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BARNSLEY — BARODA drew to his estate of Dorlestone (or Darlaston), in the compared with an increase of 11 per cent, in the preceding county of Stafford, a house romantically situated on the decade. The last Gaekwar, Mulhar Rao, was deposed in 1875 for river Trent, where he henceforth resided as a country gentleman. In 1605 he reprinted his Lady Pecunia, and gross misgovernment; but the widow of his brother and this was his latest appearance as a man of letters. His predecessor, Khande Rao, was permitted to adopt an heir son Robert Barnfield and his cousin Elinor Skrymsher from among the descendants of the founder of the family. were his executors when his will was proved at Lichfield , This heir, by name Sayaji Rao, then a boy of twelve years, his wife, therefore, doubtless predeceased him. Barnfield was educated by an English tutor, the administration being died at Dorlestone Hall, and was buried in the neighbour- meanwhile placed for eight years under the charge of the ing parish church of St Michael’s, Stone, on the 6th of late Sir Madhava Rao, formerly Diwan of Travancore, one of March 1627. The labours of Dr Grosart and of Professor the ablest and most enlightened of Indian statesmen. I he Arber have thrown much light on the circumstances of result was a conspicuous success. The Gaekwar has been a Barnfield’s career. He has taken of late years a far more model prince, and his territories are as well governed and prominent place than ever before in the history of English prosperous as a British district. He has repeatedly visited literature. This is due partly to the remarkable merit of Europe in company with his wife. In 1887 the Queenhis graceful, melodious, and highly-coloured verse, which Empress conferred upon him at Windsor the insignia of was practically unknown until it was privately printed in G.C.S.I., and in 1892 upon his wife the Imperial order of 1876 (Grosart), and at length given to the public in 1882 the Crown of India. In 1894-95 the gross revenueamountedtoRs. 1,68,14,810, (Arber). It is also due to the mysterious personal relation of Barnfield to Shakespeare, a relation not easy to prove or more than a million sterling. The total expenditure in detail, as it is built up on a great variety of small was Rs.1,62,36,227. The amount of silver coined in indications. It is, however, obvious that Barnfield warmly 1894-95 was Rs.31,80,000; but in 1901 the state admired Shakespeare, whose earliest imitator he may be said currency of Babashai rupees was withdrawn, and the to have been, and that between 1595 and 1600 the younger British rupee was introduced. The regular military poet was so close to the elder that the compositions of the force consists of 1 field battery, 4 regiments of cavalry, former could be confused with those of the latter. Barn- and 5 battalions of infantry : total strength, 5000 men, field died, as a poet, in his twenty-fifth year. Up to that of whom 13 are Europeans. In addition, there is an time he had displayed a talent which, if he had pursued irregular force of 2000 horse and 1800 foot. The police it, might have placed him very high among the English numbers 4304 men, being 1 for every 547 of the population. poets. As it is, he will always interest a certain number In 1897-98 the total number of vernacular schools was of readers as being, in his languid “ Italianate ” way, a 1356, attended by 78,101 boys and 14,892 girls. The sort of ineffectual Meleager in the rich Elizabethan proportion of boys at school to those of school-going age is 42 per cent., compared with 27 per cent, for the Bombay anthology. (E-G-) presidency ; and the proportion of girls 7‘2 per cent., comBarnsley, or Black (more properly Bleak) Barnsley, pared with 4-2 per cent. For a few years compulsory a municipal borough in the Barnsley parliamentary divi- education has been enforced in 30 villages of the Amreli sion of Yorkshire, England, 15 miles N. of Sheffield. The division with apparent success, the compulsory age being borough received a separate commission of the peace in 1895. 7 to 12 for boys and 7 to 10 for girls. Special measures Modern erections are a church, a new court-house, a public are also adopted for the education of low castes and hall, an institute, and a free library (cost about £27,000). aboriginal tribes. There is a female training college The hospital has been enlarged. Area, 2386 acres ; popu- under a Christian lady superintendent. In 1894-95 the lation (1881), 29,790; (1891), 35,427; (1901), 41,083. Baroda college was attended by 164 students. There were 2 high schools, 13 Anglo-vernacular schools, and 5 Barnstaple, a municipal borough, port, and aided with a total of 5334 pupils, of whom 51 market town, in the Barnstaple parliamentary division passed schools, the matriculation. The Kala Bhavan, or technical (since 1885) of Devonshire, England, on the Taw, 6 miles with departments for drawing, carpentry, dyeing, from its mouth, and 40 miles N.W. of Exeter by rail. school, weaving, and agriculture, was attended by 139 students. The ancient church of St Peter and St Paul has been There is also a state museum under a European director, restored, that of St John the Baptist enlarged, and the and a state library of about 6000 volumes. The number infirmary twice extended. Registered shipping in 1900, hospitals and dispensaries is 51, which were attended 43 vessels of 1915 tons; in 1899, 3202 vessels of 212,873 of in 1894-95 indoor and 339,844 outdoor patients. tons entered, and 3167 of 210,822 tons cleared. Area Portions of bythe5837 state are crossed by the Bombay and of municipal borough, 1837 acres. Population (1881), Baroda and the Rajputana railways. In addition, the 12,282; (1891), 13,058; (1900), 14,137. state has constructed three railways of its own, on three Baro River. See Nile. different gauges : total length, 177 miles. Other railways Baroda, a native state of India, within the Gujarat are in contemplation. The state supports a cotton mill, province of Bombay, but in direct relations with the with 260 looms and 12,734 spindles, employing 600 hands. governor-general. It consists of four isolated divisions, Baroda has suffered considerably from the plague, the total each of which is surrounded by British territory or by other number of deaths down to July 1897 having been 2950; native states. Three of these—Kari, Baroda, and Nausari and also from the famine of 1899-1900, the persons in —are in Gujarat proper; the fourth, Amreli with Okha- receipt of relief averaging about 60,000 a month. The city of Baroda is situated in 22° 17' N. lat. and mandal, is in the peninsula of Kathiawar. The total area 73° 16' E. long., on the river Yiswamitri, a station on the covers 8226 square miles. In 1881 the population was 2,185,005; in 1891 it was 2,415,346, giving an average Bombay and Baroda railway, 247 miles north of Bombay. density of 294 persons per square mile, compared with The population in 1881 was 106,512; in 1891 it was 301 for the Gujarat division of Bombay. Classified 116,420; and in 1901 it was 103,782. The municipal according to religion, Hindus numbered 2,137,568 ; area is about 8 square miles, giving a density of 14,059 Mahommedans, 188,740; Jains, 50,332; Parsis, 8206; persons per square mile. The municipal expenditure in Christians, 646 ; aborigines, 29,854. In 1901 the popu- 1894-95 was Rs.2,69,273, almost entirely contributed by lation was 1,950,927, showing a decrease of 19 per cent, the state. The whole aspect of the city has been