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where they fhall enjoy their purchafed poffeffion, they being formerly engraven upon the palms of Gods hands.


That faith is ordinarily a begot by the preaching of the Gofpel, or word of Chrift, without refpect to bany power or capacitie in the creature, but it is wholly paffive, being dead in finnes and trefpaffes, doth beleeve, and is converted by no leffe power, then that which raifed Chrift from the dead.

aRom.10.17. I Cor. 1. 21. b Rom. 9.16. Rom, 2, 1, 2. Ezek. 16.6. Rom. 3. 12. dRom. 1. 16, Eph. 1.19. Col. 2.12.


That the tenders of the Gofpel to the converfion of finners, a is abfolutely free,no way requiring,as abfolutely neceffary, any qualifications, preparations, terrors of the Law, or preceding Miniftery of the Law, but onely and alone the naked foule, as ab finner and ungodly to receive Chrift, as crucified, dead, and buried, and rifen againe, being made a Prince and a Saviour for fuch finners.

aloh.3.14,15 & 1.12. Efa. 55. 1. loh.7.37. b1 Tim.1.15. Rom. 4.5. & 5.8. CA&.5.30,31 & 2. 36. I Cor.1,22, 23,34


That the fame power that converts to faith in Chrift, the fame power carries on the foule ftill through all duties, temptations, conflicts, fufferings, and continually what ever a Chriftian is, he is by bgrace, and by a conftant renewed operation from God, without which he cannot performe any dutie to God, or undergoe any temptations from Satan, the world, or men.

a I Pet. 1. 5. 2 Cor. 12.9. 61 Cor.15.10 c Phil. 2.12,13 Joh. 15. 5. Gal.2,19,20,


That God the Father, and Sonne, and Spirit, is one