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probates, communicating and applying the benefits, vertue, and fruit of his Prophefie and Priesthood to his elect, namely, to the fubduing and taking away of their finnes, to their juftification and adoption of Sonnes, regeneration, fanctification, prefervation and ftrengthening in all their conflicts again ft Satan, the World, the Flesh, and the temptations of them,continually dwelling in,governing and keeping their hearts in faith and filiall feare by his Spirit, which having given it, he never takes away from them, but by it ftill begets and nourisheth in them faith, repentance, love, joy, hope, and all heavenly light in the foule unto immortality, notwithstanding through our own unbeliefe,and the temptations of Satan, the fenfible fight of this light and love be clouded and overwhelmed for the time. And on the contrary, ruling in the world over his enemies, Satan,and all the veffels of wrath, limiting,ufing,reftraining them by his mighty power,as feems good in his divine wifdom: & juftice to the execution of his determinate counfell, delivering them up to a reprobate mind,to be kept through their own deferts,in darkneffe and fenfuality unto judgement.

John 5.26,27. Rom.5.6,7,8.& 34.17. Gal.5.22, 23. John 1.4513 d John 13.4.& 10. 28,29. & 14. 36,17. Rom. 11.29. Plal. 51.10,11. Job. 33.29.30. Cor. 127, 9 Job 1. and 2. Chap. Rom.1.21. & 2.456.&9. 17,18. Eph. 4.'17,18. 2 Pet. 3. chap.


This Kingdome fhall be then fully perfected when hee fhall the fecond time come in glory to reigne amongſt his Saints, and to be admired of all them which doe beleeve, when he shall put downe all rule and authority under his feet, that the glory of the Father may be full and perfectly manifefted in his Sonne, and the glory of the Father and the Sonne in all his members.

1 Cor.15.24,28. Heb. 9.28. a Theff.1.9.10. Theff.15,16, 17. John 17.21, 26.