Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1053

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i912927 - 4912973
JUL-DEC. 1977

(912926 (COD.) up! Bv Petec S. Boseobaua & Lee O'Oesky. Sheets (8 p.( in en»elope. (Never give up! Special happeninqS'-aaiiaqenent pcoqraa. levels 11-12) Holt, Eioehart and linston; 1Sep77; 4912926.

4912927. Coaprehension. Kit. (The SB4 skills series! 4ccoapanied by sound recording* ceq. Nit7129. C Science Beseacch 4ssociates, Inc.; 254pr77; 4912927.

4912928. Key chess puzzles (the art o£ sacrifice) Bv Bobert J. Bichey. 1*7 p. Bobert J. Bichey: 10Nov77; 4912928.

4912929. To children* s health and happiness: uhat you qain by giving in trust. 7 p. 4ppl. au: Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc. Children's Hedical Center of Dallas; 28Sep77: 4912929.

4912930. Hy father's diary; a novella. By David O'Connor. 66 p. David Q*Connoc; 210ct77; 49129J0.

casseianiia. By Viktoriia lankovsltaia. 6i| p. 4dd. ti: Throuqh the lands of exile. Russian. 4ppl. au: Victoria chistiaKoff (Victoria Chis- tiakof f-Yanliovsliy) Victoria Yankovsky; 1NOV77; 4912931.

4912932. Logistics of the 4aerican circus. By Joe HcKennon (Joseph Hesley HcKennon) 112 p. O Joe HcKennon; 10ct77: 49 12932.

4912933. Student guide to the Dental aptitude test; coBprehensive aanual for self study & revieH. By David aichael Tacloii t, Hare L. Lichtenberg. 1 v. O David aichael TarloB; 1Sep77: 4912933.

4912934. Hy younq cooks. By 4dele Charlson, illus. by Hildred HcCrea. 7 1 p. 4dele Charlson: 12Bov77; 4912934.

4912935. Saakpaddle rules and regulations. By Ken 4. Frellacb. 5 p. Ken 4. Frejlach; 30Sep77: 49 12935.

4912936. Liberate qas and water flow. By John Joseph Hilliaas. 5 p. Prev. reg. 24uq76, 4768333. as Kentucky vindaqe. NH: editorial revision 6 additions. John J. ailliaas and Paaily (faaily includes and is liaited to Laurencia Hilliaas, wife, and children Laurie. Clifford and Helanie) : 1i|Mov77; 4912936.

4912937. This land is your land: here's hou the State buys and sells it; a report by the North Carolina Center for Public Policy Besearch, Inc. Britten by Howard E. Covington, Hercer H. Doty, Toa Earnhardt 6 John E. Eslinger, edited by John E. Eslinger. 56 p. C North Carolina Center for Public Policy Research, Inc.; 14NOV77; 4912937.

4912938. Ue design together with Letizia. 120 p. t 3 cards. 4ppl. au; Letizia Puhr. O Letizia Fuhr; 100ct77; 4912938.

4912939. Mailorder's best 50-100t profit book dealerships. Folder. 4ppl. au: Boland Bhoades, Jr. Boland Bhoades. Jr.; 1NOV77; 4912939.

4912940. Hulti-bulkies by Bernat. Book no. 235. 23 p. Eaile Bernat and Sons, Coapany; 3NOV77; 4912940.

4912941. Sho? when? where? in Kansas. »ol. 3. Coapiled by Hildred Lowry. 40 p. NH: coapilation 6 additional text. O Hildred Lowry; 11iov77; 4912941.

4912942. Capital region relocation guide. By Bettelou Backus conte. 1 v. NH: coapilation of data & description of towns. Bettelou Backus Conte; 14Nov77: 4912942.

4912943. Haster calendar. 1977-1978. 57 p. Haster calendar of Greater Los Angeles, Inc.; 19Sep77; 4912943.

4912944. Black historic sites: a beginning point. 45 p. (Historic preservation in Kansas) 4ppl. au: Historic Sites Survey, Kansas state Historical Society. Kansas State Historical Society; 270ct77; 4912944.

4912945. Shellcraft jewelry, chhauser. 24 p. O H. 1NOV77: 4912945.

4912946. The Future tiaes (as told in riaes) By H. Lloyd PattOD. 1 v. OB. Lloyd Patton; 114pr76; 4912946.

4912947. Explicaciones de tezto. By Boyce Rilliaa Hiller. 136 p. NH: literary explication. O Boyce iilliaa Hiller; 16Sep77; 4912947.

4912948. 4rgentina. By Laura Begina Bosenbaua Bandall. 268 p. (4 Coaparative econoaic history of Latin 4aerica, 1500-1914, vol. 2) Laura Bandall; 23Sep77; 4912948.

4912949. Peru. By Laura Bandall. 231 p. (4 Coaparative econoaic history of Latin Aaerica, 1500-1914, vol. 4) Laura Bandall; 28Sep77; 4912949.

4912950. Brazil. By Laura Begina Bosenbaua Bandall. 269 p. (4 Coaparative econoaic history of Latin 4aerica, 1500-1914, vol. 3) O Laura Bandall; 26Sep77: 4912950.

4912951. Visiqaide, October 1977. VSB no. 4, 1977. 4 p. O Hartford Fire Insurance Coapany; 3Nov77; 4912951.

4912952. 4 Country people's legend. By George Hosby, Jr. 24 p. O George Hosby, Jr.; 120ct77; 4912952.

4912953. Bunaway teenagers. Panphlet no. 552. By Frances 4. Koestler, editor: Adele Braude. 28 p. Public 4ffairs Coaaittee, Inc.; 310ct77; 4912953.

4912954. Hilitary budgets and social needs: setting world priorities. Pamphlet no. 551. By fiuth Leqer Sivard, editor: 4dele Braude. 24 p. Public 4ffairs Coaaittee, Inc.; 280ct77; 4912954.

4912955. Echoes. By David P. Backus. 95 p. O David P. Backus; 8Nov77; 4912955. ight. By Anna Haters, illus. by Hark Haters. 1 v. O 4nna Haters; 210ct77; 4912956.

4912957. Hoae Hater Hizard for the hoae. Folder. 4ppl. au: Stanley Green. O Hater Hizard corporation; 20Aug77; A912957.

49129 58. North Carolina probate handbook. 1977 suppl. By Hark B. Edwards. 2nd ed. Sheets. O The Harrison Coapany: 140ct77: 4912958.

4912959. A Handbook for fish trainers, Hritten by Natalie Soloway. 23 p. Natalie Soloway; 230ct77; 4912959.

4912960. Hot. By Joe Johnson. 1 v. Poeas have appeared in Hoodoo £ others. NH: poeas heretofore unpub. & cover drawing. Joe Johnson; 1Nov77; 4912960.

4912961. Hub Floral Corporation catalog, 1976. No. 43. 156 p. O Bub Floral Corporation; 1Jul76; 49 12961.

4912962. Bub Floral Corporation catalog. 1977. No. 44. 236 p. Hub Floral Corporation; 1Jan77; 49 12962.

4912963. Hub Floral Corporation catalog, 1977. No. 45. 152 p. Hub Floral Corporation: 15Jun77; 4912963.

4912964. Besearch studies in speechreading. Edited by Kenneth H. Berger. 140 p. Kenneth H. Berger; 10Nov77; 4912964.

4912965. Conversational astrology. By 41yce C. Benee, pseud, of 41ice H. Perlowitz. Cards. O 41ice Hae Perlowitz; 11Nov77; 4912965.

4912966. Vignettes 3. By Don Salea. 1 v. Don Salea; 13Nov77; A912966.

4912967. Rings poetry anthology, 1977. Editor: Arnold Perrin. 23 p. Arnold Perrin; 5NOV77; 4912967.

4912968. Bunzheiaer aeal-lodging cost index, October 1977. Sheets. 4ppl. au: Bufus E. Bunzheiaer, Jr. 6 Bobert B. Kastengren. O Bunzheiaer 4ffiliated Services, Inc.; 150ct77; 4912968.

A912969. Conteaporary science. Book 2. By Hilton Lesser. Constantine Constant G Jules J. Heisler, general editor: Saul L. Geffner. 428 p. Aasco School Publications, Inc.; 4Nov77; 4912969.

4912970. Bandaade Christaas cards: an intro- duction to linoleua block printing. By Peggy Taffar Hyvill. 22 p. O Peggy Taffar Hyvill; 1Nov77; 4912970.

4912971. Investaent opportunities in South 4frican gold aining issues; basic report, Oct. 28, 1977. Analyst: Thoaas H. Bock. 15 p. Banifen, lahoff and Saaford. Inc.; 280ct77: A912971.

A912972. Springtiae aontage. Poster. O 4BI 4rts, Inc.; 280ct77; A912972.


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