Page:1889 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.djvu/101

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each lot or pareel of land upon which such special assessment has not been paid its just proportion of the amount remaining unpaid per front foot, which assessment shall be and remain а lien upon the respective lots and parcels of land so assessed.

§ 4. Publication of roll.] After said assessment provided for in Section three shall have been made and approved by the City Council, the City Clerk or Auditor shall forthwith make an assessment roll describing the property so assessed, with the name of the owner if known, and the amount assessed to each lot or parcel of land as approved by the City Council, and attach thereto a copy of the resolution of the City Council approviug of the same, and certify that the same is correct, and shall file the same with the City Treasurer for collection. The City Treasurer shall forthwith publish said list three successive weeks, at least once in each week, in a newspaper published in said city, together with a notice that said assessments will become delinquent if the same are not paid within thirty days after the date of the first publication, together with a notice that a penalty of ten per cent. will be added thereto alter they become delinquent.

§ 5. Interest and collection.] All such assessments from and after becoming delinquent shall draw interest at the same rate from the date of such delingency, as delinquent taxes under the laws of the Territory, and the City Treasurer shall proceed. to collect the same, if he cannot make the tax by distress, and sale of personal property in the manner and as prescribed in Sections twenty-five to thirty-seven inclusive in Article fifteen, Chapter seventy-three, of the General Laws of 1887.

§ 6. Effect-when.] This act shall take effect and be in force on and after its passage and approval.

Approved, March 8, 1889.



AN ACT to Authorize Cities Having the Requisite Number of Inhabitants to Extend Their Corporate Limits.

Be it Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Dakota:

§ 1. ExTENSION OF LIMITS.] Any city in the Territory of Dakota having not less than three thousand inhabitants may so extend its boundaries as to increase the territory within the corporate limits, not to exceed one-fourth its present area by a resolution of the city council, passed by two-thirds of the entire council elect, particularly