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fice acceptable to God through him; neither doth the Father accept, or Chrift offer to the Father any other worship or worshippers.


This Priefthood was not legall, or temporary, but according to the order of Melchifedec; b not by a carnall commandement, but by the power of an endleffe life; not by an order that is weak and lame, but ftable and perfect;not for ad time, but for ever, admitting no fucceffor, but perpetuall and proper to Chrift,and of him that ever liveth.Chrift himfelfe was the Priest, Sacrifice and Altar: he was Prieft, according to both natures, hee was a facrifice moft properly according to his humane nature: whence in the Scripture it is wont to be attributed to his body,to his blood; yet the chiefe force whereby this facrifice was made effectuall, did depend upon his divine nature, namely, that the Sonne of God did offer himfelfe for us: he was the Altar properly according to his divine nature, it belonging to the Altar to fanctifie that which is offered upon it, and fo it ought to be of greater dignity then the Sacrifice it felfe.

Heb. 7.17. Heby. 16. cHeb. 7. 18,19, 20, 21. Heb.7.34,25 Heb.5.6 fHeb.10. 10. 1Pet. 1.18,19. Col. 1.30, 23. Efa. 53-10 Matth.10.18. g A&t. 20. 23. Rom. 8.3. h Heb. 9. 14. & 13. 10,12,15. Matth.23.17 Ioh.17.19


Touching his Kingdome, Chrift being rifen from the dead, afcended into heaven, fat on the right hand of God the Father, having all power in heaven and earth, given unto him, he doth fpiritually govern his Church, exercifing his power over all Angels and Men, good and bad, to the prefervation and falvation of the elect,to the overruling and deftruction of his enemies, which are the Re-

41 Cor.15.4 1Pet.3.11,23. Matth.18.18,19 20. Luke 34.51. Ads 1 11.& 5. 30,31. John 19.36. Rom.14.17. 6 Mark 1. 17. Heb. 1.14 John 16-7,15.