Page:1751 A collection of all the public acts of Assembly, of the province of North-Carolina now in force and use.pdf/359

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A TABLE of the Titles of the ACTS.


Chap.3An Act to impower the Justices of Beaufort County, to build Two substantial Warehouses, at the Places hereafter mentioned, in the said County, for the Use and Conveniency of the Inhabitants paying their Taxes and Levies,182
Chap.4An Act, to ascertain what Attornies Fees shall be taxed and allowed, in any Suit or Action, brought in any of the Courts of Record in this Province,182
Chap.6An Act, for making and clearing a Highway from Edenton, into the Road leading over Mr. Hoskins's Mill-Dam, towards Pequimons Court-house, and for erecting Bridges in such Road, and also another Gate at Edenton,184
Chap.7An Act, for erecting a Court-house, Prison, and Stocks, in Bertie County, and for laying a Tax upon the Inhabitants of the said County for defraying the Charges thereof,185

ACTS passed 1745.

Chap.2An additional Act to an Act, intituled, An Act, for appointing Sherifs in the Room of Marshals of this Province, for prescribing the Method of appointing them, and limitting the Time of their Continuance in Office, and directing their Duty therein; and for abolishing the Office of Provost-Marshal of this Province; and for altering the Names of the Precincts into Counties,187
Chap.3An additional Act to an Act, intituled, An Act, to prevent killing Deer at unseasonable Times, and for putting a Stop to many Abuses committed by white Persons, under Pretence of hunting,188
Chap.4An Act, to repeal an Act passed at at Wilmington, in the Year of our Lord, 1741, intituled, An Act to establish Ports, or Places of Delivery of Merchandises, imported in, and exported out of this Province; and to prevent the clandestiine running of unaccustomed Goods in the several Ports thereof,190
Chap.5An Act, for impowering the several Commissioners herein after named, to make, mend, and repair all Roads, Bridges, Cuts, and Water-courses, already laid out, or hereafter to be laid out, in the several Counties and Districts herein after appointed, in such Manner as they judge most useful to the Public,190
Chap.6An Act, for erecting a Fortification on the lower Part of Cape-Fear River, for applying thereto the Powder-Money already arisen, or which shall arise, by Shipping coming into the Port of Brunswick,199
Chap.7An Act, to appoint Commissioners in the Place and Stead of those deceased, to compleat and finish the Church at Newbern, and for adding the present Churchwardens and Vestrymen to the said Commissioners; and for impowering the said Commissioners, Churchwardens, and Vestrymen, to call the former Commissioners to Account, for all the Monies by them received, for the Use of the said Church, and to appropriate it to the Purpose aforesaid, and, in Case of Insufficiency, to lay a Levy to accomplish the same,201
Chap.8An Act, to add that Part of the Province called Mattamuskeet, and Lake, to Hyde County,202
Chap.9An Act, to impower the Commissioners for the Town of Edenton, to keep in Repair the Town Fence, and to erect and build a Pound, Bridges, and Public Wharf, and Market-house; as also to erect and build a School-house in the said Town, and other Purposes therein mentioned,203
Chap.10 An Act, for the better regulating the Town of Wilmington, and for confirming and establishing the late Survey of the same, with the Plan annexed,204
Chap.11 An Act, for fencing the Town of Bath, and re-surveying the Common belonging to the said Town, and exempting the Inhabitants from working on the Main Road; and to give Liberty to the Innabitants to build and improve the Front or Water Lots, and to appoint Commissioners for the Purposes aforesaid,208
Chap.12 An Act, to encourage Percons to cettle in the Town of Brunswick, on the Southwest Side of Cape-Fear River,210