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my people,” is expressive of condescending goodwill; cf. on אחי,   1Sa 30:23; 2Sa 19:13. What David here says (1Ch 28:3-7) of the temple building, he had in substance already (1Ch 22:7-13) said to his son Solomon: I, it was with my heart, i.e., I purposed (cf. 1Ch 22:7) to build a house of rest for the ark of the covenant of Jahve, and the footstool of the feet of our God, i.e., for the ark and for the capporeth upon it, which is called “footstool of the feet of our God,” because God was enthroned above the cherubim upon the capporeth. “And I have prepared to build,” i.e., prepared labour and materials, 1Ch 22:2-4 and 1Ch 22:14.; on 1Ch 28:3, cf. 1Ch 22:8. - In 1Ch 28:4 David states how his election to be king was of God, who had chosen Judah to be ruler (cf. 1Ch 5:2); and just so (1Ch 28:5, 1Ch 28:6) had God chosen Solomon from among all his many sons to be heir to the throne, and committed to him the building of the temple; cf. 1Ch 22:10. The expression, “throne of the kingdom of Jahve,” and more briefly, “throne of Jahve” (1Ch 29:23, or מלכוּתי, 1Ch 17:14), denotes that Jahve is the true King of Israel, and had chosen Solomon as He had chosen David to be holder and administrator of His kingdom dominion. - On 1Ch 22:6 and 1Ch 22:7, cf. 1Ch 22:10 and 1Ch 17:11.; and with the condition וגו יחזק אם, cf. 1Ki 3:14; 1Ki 9:4, where God imposes an exactly similar condition on Solomon. הזּה כּיּום, as is done at this time; cf. 1Ki 8:61, and the commentary on Deu 2:30. On this speech J. H. Mich. well remarks: “tota haec narratio aptata est ad prospositum Davidis: vult enim Salomoni auctoritatem apud principes et fratres conciliare, ostendendo, non humana, sed divina voluntate electum esse,” To this David adds an exhortation to the whole assembly (1Ch 28:8), and to his son Solomon (1Ch 28:9), to hold fast their faithfulness to God.

Verses 8-10

1Ch 28:8-10 “And now before the eyes of all Israel, of the congregation of Jahve (collected in their representatives), and into the ears of our God (so that God should hear as witness), (scil. I exhort you), observe and seek ... that ye may possess (that is, keep as possession) the good land (cf. Deu 4:21.), and leave it to your sons after you for an inheritance” (cf. Lev 25:46). - In 1Ch 28:9 he turns to his son Solomon in particular with the fatherly exhortation, “My son, know thou the God of thy father (i.e., of David, who has ever helped him, Psa 18:3), and serve Him with whole (undivided) heart (1Ch 29:9, 1Ch 29:19; 1Ki 8:61) and willing soul.” To strengthen this exhortation, David reminds him of the omniscience of God. Jahve seeks, i.e., searches, all