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hearts and knows all the imagination of the thoughts; cf. Psa 7:10; 1Sa 16:7; Jer 11:20; Psa 139:1. מחשׁבות יצר as in Gen 6:5. With the last clauses cf. Deu 4:29; Isa 55:6, etc. יזניח, only here and 2Ch 11:14; 2Ch 29:19. - With 1Ch 28:10 the discourse turns to the building of the temple. The exhortation ועשׂה חזק is interrupted by the giving over of the sketches and plans of the temple, and is taken up again only in 1Ch 28:20.

Verse 11

1Ch 28:11The sketches and plans of the sacred buildings and vessels. - The enumeration begins in 1Ch 28:11 with the temple house, progressing from outside to inside, and in 1Ch 28:12 goes on to the courts and the buildings in them, and in 1Ch 28:13. to the vessels, etc. תּבנית, model, pattern; cf. Exo 25:9; here the sketches and drawings of the individual things. ואת־בּתּיו is a contraction for בּתּיו ועת־תּבנית, and the suffix refers, as the succeeding words show, not to העוּלם, but to הבּית, which may be easily supplied from the context (1Ch 28:10). In the porch there were no houses. The בּתּים are the buildings of the temple house, viz., the holy place and the most holy, with the three-storeyed side-building, which are specified in the following words. גּנזכּיו occurs only here, but is related to גּנזים, Est 3:9; Est 4:7; Eze 27:24, and to the Chald. גּנזין, Ezr 7:20, and signifies store and treasure chambers, for which the chambers of the three-storeyed side-building served. עליּות are the upper chambers over the most holy place, 2Ch 3:9; הפּנימים חדריו are the inner rooms of the porch and of the holy place, since הכּפּרת בּית, the house of the ark with the mercy-seat, i.e., the most holy place, is mentioned immediately after.

Verse 12

And the pattern, i.e., the description of all that was in the spirit with him, i.e., what his spirit had designed, לחצרות, as to the courts. סביב לכל־הלּשׁכות, in reference to all the chambers round about, i.e., to all the rooms on the four sides of the courts. לאצרות, for the treasures of the house of God; see on 1Ch 26:20.

Verses 13-16

1Ch 28:13-16 הך וּלמחלקות (continuation of לאצרות), “and for the divisions of the priests and Levites, and for all the work of the service, and for all vessels,” - for for all these purposes, viz., for the sojourn of the priests and Levites in the service, as well as for the performance of the necessary works, e.g., preparation of the shew-bread, cooking of the sacrificial flesh, holding of the sacrificial meals, and for the storing of the vessels necessary for these purposes, the cells and building of the courts were set apart. - With 1Ch 28:14 begins the enumeration of the vessels. לזּהב is co-ordinate with לכל־הלּשׁכות...לחצרות, 1Ch 28:12 :