Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1059

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4913179 (con.) Ifounq-Hynan. Nicrofila. Deborah Lee Tounq-Hyaan; 1"(0ct77; 4913179.

4913180. 4biqail 4daas aod the Aaerican BevolutiOD: a personal history. By Soseaary Skinner Keller. Hicrofila. e Boseaary Skinner Keller: 1ilOct77; S913180.

4913181. The Ca»e-dKellers of Hataata: ritual and ecOQOaic decision-aakinq in a chanqinq coaounity. By Kacea Ben-Uaaza. nicrofila. Kacea Ben-Baaza: 1i|Oct77: 4913181.

4913182. Histoloqic aspects of fat deposition followinq thoracic duct ligation and portal infusion and a consideration of portal pressure variations in the dog. By Donald Euqene Briscoe. nicrofila. Donald Euqene Briscoe; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976): 4913182.

4913183. Perceived environaental uncertainty and the t«o-step floM process of scientific and technical coaaunicat ion in research and developaent laboratories. By Jaaes Williaa Brown. Hicrofila. O Jaaes Williaa Broun; 1<tOct77 (in notice: 1976): 4913183.

49131811. Plurality of uorlds and natural philosophy: an historical study of the oriqins of belief in other worlds and extraterrestrial life. By Steven Jaaes Dick. Hicrofila. O Steven Jaaes Dick; 1'tOct77; 49 13181.

4913185. Froa actors to oarionettes: the evolution of Gaston Baty"s theatrical career. By Catherine Briedwell Freelinq. Hicrofila. 4ppl. states all new except photos, on p. 16S-170. Catherine Briedwell Preelinq: 140ct77; 4913185.

4913186. The New York Court of 4ppeals, 1916-73: bloc analysis and scaloqraa analysis applied to State 4ppellate Court decision-aakinq. By Ron Steinberq. Hicrofila. C Eon Steinberg: 110ct77: 4913186.

4913187. Georq Kaiser's coaedies of the twenties: an expressionist playwriqht's escape into Neue Sachlichkeit. By John Benry 4ntosh. Hicrofila. John Henry 4ntosh; 140ct77; 4913187.

4913188. 4 aicroeconoaic approach to business investaent: ad-justaent costs and the theory of the fira. By Arthur Richard Preiss, Jr. Hicrofila. 4rthar Bichard Preiss. Jr.; 1l»Oct77; 4913188.

4913189. The atopian persuasion of 41bert Brisbane, first apostle of Fourierisa. By Lloyd Earl Bohler. Jr. Hicrofila. ILoyd Earl Rohler, Jr.; 1i40ct77; 4913189.

4913190. The Hopewell interaction sphere: the evidence for inter-reqional trade and structural complexity. By Hark Frederic Seeaan. Hicrofila. O Hark Frederic Seeaan; li»0ct77: 4913190.

4913191. The Fictional technique of Charles iilliaas. By 41ice Elizabeth Davidson. Hicrofila. C 41ice Elizabeth Davidson; 1ltOct77: 4913191.

4913192. Identification of standards for the evaluation of coaaunity-based nutrition education proqraas. By Edith Peete Thcaas. Hicrofila. Edith Peete Thoaas; 1llOct77; 4913192.

4913193. The loruba hunters' funeral dirges. By Bade 4juwon. Hicrofila. Bade 4juwon; 110ct77; 4913193.

4913191. 4 Structural analysis of aelodic scale-degree tendencies in selected theaes of Haydn, Hozart, Schubert and Chopin. By Hichael Francis Burdick. Hicrofila. O Hichael Francis Burdick; l«Oct77; 4913191.

4913195. Jugoslav criticisa on T. S. Eliot. By Save Stoiaen Cvetanovski. nicrofila. O Save Stoiaen Cvetanovski; 110ct77; 4913195.

4913196. The Portrayal of the feaale character in the Newbery award books. By Anna Elizabeth Seller. nicrofila. Anna Elizabeth Heller; 110ct77; 4913196.

A913197. The Optinization of water treataent unit processes for the reaoval of trace organic coapounds with an eaphasis on the adsorption aechanisa. By Hichael John HcGuire. Hicrofila. O Hichael John HcGuire; 110ct77; 4913197.

4913198. Hydrolytic enzyae activities in leaf senescence. By Lee Bilfred Evans. Hicrofila. O Lee Wilfred Evans; 110ct77; 4913198.

4913199. A Study of the iapact of coaputers on county governaent in the State of Pennsylvania. By Peter Edward Galonis. Hicrofila. Peter Edward Galonis; 110ct77; A913199.

4913200. Revolution, tradition and order: the nineteenth century anarchist experience. By Gerald Hitaer Hewitt, Jr. Hicrofila. Gerald iitaer Hewitt, Jr.; 110ct77; 4913200.

4913201. The Literary theories of J. -P. Haraontel. By Robert Kirkland Juul. Hicrofila. Robert Kirkland Juul; 110ct77; 4913201.

4913202. Conteaporary Spanish 4Berican draaa of denunciation and social protest: the case of 4rgentina and Chile. By Juan Baaon Layera. Hicrofila. Juan Baaon Layera; 110ct77; 4913202.

4913203. Bernard Halaaud and the struggle to connect. By Herbert David Hann. Hicrofila. Herbert David nann; 110ct77; A913203.

4913201. Church refora, reconguest and Christian society in Castile-Leon, at the tiae of the Gregorian refora (1050-1135) By John Frank Stephens, Jr. Hicrofila. O John Frank Stephens, Jr.; 110ct77; 4913201.

A913205. A Study of household deterainants of migration. By Paul Allen Tatsch. Hicrofila. O Paul Allen Tatsch; 110ct77; A913205.

4913206. Benito Perez Galdos and Narcis Oiler: vision of a real and a novelistic society. By Sandra Joan Canepari. Hicrofila. O Sandra Joan Canepari; 110ct77; 4913206.

A913207. A History of burlesque-extravaganza in nineteenth-century England. By John Alden Degen 3rd. Hicrofila. O John Alden Degen 3rd; 110ct77; i913207.

A9132a8. Proa bad neighbors to reluctant partners: Argentina and the Hnited States, 1916-1950. By Bita Ana Giacalone. Hicrofila. O Bita Ana Giacalone; 110ct77; A913208.

A913209. The Hew Left and the Hew Harxisa: the New Left idea in the Aaerican context and the intellectual foundations of the Aaerican Student Hoveaent. By L. Bichard Guarasci. nicrofila. L. Bichard Guarasci; 140ct77: A913209.

A913210. Betreat in Geraauy: the decision to withdraw Anglo-Aaerican forces froa the Soviet occupational zone, 1915. By David Herschler. nicrofila. O David Herschler; 110ct77; A913210.

A913211. The Developaent of "pornographic" literature in eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Russia. By Villiaa Hugh Hopkins. nicrofila. Hilliaa Hugh Hopkins; 110ct77; A913211.

A913212. Election laws, voting decisions and political linkage; an eapirically based coaputer siaulation. By fiobert Sabin Hontjoy. nicrofila. O Robert Sabin nontjoy: 110ct77; A913212.

A913213. Opposition in an authoritarian regiae: the incorporation and institutionalization of the nexican National Action Party (PAN) By Laura Nuzzi o' Shaughnessy. Hicrofila. Laura Nuzzi O'Shaughnessy; 110ct77; A9 13213.

A913211. Geraan aonologic fiction in the eighteenth century. By Jaaes Preston Pusack, nicrofila. O Jaaes Preston Pusack; 110ct77; A913211.

A913215. Pudgie's Good tiae pizza aenu. Folder. Appl. au: nichael P. Cleary. O Pudgie's Pizza Franchise Corporation; 15Nov77; 4913215.

4913216. nais« jaaais de la vie! A collection of folklore froa the parish of Acadia. Pt. 2. 70 p. English only. O Crowley High School; 15Aug77; A913216.

A913217. Accounts receivable update and inquiry systea. Printout. O Inlander-Steindler Paper Coapany; 310ct77; A913217.

A913218. Calendar collage. Poster. O ABI Arts, Inc.; 280ct77; A913218.

A913219. A Classroom approach to coaputational skills. Levels A-E. By John C. Hedcalf, Hargot B. Leidig C Howard C. Biepe. Sheets. HLB Enterprises; 11Nov77; A913219.


How to play piano without ausic. 30 p.


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