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CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN — CAMPEACHY 523 preferred in England to the peculiarly English system with the general assent of his party, but in circumstances of ringing bells in peal; by which, whatever its diffi- winch hardly made it a bed of roses. Wealthy, popular, culties, the musical sound of bells is most fully brought and possessed of a vein of oratorical humour, Sir Henry out, and their scientific construction best stimulated. Lamp bell-Bannerman had earned, before his somewhat 7. The literature of campanology consists chiefly of embarrassing elevation to the leadership, the general scattered treatises or pamphlets upon the technique of respect of all parties; and in 1895, when Mr Speaker different methods of change-ringing, or upon the bells Peel retired, he was marked out in the opinion of a large of particular counties or districts. The earliest that deal P ltlC ianS for the with the science and art of change-ringing are Cam- stood ?t' Speakership, butofit the wasOpposiunder1 that,°!he declined to stand. As leader panalogia, or the Art of Ringing Improved (1677), and tion m the House of Commons from 1899 onwards, Sir a chapter of “Advice to a Ringer” in the School of Henry had a difficult task to perform, and he interpreted Recreations, or Gentleman’s Tutor (1684), showing that his duty as chiefly consisting in the effort to keep the in its early days (§ 6), campanology was a fashionable Radical party together in the midst of pronounced differpastime. Then follow Campanalogia, or the Art of ences. In. the case of the South African war, however, Ringing made Easy (Monk, 1766), Claris Campana- his opposition to the Government was combined with a logia, a Key to Ringing (1788), and Shipway’s Cam- distinct tendency to favour the anti-war section. The panalogia (1816). The revival of change-ringing in result was that in 1901 the Liberal Imperialists showed recent years has produced many manuals : e.g., Snowdon’s signs of restiveness; but at a party meeting on 9th July 1901 Rope-Sight' (explaining the “ Plain Bob ” method), Grand- Sir Henry was unanimously confirmed in the leadership. sire, Treatise on Treble Rob, Double Norwich Court Rob Major, and Standard Methods (with a book of diagrams); Campbellton, an incorporated town in RistiTroyte on Change-Ringing'; The Duffield Method, by Sir gouche county, New Brunswick, situated on the Ristigouche A. P. Heywood, Bart., its inventor. Somewhat prior to river, 15 miles from its mouth. The Intercolonial railway these are various works by the Rev. H. T. Ellacombe, passes through it, and it is the eastern terminus of the inventor of a chiming apparatus which bears his name* Ristigouche and Victoria railway. It contains 5 churches, and a pioneer in belfry reform. Among these are accounts -j branch banks, 2 newspapers, a good water system, several of the church bells of Devon, Somerset, and Gloucester, and large saw-mills and factories for the manufacture of lumber pamphlets on Relfries and Ringers, Chiming, &c.; much and is a distributing centre for northern New Brunswick’ of their contents being summarized in The Ringer’s Guide Population, 4000. to the Church Rells of Devon, by C. Pearson (1888). Campbeltown, a royal and parliamentary burgh A Glossary of Technical Terms used in connexion with church bells and change-ringing was published (1901) (Ayr group) of Argyllshire, Scotland, at the head of a bay under the auspices of the Central Council of Church near the southern end of the peninsula of Kintyre. ShipBell Ringers (§ 6). On the history of church building is now of some importance. The registered bells and customs connected with them much curious shipping at the end of 1898 was 37 vessels of 2391 tons. information is given in North’s English Rells and Rell Vessels entered in 1888 were 1117 of 91,204 tons • in 1898* Lore (Leek, 1888). By the same author are monographs 1232 vessels of 108,882 tons. Of whisky 1,159,567 on the church bells of Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, gallons were exported in 1889, and 1,199,376 in 1899. Lincolnshire, and Hertfordshire. There are similar works The port is the head of a fishery district (for statistics, see on the church bells of Suffolk and Cambridgeshire, by Argyllshire). The value of the fish landed at the port Dr Raven; and of Huntingdonshire, by the Rev. T. in 1899 was ■£41,176. There is a large net factory. A M. N. Owen; and one on the church bells of Essex, Jubilee Commemoration drill hall has been built. One of by the Rev. C. Deedes. See also Quarterly Review, No. the schools is an academy. Population of parliamentary ^ cxc. (September 1854); Windsor Magazine, December burgh (1881), 7558; (1901), 8234. 1896; and two papers in the Guardian, 20th June Cam peachy (Span. Campeche), a state of Mexico, and 1st August 1900. (t, £. p.) bounded on the N. and N.W. by the Gulf of Mexico on the N.E. by Yucatan, on the S. and S.E. by the republic Campbell - Bannerman, Sir Henry, of Guatemala, and on the S. and S.W. by the state of (1836 ), British politician, was born on 7th Sep- Tabasco. Its area is 18,095 square miles. The poputember 1836, being the son of the late Sir James Camp- lation in 1879 numbered 90,413, and in 1895 it was bell, Bart., of Stracathro, and assumed the additional 88,302. The climate is hot and unhealthy. The principal name of Bannerman in 1872, in compliance with the industries are the exploitation of campeche or logwood, provisions of the will of his maternal uncle. He and of cabinet woods, agriculture, stock-raising, fisheries^ was educated at Glasgow University and at Trinity salt deposits, extraction of henequen and its manufacturing. College, Cambridge ; was returned to Parliament for There, are. barely. 30 miles of railway in operation. The Stirling in 1868 ; was financial secretary at the War Office state is divided into 5 partidos. Amongst the principal from 1871 to 1874, and again from 1880 to 1882 ; Secre- towns, besides the capital, are Champoton, El Carmen, tary to the Admiralty from 1882 to 1884; and Chief Bolonchen Ticul, Calkini, Hecelchakan—all with populaSecretary for Ireland from 1884 to 1885. In Mr Glad- tions of less than 5000 inhabitants. stone’s short-lived administration of 1886, he was Campeachy, or Campeche de Baranda, capital of the Secretary for War, and filled the same office in the state of the same name, on the Gulf of Mexico, 825 miles Radical Government of 1892-95. In June 1895 from the city of Mexico. The city is one of the richest an imputed omission on the part of the War Office to and most beautiful on the gulf. The wharf is 150 feet provide a due supply of small-arms ammunition for the long, but as the harbour is only 10 feet deep, large ships army led to the sudden overthrow of the Rosebery cannot approach it. Among the principal buildings are ministry. A still more unexpected incident affecting his the City Hall, the Government building, the hospital, political career, was the retirement of Sir William theatre, the market, and several churches. There are also Vernon Harcourt from the leadership of the Liberal party a fine park and public garden, a public library, and a in the House of Commons, in December 1898; Sir Henry museum. There are several lines of street railways. Campbell-Bannerman being elected to fill that position Population, 16,647.