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THE LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS here given is necessarily incomplete, inasmuch as the later volumes are still in course of preparation, and all the Contributors have not yet been selected. On the other hand the present List may contain a few names which ultimately will not appear in the final List of Contributors. Death or other cause may prevent certain writers who have undertaken the preparation of Articles from completing the contribution which they were to furnish. A full List, compiled when the final Volume goes to press, will be given later. The present List, however, includes the names of all those who have written signed Articles for the first Volume.

After the few words of description which accompany the names are given the initials of the different authors as they have been affixed to the Articles contributed by them.

The Publishers congratulate themselves that in this List of a thousand names are to be found not only the most famous scholars and writers of Great Britain, but of the whole world.

ALLDRIDGE, T. J., F.R.G.S., F.Z.S.; fo many years Travelling Commissioner of Sierr; ABBE, Prof. Cleveland, A.M., Ph.D., Leone ; District Commissioner of Sherbro Dis LL.D.; Meteorologist, U.S. Weather Bureau; trict. Sierra Leone ; author of ‘ The Sherbn author of ‘ Atmospheric Radiation,’ etc.; and its Hinterland.’ (T. J. A. editor of ‘Monthly Weather Review’; Lec- ANDERSON, Miss A. M.: Principal Lady In turer on Meteorology, Johns Hopkins Unispector of Factories, Home Office. (A. M. An. versity. (C A ) Wk, F.R.C.S., the late; ABBOT, Rev. Lyman, D.D.; editor of‘The of the Order of the Rising Sun (Japan) Comp


Outlook’ (New York) ; associate editor of ‘ The fessor at Royal Academy ; Chairman of Counci Christian Union’ (New York) with Henry of the Japan Society; Medical Director, Imperia' Ward Beecher, whom he succeeded as pastor Naval Medical College, Tokio; author of 1 Tin of Plymouth Church, Brooklyn; author of Pictorial Arts of Japan,’ ‘Japanese Wood ‘ Christianity and Social Problems,’ ‘ Life of Engravings,’ ‘Cat. of Chinese and Japanese Christ,’ ‘Theology of an Evolutionist,’ ‘Life Pictures in British Museum.’ (Wm. An.' and Epistles of St Paul.’ (L. A.) ANDERSON, Lt.-Col. W. P. ; Chiei Sir Engineer and Superintendent of Lights Dede Wiveleslie, K.C.B., D.Sc.,William B.C.L., F.R.S.; Principal partment of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, Assist. Sec., Board of Education, South KenCanada. (yy p ^ > sington, since 1899; President, Royal AstroHon. Elisha Benjamin, nomical Society, 1893-95; President, Physical LL.D. ; Chancellor of the University of NeSociety, 1895-97 ; author of ‘ Photography ’ in braska ; late Superintendent of Schools of the Ninth Edition of the ‘Ency. Brit.,’ ‘InCity of Chicago; formerly President of Brown struction in Photography,’ ‘Treatise on PhotoUniversity; author of ‘Institutes of General graphy, ‘Colour Vision,’ ‘Colour-Measurement History,’ ‘Institutes of Economics’ ‘History and Mixture,’ ‘Thebes and its Five Great of the United States,’ etc. (E. B. A ) Temples,’ in part of ‘The Pioneers of the A1 S Major P -’ (W. de W. A.) ANSTRUTHER-THOMSON, W., F.G.S., F.S.A.; Inspector of ConcentraADAMS, B. B. ; associate-editor of the ‘Railtion Camps, S.A. (-w. A.-T.) road Gazette ’ (New York). (B. B. A.) William j dramatic critic of AIRY, Wilfred, B.A., M.I.C.E.; Examiner of World (London), 1884 onwards; edited and Inspectors of Weights and Measures, Board of translated Ibsen’s ‘ Prose Dramas ’; author of Trade; author of ‘Levelling and Geodesy,’ ‘Life of Macready,’ ‘Masks or Faces,’ ‘The ‘ Weighing Machines,’ etc. (W. Ay.) Theatrical World,’ ‘ Study and Stage,’ ‘America To-day, 1900,’ ‘Poets of the Younger Generation ’ AKERS, C. E. ; author of ‘Argentine, Pataetc gonian, and Chilian Sketches,’ etc. (0. E. A.) (W. A.’) Edmund Archibald, ALCOCK, Charles 'William ; Secretary ARMSTRONG, Barrister-at-Law, Inner Temple. (E. A. An.) Surrey County Cricket Club since 1872; Hon. Henry Edward, Ph.D., Sec. Football Association, 1867-90; author of ARMSTRONG, LL.D., F.R.S.; Professor of Chemistry at the ‘Football our Winter Game,’ 1867; editor of City and Guilds of London Central Institute ‘Cricket Newspaper,’ 1882-1900, ‘Football South Kensington; author of ‘ Carbon,’ etc in Annual,’ ‘Cricketer’s Annual’ (Lillywhite’s), Ninth Edition of‘Ency. Brit.,’ ‘Introduction etc. (C. W. A.) to the Study of Organic Chemistry.’ (H. E. A.) ALEXANDER, Gen. Edward Porter: ARMSTRONG, Sir Walter: Director of General of Ordnance; and later Brigadierthe National Gallery of Ireland ; author of ‘ Sir General of Artillery and Chief of Artillery Joshua Reynolds,’ ‘Thomas Gainsborough’ in Ar Gen. Longstreet’s Corps, Confederate ‘Sir Henry Raeburn,’ ‘Alfred Stevens,’ ‘Peter my. (E. P. A.) de Wint,’ ‘Velasquez,’ ‘Scottish Painters J. M. W. Turner,’ etc., and co-editor ol ALEXANDER, W. D., Honolulu ; author of ‘ A Brief History of the Hawaiian Bryan s Dictionary of Painters.’ (W. An.' People.’ (W. D. A.) ASHWORTH, Philip A., Dr. Juris, of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law; editor oi ALLBUTT, Thomas Clifford, M.A., M.D., Taswell - Langmead’s ‘ Constitutional Historv LL.D., D.Sc., F.R.S.; Regius Professor of of England,’ translator of Gneist’s ‘ History oi Physic, Oamb., since 1892; Commissioner in the English Constitution,’ etc. (P. A. A.) Lunacy, 1889-92; author of ‘ The Ophthalmoscope in Medicine,’ ‘ Goulstonian Lectures (On Rev. Edward Harrison, Visceral Neuroses),’ ‘On Scrofula,1' ‘Science ASKWITH, M.A., B.D. ; Chaplain of Trinity College, and Medical Thought ’; editor of ‘ System of Cambridge; author of ‘Christian Conception Medicine and Gynaecology,’ etc.; inventor of of Holiness,’ ‘Epistle to the Galatians,’ etc short clinical thermometer. (T. C. A.) (E. H. A.)

ASTON, Major George Grey, R.M.A.; late Broiessor of Fortification, Royal Naval Colleo-e Greenwich. (q g. A j AS I , ^9 5 William George, B.A., M.A., Hon. fob,.’-.MG.


interpretertoin British Japan, 1864; interpreter and translator Legation at Yedo, 1870 ; assistant Japanese Secretary, Yedo, 1875-82; acting Consul, Hiogo, 1880-83; Consul-General for Corea, 1884; Japanese Secretary, Tokio, 1886; author of ‘A Grammar of the Japanese Spoken Language,* ‘A Grammar of the Japanese Written Language,’ ‘A Translation of the Nihongi, or Annals of Ancient Japan,’ ‘ History of Japanese Literature,’ etc. fw. C. As.) ATWATER, Wilbur Olin, Ph.D. ; Professor of Chemistry, Wesleyan University U.S.A. ; Special Agent of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in charge of Nutrition investigations. cw. O. A.) AVES, Ernest, M.A.; formerly Sub-Warden of Toynbee Hall; author of papers on sociology and economics. (2. a* ) A ^* William Edward Armitage, LL.D. ; late Dep. Librarian Manchester Free Libraries ; author of ‘ Manchester ’ in Ninth Edition of1 ‘Ency. Brit.,’ ‘The Annals of Manchester,’ Manchester a Hundred Years Ago ’ ‘Lancashire Gleanings,’ ‘Stray Chapters in Literature,’ ‘Folk-lore and Archaeology,’ etc (W. E. A. A.) B BACON, Edwin Monroe, M.A.; editor of ‘Time and the Hour’ (Boston, U.S.A.); sometime editor-in-chief of the ‘Boston Globe,’ the ‘Boston Advertiser,’ and the ‘Boston Post ’; author of ‘ Boston Illustrated,’ ‘Bacon’s Dictionary of Boston,’ ‘Boston of To-day’ etc. (E. M. B.) BADEN - POWELL, Maj. Baden F. S.: inventor of man-lifting kites; late President Aeronautical Society; author of ‘ In Savage Isles and Settled Lands,’ many articles on ballooning, etc. (B. F. S. B.-P.) BAGWELL, Richard, M.A. ; author of ‘Ireland’ in the Ninth Edition of the ‘Ency. Brit.,’ ‘Ireland under the Tudors,’ ‘A Plea for National Education,’ etc. (R. Ba.) BAINES, Jervoise Athelstane, C.S.I. ; Hon. Sec. (gold medallist) and Vice-President Royal Statistical Society; Census Commissioner under Government of India, 1889-93; employed at India Office and as secretary to Royal Commission on Opium, 1894-95 ; author of Official Reports on Provincial Administration on Indian Census Operations, 1881-91, on Indian Progress, 1894, many papers, ethnographic and statistical, for London societies. (J. A. B.)