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we are presently operating in what I describe as a period of fragmentation as most of the principals in your national effort have duties, responsibilities or interests in state government or politics which preclude their total attention and commitment to your national plans. You have to continue to be a good Governor until January, 1975, xirbo has to be State Party Chair- man. Jody and Frank have responsibilities on your staff. Bob Lipshutz, Bill Schwartz and Philip Alston are heavily involved in the gubernatorial campaign and so on. We are £ortunatc to

' have the continuing help and support of Stu Eizenstat, Landon Butler and Peter Bourne, but we are not well organized enough

at this point to take full advantage of the time that they give us. To some extent, we are all operating as self-starters, work— ing in our Own specific areas and trying to make a contribution to the overall effort. Well. this is not likely to change until November or January, and, as a result, we are not going to be as well organized as I would like for us to be. But neither can we afford to neglect these other activities in which we are all in-

volved as they contribute in a significant way to the total effort.

The enormity of a Presidential campaign is almost overwhelmin§ “he” considered as a whole. But, we cannot allow ourselves to become

so intimidated by the mass of things to be done over the next 2