Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1052

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A912888 - A912926
JUL-DEC. 1977

A912888. Petticoats And Pantaloons Hatch Hates; directions. No. 1702. Box top. Add. tl: Petticoats, pantaloons* Hatch Hates. Accompanied additional material In box. Hilton Bradley Coopanr : 14Dec76: A912888.

A912889. Progressive achievement through spelling. Kit. NH: abridqncnt* revision* additions* compilation 6 editing. © Vancouver School District Huuber 37; 30Sep77: A912889.

A912S90. The Diary of Henry Hallace, January 18* 1935-Septeiiber 19, 1946. By Henry Agard lallace. Hicrofilm. C The University of Zona: 1Aug77; A912890.

A912891. The Renlnlscences of Henry Agard Wallace. HicrofllB. G Trustees of Columbia Dniversity In the city of Hen York: 1Aug77: A912891.

A912892. The Search. By Hichael Alan Baker. 36 p. e Hichael Alan Baker; 9Sep77: A912892.

A912893. A Call to action. By Frank T. Hanning. 101 p. Fldes/Claretian; 310ct77; A912893.

A912894. Thomber^s Directions for election protection, 1978. By Frank Thornber Company. 47 p. 6 Frank Thornber Company; 7NOV77; A912894.

A912895. Hanual of Indian criminal jurisdiction. Prepared by Hary Beth Best. 167 p. Appl. au: American Indian Lawyer Training Program, Inc. American Indian Lawyer Training Program, Inc.; 8Auq77; A912895.

A91289e. Instructional handbook for Basic communication strategies. By JoAnn Borneo Anderson & Donna Fenwlck Bookln. 361 p. JoAnn Borneo Anderson & Donna Fenwlck Bookln: 30ct77: A912896.

A912897. Furniture and home furnishings market. Vol. 1, Sept. 1977. 267 p. C Frost and Sullivan* Inc.; 1Sep77; A912897.

A91289S. Betailer's guide to the home furnishings markets, September 1977. 98 p. Frost and Sullivan* Inc.; 1Sep77: A912898.

A912899. Commercial security and fire detection and prevention equipment market, September 1977. 263 p. Add. tl: Commercial fire and security equipment market. Frost and Sullivan, Inc.; 1Sep77; A9 12899.

A912900. Furniture and home furnishings market. Vol. 2, Sept. 1977. p. 268-501. O Frost and Sullivan. Inc.; 1Sep77: A9 12900.

A912901. Hedical third party claims processing services market* September 1977. 221 p. Add. tl: Hedical services claims processing market. Frost and Sullivan, Inc.; 1Sep77; A912901.

A912902. Patent cover status of ethical pharmaceuticals in Europe (Eire* Belgium/Luxembourg, Netherlands, Italy and DenmarkI Vol. 1, Sept. 1977. 229 p. Add. tl: Patent cover on ethical pharmaceuticals in Europe. Q Frost and Sullivan, Inc.; 1Sep77; A912902.

A912903. Optical communication systems, September 1977. 187 p. Add. tl: Optical com- munications market. 6 Frost and Sullivan, Inc.; 1Sep77; A912903.

A912904. Patent cover status of ethical pharmaceuticals in Europe (Eire* Belgium/Luxembourg* Netherlands* Italy and Denmark) Vol. 2, Sept. 1977. p. 230-459. Add. tl: Patent cover on ethical pharmaceuticals in Europe. Frost and Sullivan* Inc.; 1Sep77; A912904.

4912905. Statis-Pro 1977-1978 guide to the National Hockey League. 1 v. Appl. au: Janes A. Barnes. Q Statis-Pro, Inc. ; 10ct77; A9 12905.

A912906. Statis-Pro create your own professional, football table top sports game* 1976. By James A. Barnes. 1 v. O Statis-Pro Publications, Inc.; 10ct77; A912906.

A912907. Statis-Pro 1977 guide to major college football. By James A. Barnes. 1 v. e Statls-Pro Publications* Inc.; 1Cct77; A912907.

A9129a8. Statis-Pro basketball. 1 v. Appl. au: James A. Barnes, e Statis-Pro, Inc. ; 10ct77; A912908.

A912909. Beginning reading at home. By Elizabeth Peterson 6 Andrea Bendrix* illustrated by Jeanette. Hultiple volumes. 6 Elizabeth Peterson & Andrea Hendrix; 8Nov77; A912909.

A912910. IEEE HTT-S International Hicrowave Symposium digest* 1977. IEEE catalog no. 77CH1219-5 HIT. Editor: Edward B. Silverstelu. 561 p. Conference held June 21-23, 1977, San Diego. Appl. au: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc., alternate designation of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers* Inc.; 21Jun77; A912910.

A912911. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems; proceedings, 1977* Phoenix, April 25-27* 1975.. lEES catalog no. 77CH1 188-2 CAS. 899 p. 6 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers* Inc.; 25Apr77; A912911.

A912912. Educating children for movement. By Sue K. Hanson & Delores H. Curtis. 2nd ed. 341 p. e Sue K. Hanson e Delores H. Curtis; 1Sep77; A912912.

A912913. Aries, and other titles. Sheets. Appl. au: Linda Clark. O Linda Clark; 310ct77; A912913.

&912914. 8505A network analyzer* 500kEz to 1.3 GHz; operating and service manual. Vol. 1-2. NH: additions & revisions, e Hewlett-Packard Company; 17Jun76; A912914.

A912915. 8565A spectrum alyzer, .01-40 GHz; operating and se1. e Hewlett- Packard Company; 16Hay77; A912915

A912916. Independent study program for dietetic service supervisors. Hodules 2A-2K. Hultiple volumes. Appl. au: Robin Brown Fellers. Bobin Brown Fellers; 29Dec76; A912916.

A912917. Never give up! special happenings- -management program. Levels 11-12. Kit. Q on cover of box; Holt, Binehart and Binston; 1Sep77; A912917.

A912918. Hanagement program* prescription exercises* special happenings. 54 p. (Never give up! Special happenings- -management program, levels 11-12) Portions prev. pub. 1973 as Practice exercises, special happenings. NH: new or re-written material. Q Holt, Binehart and Hlnston; 1Sep77; A912918.

A912919. Hanagement program teacher's gjiide. Levels 11-12. By Peter S. Bosenbaum 6 Lee O'Desky. 86 p. (Never give up! Special happenings — management program, levels 11-12) Portions prev. pub. 1977. NH: compilation & new material. Q Holt, Binehart and llnston; 1Sep77 ; A9 12919.

A912920. Hanagement program* prescription exercises* never give up! 50 p. (Never give up! Special happenings — management program* levels 11-12) Portions prev. pub. 1973 as Practice exercises, never give up. NH: new e re-written material. O Holt, Binehart and Hlnston; 1Sep77; A9 12920.

A912921. Hanagement program level test, never give up! Hanagement program scorin- g/evaluation forms* never give up! By Peter S. fiosenbauo & Lee O'Desky. 2 v. (Never give up! Special happenings- -management program, levels 11-12) Q Holt, Binehart and Hlnston; 1sep77; A912921.

A912922. Hanagement program level test, special happenings. Hanagement program sco- ring/evaluation forms, special happenings. By Peter S. Bosenbaum & Lee O'Desky. 2 v. (Never give up! Special happenings- -management program, levels 11-12) O Holt, Binehart and Hlnston; 1Sep77; A9 12922.

A912923. Hanagement program unit tests* special happenings. Hanagement program sco- ring/evaluation forms, special happenings. By Peter S. Bosenbaum £ Lee O'Desky. 2 v. (Never give up! Special happenings- -management program, levels 11-12) Holt, Binehart and Hlnston; 1Sep77; A912923.

A912924. Hanagement program unit tests, never give up! Hanagement program scorin- g/evaluation forms, never give up! By Peter S. Bosenbaum G Lee O'Desky. 2 v. (Never give up! Special happenings- -management program* levels 11-12) O Bolt, Binehart and Hlnston; 1Sep77; A912924.

A912925. Hanagement program pretests* special happenings. By Peter S. Bosenbaum & Lee O'Desky. Sheets (8 p.) in envelope. (Never give up! Special happenings- -management program* levels 11-12) @ Holt* Binehart and Hlnston; 1Sep77; A912925.


Hanagement program pretests* never give


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