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to know, beleeve, and obey; and therefore is called not onely a Prophet and ba Doctor, and the Apoftle of our profeffion, and the Angel of the Covenant; but alfo the very ewifdome of God, and the treafures of wifdome and understanding.

Matth. 23. 10. Heb. 3. 1. 4Mal.3.1. e1 Cor. 1. 24. f Col. 2. 3


That he might be fuch a Prophet as thereby to be every way compleat, it was neceffary that he should beeGod, and withall alfo that he should be man; for unleffe hee had been God, he could never have perfectly understood the will of God, b neither had he been able to reveale it throughout all ages; and unleffe hee had been man, hee could not fitly have unfolded it in his own perfon to man.

aloh.1.18.& 3.13. 61 Cor.2.11.16. A&ts 3.22. with Deut.18.15. Heb. 1.1.


Touching his Priesthood, Chrift being confecrated, hath appeared once to put away finne by the offering and facrifice of himfelf, and to this end hath fully performed and fuffered all thofe things by which God, through the blood of that his Croffe in an acceptable facrifice, might reconcile his elect onely;" and having broken downe the partition wall,and therwith finished & removed all thofe Rites, Shadowes, and Ceremonies, is now entred within the Vaile, into the Holy of Holieft, that is, to the very Heavens, and prefence of God, where he for ever liveth and fitteth at the right hand of Majefty, appearing before the face of his Father to make interceffion for fuch as come to the Throne of Grace by that new and living way; and not that onely, but makes his people a fpirituall Houfe, an holy Priefthood, to offer up fpirituall facri-

Ioh. 17-19. Heb.5.7, 8, 9.& 9.25. Rom 5.19. Ephef. 5.12. Col. 1.20, Eph.2.14,15, 16. Rom, 8.34- Pet.2.5. Ioh.4.13.24