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1881 and 1891 was 4-3 per cent. Between 1881 and 1891 the nought; but subsequently, on retiring from active work excess of births over deaths was 688, and the increase of the resiin this capacity with the highest reputation, he devoted dent population 747. The following table gives particulars of births, deaths, and marriages in 1880, 1890, and 1899 :— himself to the study of biology. Sir William MacCormac, in his volume on the Centenary of the College of Surgeons Percentage of Year. Deaths. Marriages. Births. Illegitimate. (1900), declared that the progress of biology and anthropology in the 19th century must ever be connected to a 7-0 471 93 353 1880 6-20 387 large extent with the name of Busk. From 1856 to 1859 85 370 1890 5-7 388 105 341 1899 he was Hunterian professor of Comparative Anatomy and Physiology, and after occupying other important posts in The birth-rate and marriage-rate are below, and the death-rate is the Royal College of Surgeons he became president in above, the rates for Scotland. The following table gives the birth1871. He was a fellow of all the principal scientific rate, death-rate, and marriage-rate per thousand of the population societies, and president of several; and he received the for a series of years :— — Royal Society’s Royal medal and the Geological Society’s 1880. 1881-90. 1890. 1891-98. 1899. Wollaston and Lyall medals. Among his literary con26-79 24-25 21-10 20-39 20-43 Birth-rate . tributions the most notable were his valuable papers on 20-08 20-43 20-17 18-57 17-95 Death-rate . Extinct Elephants in Malta, and Teeth of Ungulates; 5-29 4-73 4-63 4-44 5-53 Marriage-rate and he was joint translator of Kolliker’s Manual of Histology, and Wall’s Rudiments of Pathological Histology. The number of Gaelic-speaking persons in the county in 1891 was He was also first Government inspector under the Vivi- 3482 of whom 29 spoke Gaelic only, and there were 7 foreigners. in 1889-90, £67,821 ; 1899-1900, £74,489. section Act, and held the post till 1885, performing its Valuation Administration.—The county returns a member to parliament. duties with conspicuous tact and impartiality. He was Rothesay (9323) is the only royal burgh, but its constituency is a patient and cautious investigator, full of knowledge, and merged in that of the county. There are 6 civil parishes formunaffectedly simple in character. He died on 12th ing the Bute Combination, and the number of paupers and dependants in September 1899 was 323. Bute forms a sheriffdom with August 1886. Renfrewshire, and there is a resident sheriff-substitute at Rothesay, Busken-Huet, Conrad (1826-1886), Dutch who sits also at Millport and Brodick periodically. _ Education.—Six. school boards manage 20 schools, with an literary critic, was born at the Hague on the 28th attendance of 2277 in 1898-99, and there is one Roman December 1826. He was trained for the Church, and, average Catholic school with an average attendance of 172. The only after studying at Geneva and Lausanne, was appointed secondary school is Rothesay Academy. The county council subpastor of the Walloon Chapel in Haarlem in 18ol. In sidizes technical education in agriculture both at Glasgow and at and supports itinerant lecturers on the subject. 1863 conscientious scruples obliged him to resign his Kilmarnock, Agriculture.—In 1898, 18-3 per cent, of the land was under culcharge, and Busken-Huet, after attempting journalism, tivation

3806 acres were under wood m 1895. Oats are the

went out to Java in 1868 as the editor of a newspaper. staple corn crop, and potatoes are grown on a considerable scale. Before this time, however, he had began his career as^a The following table gives the principal acreages at intervals of live polemical man of letters, although it was not until 1872 years from 1880 :— that he was made famous by the first series of his Literary Green under Corn Clover. Permanent Pasture. Fallow Year. Area Crops. Crops. Crops. Fantasies, a title under which he gradually gathered in 26 10,206 successive volumes all that was most durable in his woik 6284 2904 5794 1880 25,214 49 10,357 6651 2656 5402 as a critic. His one novel, Lidewijde, was written under 1885 25,115 5,991 134 9460 2484 5406 1890 25,513 strong French influences. Returning from the East Indies, 8,763 116 8662 2606 5395 1895 25,605 Busken-Huet settled for the remainder of his life in Pans, 96 9,407 8305 2614 5223 25,728 1899 where he died in April 1886. For the last quarter of a century he had been the acknowledged dictator in all The following table gives particulars of the live stock during the questions of Dutch literary taste. Perfectly honest, desirous same years:— x to be sympathetic, widely read, and devoid of all sectarian Cows or Total Total Heifers in Sheep. Pigs. Year. Horses. obstinacy, Busken-Huet introduced into Holland the light Cattle. Milk or Calf. and air of Europe. He made it his business to break 42,425 620 3230 7652 down the narrow prejudices and the still narrower self1880 1177 40,343 859 3343 8454 1885 1073 satisfaction of his countrymen, without endangering his 50,449 906 3683 9347 1890 1251 influence by a mere effusion of paradox. _ He was a 49,219 887 3838 9539 1895 1443 47,897 621 brilliant writer, who would have been admired in any 3857 9751 1899 1277 language, but whose appearance in a literature so stiff and At the date of the last return there were 604 holdings in the dead as that of Holland in the ’fifties was dazzling enough of an average size of 42 acres; 17-05 per cent, did not to produce a sort of awe and stupefaction. The post- county, exceed 5 acres, 61-76 per cent, were between 5 and 50 acres and humous correspondence of Busken-Huet has been pub- 21-19 above 50. There were 51 farms between 50 and 100 acres, lished, and adds to our impression of the vitality and 68 between 100 and 300, only 7 between 300 and 500, and 2 above 500. According to the census of 1891 there were 1395 men and versatility of his mind. (E- G-) 141 women in the county engaged in agriculture. _ Bussa. See Nigeria. Industries and Trade.—Seed-growing is an extensive and growindustry, and the only other industry is fishing. The RotheBUte, an insular county of S.W. Scotland, situated ing say fisherv district includes all the creeks of Bute and a few m in the Firth of Clyde, between Ayrshire on the E. and Argyll and Dumbarton, while the Cumbraes are included in the Argyllshire on the N. and W. There are seven islands Greenock district. The following table gives particulars of the Bute, Arran, the two Cumbraes, Holy Isle, Pladda, and Rothesay district:— Inchmarnock. Resident Boats. Value of Fishermen Gear. Area and Population—kccoxAmg to the last official estimate, the and Boys. Value. No. Tons. area of the county is 140,307 acres, or about 220 square miles (of £17,288 430 £6353 the island of Arran alone, 163 square miles). The population was 1890 232 912 £4213 6,113 268 3169 3262 in 1881 17 666 ; in 1891, 18,404, of whom 8211 were males and 1898 228 532 8,605 298 3102 3241 10 193 females ; in 1901 it was 18,786. Taking the land area only 1899 226 529 (139 432 acres, or 217-9 square miles), the number of persons per square mile in 1891 was 84, and the number of acres to the person The herring fishing begins in June, and white fishing is prose 7-6 In the registration county the increase of population between