Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1261

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A921232 - A921271
JUL-DEC. 1977

i921232. Effects of inequity in supervisory communicatiOD behavior on subordinates in clerical norkqroups. By Paul aoy Ti«B. HicrofilB. Paul Boy Tiaa; 15liov77: 4921232.

4921233. Bonicide and publicity: a view from the deterrence perspective. By Carol Trilling Linker. Sicrofils. O Carol Trillinq Linker: 15Nov77; 4921233.

492123*. Conceptual teapo and oral reading performance. By Sharon 4nn Fisher. aicrofilB. Sharon 4nn Fisher; ISNav77; 492123*.

4921235. ConfocBational studies on the cyclic amp receptor protein of Escherichia coli. By Eric Bichard Eilen. HicrofilD. Eric aichard Eilen; 15Nov77; 4921235.

4921236. IshaB Green Barris, civil Bar governor and senator froa Tennessee, 1818-1897. By George Wayne Hatters. Hicrofila. George Hayne Batters; 15liov77: 4921236.

4921237. The Politics of the proposal to construct a bridqe over Long Island Sound froa Oyster Bay to Hye, Ben York: a study in qroup politics and public policy decisiOQ-aakinq. By Thoaas 41bect Oroleskey. aicrofila. S Thoaas Albert Droieskey; 1SNov77; A921237.

4921238. Proaotioq nonprofessionals in decen- tralized buaan service orqan izat ions: an exploratory policy study in the Nea York State Department of dental Ryqiene. By Georqe Burstein. Bicrofila. Georqe Burstein: 15Nov77; A921238.

A921239. Sensibility and Bobert Burns. By Carol Anne HcGuirk. Nicrofila. Carol Anne flcGuirk; 15Nov77; A921239.

492121(0. Differential language use at Burnt Church, a bilingual Hicmac Indian community of eastern Canada. By Lawrence Franklin Van Horn, nicrofila. Lavrence Franklin Van Horn; 15Nov77; 4921240.

49212111. 4cguisition of a discrete-trial-operant appetitive response in rats after exposure to response- independent food. By fiobert Philip Palese. Microfilm, o Bobert Philip Palese; 15Nov77; 4921211.

A921242. Avake: an English translation of Enrique Anderson Imbert's novel Yigilia. By Haiy Hibbard Lusky Friedman. Microfilm. Bary Hibbard Lusky Friedaan; 15Nov77; 49212112.

4921213. Antibodies to salt-extracted histones and their application toward understanding the distribution and organization of chroaosoaal proteins. By Hicholas John Hihalakis. Bicrofila. Hicholas John aihalakis; 15Nov77: 4921213.

4921211. Paailies in crisis: patterns of coping with serious illness. dy Edward Josepn Speedlinq. Bicrofila. Edaard Joseph Speedling; 15Nov77; 4921211.

4921215. The Teaple and the toab: the urban tradition in Brazilian literature and the city in the conteaporary Brazilian narrative. By Elizabeth 4nne Schloaann Lowe. Bicrofila. O Elizabeth 4uue Schloaann Lowe; 15Bov77: 4921215.

4921216. Season aosaics of fioaan North Africa. Vol. 1-3. By David Caldwell Parrish. Bicrofila. David Caldwell Pacrish; 15Nov77; A921216.

4921217. Beligion and radicalism: the 4Berican "Catholic left" as a social movement, 1961-1975. By Charles Anthony Beconis. Bicrofilm. O Charles Anthony neconis; 15NOV77; 4921217.

4921218. 4 Comparison of Cive eaployment and training proqrams for employing the disadvantaged. By J. Kenneth Lipner. Microfilm. J. Kenneth Lipner; 15Nov77; 4921218.

4921219. The Teachinq role in the Mew Testament: its nature and scope as a function of the developing church- By John Nesley Adaas. Bicrofila. O John Besley 4daas: 15Nov77; 4921219.

4921250. The Evolution of The Duaciad. By Shirley Bobin Scbnitzer. Microfilm. Shirley Bobin Schnitzer; 15Nov77; A921250.

A921251. Genetic and physiological studies of bacillus subtilis bacteriophage 105 autants with altered lysogenization characteristics. By Ming-Fan Law. Bicrofila. Ming-Fan Law; 15Bov77; 4921251.

A921252. 4rtisans, evangelicals, and the city: a social history of abolition and labor refora in Jacksonian New York. By John Barkley Jentz. Microfilm. John Barkley Jentz; 15Nov77; 4921252.

4921253. French economic penetration of Morocco, 1906-1911: the economic bases of imperialist expansion. By Lawrence Abrams, Jr. Microfilm. Lawrence 4brams, Jr.; 15Nov77; A921253.

A921251. A Survey of programs for the gifted and talented in Texas public schools. By ailliaa Charles Anderson. Microfilm. e Ulllram Charles Anderson: 15llov77: A921251.

A921255. fiegulation of erythropoiesis in polycythemia vera and fetal sheep: coaparative in vitro and in vivo studies. By nona singer Heinberq. Hicrofila. e Bona Sinqer Ueinberg; 15Bov77; A921255.

4921256. The Effects of a six weeks motor fitness program on the perforaance of selected sports skills for girls in the lower eleaentary grades. By Michael Patrick Beidy. Bicrofila. O Michael Patrick Beidy; 15»ov77; A921256.

A921257. The Judgment of formal matrimonial cases: historical reflections, contem- porary developments, and future pos- sibilities; canon law studies no. 192. By Anthony Christopher Oiacetis. Bicrofila. Anthony Christopher Diacetis; 15Mov77; A921257.

motor fitness program on the perforaance of selected sports skills for boys in the lower eleaentary grades. By Charles Newton Bilkes. Bicrofila. Charles Newton Bilkes; 15liov77; A92125a.

4921259. The Classification of students with respect to achieveaent, with implications for state-wide assessment. By Sonald Joseph Visco. Microfilm. O Bonald Joseph Visco; 15NOV77; 4921259.

4921260. Philo-seaitisa and the survival of European Jewry. By 41an Edelstein. Bicrofila. O 41an Edelstein; 15Nov77; 4921260.

4921261. The Epidemiology of spontaneous abortion: an analysis of selected factors. By Jennie Katherine Kline. Microfilm. O Jennie Katherine Kline; 15Bov77; 4921261.

49 2126 2. Practicuffl in law and social work: an educational prograa in interprofessional collaboration. By Marie Overby Beil. Microfilm. Marie Overby Ueil; 15Nov77; 4921262.

4921263. The Impact of labor migration on music in urban Ghana: the case of Kpehe Gome. By Barbara L. Bampton. Hicrof^Llm. Barbara L. Hampton; 1Sllov77; 4921263.

A921264. Defensive externality in a school-age population. By Elizabeth Sterenberg Freilich. Microfilm. O Elizabeth Sterenberg Freilich; 15(lov77; A921261.

A921265. The United Nations* peacemaking role in the Arab-Israeli conflict between 1967-1977. By Ovadia M. Softer. Microfilm, e Ovadia M. Soffer; 15Nov77: A921265.

4921266. A Comparison of modular and textbook instruction in an individualized, competency based, teacher education program. By James John Vaughan, Jr. Microfilm. O James John Vaughan, Jr.; 15NOV77; 4921266.

4921267. An Analysis of the organizational behavior of the chaplaincy at the Florida State Oniversity, 1952-1976, applying Perrow's concepts to the perceptions of the chaplains and selected records. By Nancy Ann Turner. Microfilm. Nancy Ann Turner; 15Nov77; 4921267.

A921268.- 4n Exploration of a computer assisted budgetary decision making model for an occupational education program in a BOCES. By Horace 4. Braggins* Jr. Microfilm. d Horace 4. Braqgins, Jr.; 15llov77 (in notice: 1975); 4921268.

4921269. A Study to investigate the relationship between physical activity and frequency of sexual behavior among selected males, ages 15 to 71. By Lawrence Sheldon Katzman. Microfilm. O Lawrence Sheldon Katzman; 15NOV77 (in notice: 1976); A92 1269.

A921270. The Mythology of Artemis and her role in Greek popular religion. By Carole Law Trachy. Microfilm. Carole Law Trachy; 15NOV77; A921270.


The Development of the Chinese


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