Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1260

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4921193 (con.) annotated ed. By Belene 0. Hash E Gilbert i. Zinn, 1977 revision: Sister Eileen Barry, Sister Patricia Grasso 6 ilfred E. Chant. 122 p. Soae Material in this book appeared under the title lork-a-text science 2. Nil: ne» teacher's annotations. 6 Caabridge Book Company; dJul77; A921193.

A9211911. Science is looking. By Helene O. Nash 6 Gilbert A. Zinn, 1977 revision: Sister Eileen Barry, sister Patricia Grasso & Alfred E. Chant. 122 p. Sone aaterial in this book appeared under the title Hork-a-text science 1. NH: additions. © Caabridqe Book Conpany; 3Jan77; A92119II.

A921195. science is looking: teacher's annotated ed. By Helene O. Nash S Gilbert A. Zinn, 1977 revision: Sister Eileen Barry, Sister Patricia Srasso 8 Alfred E. Chant. 122 p. Sons material in this book appeared under the title Work-a-text science 1. NS: ne» teacher's annotations. Canbcidqe Book company: 3Jan77: A921195.

A921196. Science is inquiring; teacher's annotated ed. By aarvin H. lounq S Lee J. Garfield, 1977 revision: Sister Patricia Grasso 6 Alfred E. chant, teacher's quide by Alfred E. chant. 186 p. Some naterial in this book appeared under the title Hork-a-text science' i*. NB: rev. teacher's guide & new teacher's annotations. Canbridqe Book Company; 1Jui77; &921196.

A921197. The Visible man. Editor: Gardner B. Dozois, with an introd. by Bobert Siiverberg. 312 p. NH: compilation 5 introd. Gardner E. Dozois; 18Nov77; A921197.

A92119B. Heroes. By James Carabatsos. 211 p. Based on a screenplay by James Carabatsos. NH: novelization. HCA Publishing, a division of HCA, Inc.; 260ct77; A92119B.

A921199. Abducted! Confrontations with beings from outer space. By Coral Lorenzen C Jim Lorenzen for the Aerial Phenomena Besearch Organization, Inc. 228 p. Aerial Phenomena Besearch Organization, Inc.; 18NOV77: A921199.

A921200. Broken spur. By D. 8. Newton. 219 p. D. B. Newton: 18Nov77: A921200.

A921201. Sensitive encounter. By Canella Levis, pseud, of Jonathan Bichards. 21S p. Jonathan Bichards; 18Nov77: A92I201.

A921202. The House on the hill. By Jonathan Black, pseud, of Bela Von Block. 339 p. Bela von Block, writing as Jonathan Black: 18NOV77: A921202.

A921203. Benaminq your world with substance. By John Lee Baughman. 33 p. 6 John Lee Bauqnman; 3Jul77; A921203.

A921204. The aeasured life. By John Lee Baughman. 21 p. C John Lee Baughman: 1Sep77: A921201.

A921205. A Bottle of truth. By John Lee Baughman. 22 p. C John Lee Baughman: 6NOV77: A921205.

A921206. Hockey register. 1977-78. Compiled by Herb Elk, editors: Larry Bigge £ Joe Harcin. 576 p. The Sporting News Publishing Company; 21Nov77; A921206.

A921207. Through the window. No. 165. By Charles Keeping. 1 v. 6 filmstrip. Appl. au: Reston Roods studios. Inc. NH: compilation. Q Heston iioods studios. Inc.; 3Sep71 (in notice; 1973); A921207.

A921208. Play the numbers; math games of chaace. Author's: Kay Zoudka, Sharon Barr, Jean HcDermott E Thomas Rickham. 23 p. e ShaKean Stations, Inc.; 2Aug77; A921208.

A921209. Sports of sorts. Authors: Kay Zmudka, Sharon Barr, Jean HcDermott E Thomas Rickham, illustrator: Char Helgens. 19 p. ShaKean Stations, Inc.; 110ct77; A921209.

A921210. Youth and the law. Teacher's guide by Beth Schmais. 65 p. B 6 filmstrips. Appl. au: Sunburst Communications, Inc. Appl. states all new except compilation of most pictorial matter on filmstrips. S Sunburst Communications, Inc.; 10Nov77; A921210.

A921211. A Study of the relationships of operational costs of school districts as differentiated by size and site. By David Rilliam Fish. Hicrofilm. O David Rilliam Fish; 15NOV77: A921211.

A921212. A Case study of health needs assessment practices as they relate to the medical assistant training program in Zambia. By Sikhanyiso Duke Ndloyu. Hicrofilm. Sikhanyiso Duke Ndlovu; 15Nov77; A921212.

A921213. A Study of coping behavior of runaway adolescents as related to situational stresses. By Maryann Conigliaro Vandeloo. Hicrofilm. © Haryann Conigliaro Vandeloo; 15NOV77; A921213.

A921211. An Investigation into the socioeconomic background, academic attainment, and occupational mobility of Syracuse Oniversity letterwinners. By Grant Bobert Pavia. Hicrofilm. 9 Grant Bobert Pavia; 15NOV77; A921211.

A921215. PhotBstabilization of coatings: studies on resonance energy transfer. By Ellis Leigh Breskman. Hicrofilm. 6 Ellis Leigh Breskman: 15Nov77: A921215.

A921216. The Development of protoperithecia in Neurospora and the isolation of female sterile mutants. By Lalita Bhattacharya. Hicrofilm. © Lalita Bhattacharya; 1SNOV77; A921216.

A921217. Hormonal influences on the social structure of the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) : implications for the evolution of social behavior. By Lyn Judith ' Bromley. Hicrofilm. 9 Lyn Judith Bronley; 15Nov77: A921217.

A921218. The German Carmelites at the medieval universities. By Franz-Bernard Lickteig. Hicrofilm. © Franz-Bernard Lickteig; 15NOV77: A921218.

A921219. A Study of the utilization of required inservice days as it relates to Texas school counselors. By David Emmett powley. Hicrofilm. 6 David Emmett Powley; 15Nov77: A921219.

A921220. Junior college student understanding in economics as related to the needs of a democratic society. By Prank Edwin Reldon 3rd. Hicrofilm. © Frank Edwin Reldon 3rd; 15NOV77; A921220.

A921221. Innovation: the HCGIIL Hodel and its perceived effectiveness by chief school administrators and school business officials. By James Edward HcGinnis. Hicrofilm. © James Edward HcGinnis; 15NOV77; A921221.

A921222. Pt. 1: The photodeuteration of optically active biphenyls: the possible inter- mediacy of a vibrationally "hot" molecule. Pt. 2: An O.E.D. study of the conformation of optically active biphenyls in solution. By Arthur Leonard Blackwood. Hicrofilm. © Arthur Leonard Blackwood; 15Nov77; A921222.

A921223. Two procedures for investigating the interaction of aversive Favlovian conditioning and Sidman avoidance behavior. By Grant Rochfort HcHillan. Hicrofilm. © Grant Bochfort HcHillan; 1580V77; A921223.

A921221. Teachers and supervisors in Jordan: a cross-cultural study of leadership styles. By Khalid lousef Omari. Hicrofilm. Khalid Tousef Omari; 15Nov77; A921221.

A921225. SNA synthesis during the early period of rat liver regeneration. By Dennis Hichael Bakewicz. Hicrofilm. O Dennis Hichael Bakewicz; 15Nov77; A921225.

A921226. The Aesthetic methodology of Soeren Kierkegaard's pseudonymous works. By Douglas Randolph Taylor. Hicrofilm. © Douglas aandolph Taylor; 15Nov77; A92122D.

A921227. The Bole of Patriarch Nicephorus (A. D. 758-828) , Archbishop of Constantinople, in the iconoclastic controversy. By John James Travis. Hicrofilm. © John James Travis; 15Nov77; A921227.

A921228. The Assimilation of particulate organic carbon by estuarine and coastal copepods. By Hira Sachel B. CJiervin. Hicrofilm. © Hira fiachel B. Chervin; 15Nov77; A921228.

A921229. A Study of credit by examination and the perceived effects on admission to dental, law and medical schools. By Dennis Portman Rittenberg. Hicrofilm. © Dennis Portman Rittenberg: 15Nov77; &921229.

A921230. A Pre-experimental investigation into personality traits of college debaters. By James Loyd Rilsou. Hicrofilm. © James Loyd Rilson; 15Nov77; A921230.

A921231. The Convergence of Jewish and Hestern culture as exemplified through music: some educational consequences. By Steven Charles Lorch. Hicrofilm. O Steven

Charles Lorch; 15Nov77: A921231.


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