Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1060

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A913221 - A913261
JUL-DEC. 1977

&913220 (con.) Appl. au: Deonis L. Rhodes. Dennis t. Bhodes: 15No»77: A913220.

S913221. Food cmulsif iers and specialty products. 21 p. O PVO International. Inc. ; SOct77: A913221.

A913222. Baron Hunchhausen* s own narrative of his wondrous travels, war campaigns and hilarious adventures. By volker E. H. Antoni. Volker E. H. Antoni 6 Bernice luqo De Antoni: 1Nov77; A9 13222.

A9 13223. Investigations into bioloqy; a student's laboratory manual to accompany Biology: a search for order in complexity. By fiobert C. Glotzhober, John a. Fricke, Laurence L. Heissner e John N. Moore. 188 p. e The Zondervan Corporation; J0Oct73; J913223.

A9 13221*. Investigations into biology; a teacher's laboratory manual, including a student's laboratory manual to accompany Biology; a search for order in complexity. By Robert C. Glotzhober, John H. Fricke, Laurence L. Heissner 6 John N. Hoore. 253 p. 6 The zondervan Corporation; 300ct73; A9 13224.

A9 13225. Auditory discrimination rhyming sounds; ICM activity pack. Primary 959. Prepared by Mary Jensen 6 Virginia Bowers. 8 p. 6 The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 310ct77; A9 13225.

A913226. The Five senses: ICM activity pack. Primary 958. Prepared by Mary Jensen 6 Virginia Bowers. 8 p. The Instructor Publications, Inc.: 4Nov77; A9 13226.

A913227. Bord meanings: color, number, shape and size: ICM activity pack. Primary 957. Prepared by Mary Jensen 6 Virginia Bowers. 8 p. The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 310ct77; A913227.

A913228. Hord usage; ICH activity pack. Primary 956. Prepared by Buth Everding. 8 p. The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 1NOV77: A913228.

4913229. Punctuation and capitalization; ICH activity pack. Primary 955. Prepared by Buth Everding. 8 p. e The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 4Nov77; A913229.

A913230. Contractions; ICM activity pack. Primary 953. Prepared by Mary Jensen E Virginia Bowers. 8 p. The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 31oct77: A9 13230.

A913231. Compound words; ICM activity pack. Primary 952. Prepared by Mary Jensen 6 Virginia Bowers. 8 p. The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 310ct77; A913231.

A913232. Bord recognition: ICM activity pack. Primary 951. Prepared by Mary Jensen 6 Virginia Bowers. 8 p. The Instructor Publications. Inc.: 310ct77: A913232.

A913233. General classification; ICM activity pack. Primary 950. Prepared by Mary Jensen 6 Virginia Bowers. 8 p. The Instructor Publications, Inc.: 310ct77: A913233.

A9 13234. Vowel sounds: long, short, and combined; ICM activity pack. Primary 949. Prepared by Mary Jensen S Virginia Bowers. 8 p- O The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 310ct77; A913234.

A913235. Long vowel sounds; ICM activity pack. Primary 948. Prepared by Mary Jensen E Virginia Bowers. 8 p. 3 The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 310ct77; A913235.

A9 13236. Short vowel sounds; ICM activity pack. Primary 947. Prepared by Mary Jensen 6 Virginia Bowers. 8 p. O The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 310ct77: A913236.

A913237. Auditory discrimination ending sounds: ICM activity pack. Primary 946- Prepared by Mary Jensen B Virginia Bowers. 8 p. Add. ti; Ending sounds (auditory discrimination) The Instructor Publications, Inc.: 310ct77; A913237.

A913238. Auditory discrimination beginning sounds: ICM activity pack. Primary 945- Prepared by Mary Jensen 6 Virginia Bowers. 8 p. Add. ti: Beginning sounds (auditory discrimination) 6 The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 310ct77: A913238.

A913239. Visual skills discrimination; ICM activity pack. Primary 940. Prepared by Mary Jensen 6 Virginia Bowers. 8 p. O The Instructor Publications, Inc. ; 310ct77: A913239.

A913240. Honey; ICM activity pack. Primary 920. 8 p. Q The Instructor Publications, Inc. ; 310ct77: A913240.

A913241. Basic multiplication: ICH activity pack. Primary 919. Prepared by Mary Jensen B Virginia Bowers. 8 p. The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 4Nov77: A913241.

A913242. Addition and subtraction with reg- rouping; ICM activity pack. Primary 918. Prepared by Mary Jensen S Virginia Bowers. 8 p. 6 The Instructor Publications, Inc. ; 4NOV77: A913242.

A913243. Subtraction with regrouping; ICM activity pack. Primary 917- Prepared by Hary Jensen E Virginia Bowers. 8 p. d The Instructor publications. Inc. ; 310ct77: A913243.

A913244. Addition with regrouping; ICH activity pack. Primary 916. Prepared by Mary Jensen 6 Virginia Bowers. 8 p. The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 310ct77; A913244.

A913245. Addition and subtraction without regrouping; ICM activity pack. Primary 915. Prepared by Mary Jensen E Virginia Bowers. 8 p. The Instructor Pub- lications, Inc.; 310ct77: A9 13245.

A913246. Metric measurement; weight, temperature, volume; ICM activity pack. Primary 914. 8 p. e The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 310ct77: A913246.

A913247. Metric measurement: length; ICH activity pack. Primary 913. 8 p. The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 310ct77: A913247.

A913248. Physical fitness for men and women, European Health Spas: Do it for life. 16

A913249. A Layman looks at personal bankruptcy. By Michael Dennis, pseud, of Michael Dennis Grennan. 14 p. Michael Dennis Grennan (in notice: Michael Dennis) ; 91IOV77; A913249.

A9 13250. Hho am I really? who are you? why don't we say what we want to? 1 v. Appl. au: L. Bon Hubbard. NH: compilation 6 new photos, e L. Eon Hubbard; mov76 (in notice: 1950, 1951, 1965, 1970, 1974, 1975): A913250.

A913251. How to get close to someone and make it last. 1 V. Appl. au: L. Son Hubbard. NM: compilation B new photos. L. Bod Hubbard: 29Mar77; A913251.

A913252. Match and win game. Sheets E 2 posters. Appl. au: Charles M. Bresnehen E Gates E. Oliver, Jr. 6 Promotional Marketing Associates, Inc.; 15Nov77: A913252.

A913253. Open heart surgery feasibility study. 1 V. Appl. au: TriBrook Group, Inc. San Antonio Community Hospital E TriBrook Group, Inc.; 7Nov77; A9 13253.

A913254. Plaster craft techniques. By Mary Lou Lauryssens G Dutch Lauryssens. 23 p. O Craft Publications, Inc.; 280ct77; A913254.

A913255. Life repair. 1 v. Appl. au: L. Bon Hubbard. HM: compilation E new photos. L. Bon Hubbard: 23Jun76 (in notice: 1950, 1951, 1965, 1969, 1970, 1974, 1975); A913255.

A913256. Fortieth anniversary commemorative story. Amateur Hockey Association of the Onited States. Editor: Tom Osenton. 47 p. Appl. au: Amateur Hockey Association of the 0. S. Amateur Hockey Association of the Onited States (AHAOS) ; 20Jun77; A913256.

A913257. The Art of wood burning: complete instructions for woodburning with 11 iron-on patterns. No. 7231. By Bob Ferris. 31 p. Designers Artistic Crafts, Inc.; 270ct77; A913257.

A913258. Vue d'optigue. three-dimensional montage. As done by Leone, pseud, of Leone B. Casbarian. 24 p. English only. e Craft Publications, Inc.; 4Nov77 ; A913258.

A913259. Centrif ugally cast pipe, and other titles. Multiple volumes. Appl. aui Fibercast Company, a division of Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company. NM: revisions B additions. O Toungstown Sheet and Tube Company: 1Jul73: A913259.

A913260. Pathophysiology of the subluxation; research seminar. Presented by Bobert Alan Leach. 5 p. Bobert Alan Leach; 13NOV77: A913260-

A913261. Aunt Ellen's Holiday almanac. Item no. 814. Author: Ellen Coleman. 47 p. Appl. au: Taurus Publications. Q Taurus

Publications: 310ct77: A913261.


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