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Issue 30, Volume 63
Royal Gazette

10 May 2489

A ballot marked with a symbol other than that which has been designated or a symbol which is blurry or indistinct that no ruling can be made about it shall be deemed invalid only for the name in question.

Article26.The members of the canvassing commission shall affix their confirming signatures to the vote recording forms which have completely been used in the summing up of the votes.

Article27.After the voting has been closed, the canvassing commission shall count the votes in public. The counting of the votes shall not be adjourned or delayed. It must be done continuously until it is finished at one stretch.

Article28.Once the counting of the votes is finished, the canvassing commission shall promptly report the results of the counting and deliver the boxes containing the ballots, which are closed and locked, to the President of the Organisation for the Election of Members of the Chamber of Elders.

Article29.The Secretary General of the Organisation for the Election of Members of the Chamber of Elders shall announce the election results and report the results to the President of the Organisation for the Election so that they be reported further to the Chamber of Elders and the Government.

This announcement of the election results must promptly be posted up at the Secretariat General of the Organisation for the Election.