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Number 53, Volume 64
Special Edition, Page 14
Royal Gazette

9 November 2490

Section46.The Presidents of the Senate and House of Representatives have the duty to carry out the affairs of their respective chambers in accordance with the regulations. The Vice Presidents have the duty to execute the affairs on behalf of their President when the President is absent or unable to perform his duty.

Section47.When the President and Vice Presidents of the Senate or House of Representatives are absent from a meeting, the Members of such chamber shall elect [one amongst] themselves to be the president of that meeting.

Section48.At every meeting of the Senate or House of Representatives, the attendance of not less than one third of the total number of the Members is required for forming a quorum.

Section49.The passage of a resolution for ruling upon a discussed issue shall adhere to the majority of votes as the criterion, save in the matters for which this Constitution has special provisions.

One Member has one vote in voting. If there is a tie in the number of votes, the president of the meeting shall give one additional vote and this shall be a casting vote.