Page:1889 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.djvu/102

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describing the land proposed to be included within the city limits, setting forth the boundaries and describing the lands platted by blocks and lots.

§ 2. Publication of resolution.] The resolution of the city council shall be published in the official newspaper in the city for three successive weeks, and unlessa written protest signed by a majority of the property owners of said proposed extension be filed with the city clerk or auditor within ten days after the last publication of such resolution. the territory described in the resolution shall be included within and become a part of the corporation of said city.

§ 3. Plat filed.] When the city limits of any city have been extended, as provided by this act, the mayor shall forthwith cause to be filed in the office of the register of deeds in the county wherein said city is located a plat showing the corporate limits and boundaries of the city.

§ 4. Effect-when.| This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval.

Approved March 8th, 1887.



AN ACT Amending Chapter Seventy-three of the General Laws of 1887, in Regard to the Incorporating of Cities.

Be it Enseted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Dakota:

§ 1. Stricken out.] That chapter seventy-three of the general laws of 1887 be amended as follows: All of section four of article two is stricken out.

§ 2. Presiding officers.] Section ten of article three be amended to read as follows: It shall at [the] first regular meeting after the annual election in each year, proceed to elect from one of its own members a president and vice-president, who shall hold their respective offices for the municipal year. The president of the council shall, in the absence of the mayor, be presiding officer of the council and shall, during the absence of the mayor from the city or his temporary disability, be acting mayor and shall possess all the powers of the mayor. Inthe absence or disability of the mayor and president of the council then the vice-president shall perform the duties of the mayor and president of the council.

§ 3. Officers.] Sectiononeof article five is amended to read as follows: There shall be elected in all cities organized under this act the following officers: A mayor, two aldermen from each ward, a city treasurer, police justice and city justice of the peace.