Page:1644 Anabaptist Confession of Faith.djvu/13

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That Chrift Jefus by his death did bring forth falvation and reconciliation onely for the [1] elect, which were thofe which [2] God the Father gave him;& that the Gofpel which is to be preached to all men as the ground of faith, is,that [3] Iefus is the Chrift, the Sonne of the ever-bleffed God, filled with the perfection of all heavenly and fpirituall excellencies, and that falvation is onely and alone to be had through the beleeving in his Name.


That Faith is the [4] gift of God wrought in the hearts of the elect by the Spirit of God, whereby they come to fee, know,and beleeve the truth of [5] the Scriptures, & not onely fo, but the excellencie of them above all other writings and things in the world, as they hold forth the glory of God in his attributes, the excellency of Chrift in his nature and offices, and the power of the fulneffe of the Spirit in its workings and operations; and thereupon are inabled to caft the weight of their foules upon this truth thus beleeved.


Thofe that have this pretious faith wrought in them by the Spirit, can never finally nor totally fall away, and though many ftormes and floods do arife and beat againft them, yet they fhall never be able to take them off that foundation and rock which by faith they are faftened upon, but shall be kept by the power of God to falvation,

Matth.7.34,25. Iohn 15.1. 1 Pet.1.4, 5G. Efa. 49. 13,14-1 15,16.

  1. John 15.13.
    Rom. 8. 32, 33; 34.
    Rom. 5. 11, & 3. 25.
  2. Job. 17. 2. with 6, 37.
  3. Matth. 16. 16.
    Luke 2. 26.
    Ioh. 6. 69. & 7. 3. & 20. 31.
    1 Iohn 5. 11.
  4. Eph. 2. 3.
    Ioh. 6. 29. & 4. 10.
    Phil. 1. 29.
    Gal. 5. 23.
  5. Ioh. 17. 17.
    Heb. 4. 11, 12.
    Iohn 6. 63.