must have already learnt of the fact mentioned in (1), (2), (4), (5), or (6).

Section1546.A child born of a woman who has not married a man shall be deemed to be a legitimate child of such woman.