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Issue 30, Volume 63
Royal Gazette

10 May 2489

Article30.The first eighty electees with the highest points[1] shall be deemed to have been elected as Members of the Chamber of Elders. In the event of a tie in the points, the names shall be ordered in accordance with the identification numbers received when applying for candidacies, and in the event of a tie in the points of the last persons, the electees with those tied points shall, in the presence of the Secretary General of the Organisation for the Election of Members of the Chamber of Elders, draw lots to decide which of them will be elected.

[As regards] the method of lot drawing, there shall be lots in the same number as the number of the persons whose points are tied, with lots containing a text saying "elected" in any wanted number and the rest being lots containing a text saying "not elected". Whoever draws up a lot with a text saying "elected" shall be elected as a Member of the Chamber of Elders.

Chapter 6
Challenge to the election

Article31.Any candidate who finds that any electee has been unduly elected has the right to file a request of

  1. Literally, "The electees that have most points downwards to the eightieth place".