Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1286

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A922250 - A922289
JUL-DEC. 1977

A922249 (COS.) politics. By HoHacd I. Kushnec C Anne Hunmel Sherrill. 217 p. (Twayne's «orld leaders series. 69) G. K. Hall and Conpany: 10ct77: A922249.

A922250. Puritanism in Aoecica, 1620-1750. By Everett H. Emerson. 180 p. (THayne's Korld leaders series, 71) e G. K. Hall and Company; 10ct77; A922250.

A922251. Hobert Owen as educator. By Karen Caplan Altfest. 191 p. (THayne's world leaders series, 60) a G. K- Hall and Company: 10ct77: A9222b1.

A9 22252. Adolphe Thiers; or. The Triumph of the bourgeoisie. By Rene Albrecht-Carrie. 176 p. (Twayne's world leaders series, 67) G. K. Ball and Company; 10ct77; A922252.

A922253. Rlllard Van Orman Quine. By Alex Orenstein. 180 p. (Twayne's world leaders series, 65) O G. K. Hall and Company; 10ct77; A922253.

A92225lt. Edqar Allan Poe. By Vincent Buranelli. 2nd ed. 166 p. (Twayne's Onited States authors series, TUSAS U) O G. K. Hall and company; 1Sep77; A922251.

A922255. Jeao eacine. By Claude Kurt Abraham. 179 p. (Twayne's Borld authors series, T»AS 1*58. France) e G. K. Hall and Company; 1Sep77; A9222S5.

A9222S6. Georges Sinenon. By Lucille Fraclcman Becker. 171 p. (Twayne's Horld authors series, THAS 156. France) C G. K. Hall and company; 1Sep77: A922256.

A922257. Sholom Aleichem. By Joseph Butwin 6 Prances Butwin. 173 p. (Twayne's Rorld authors series, THAS 460. Yiddish literature) G. K. Hall and Company; 1Sep77; A922257.

A922258. Yuan Chen. By Angela c. Y. Jung Palandri. 202 p. (Twayne's Borld authors series, THAS 112. China) e G. K. Hall and COBpany; 1Sep77: A922258.

A922259. Philip Bylie. By Truman Fredericli Keefer. 168 p. (Twayne's Onited States authors series, TOSAS 285) G. K. Hall and Company; 1Sep77; A922259.

A922260. Hew and revised material for report manual volumes 1 and 2. 1 v. NM: revisions 6 additional text. HcGladrey, Hansen, Dunn and Company; 2BKo¥77; A922260.

A922261. The Neural sciences; lecture syllabus. Editor S compiler: Eric E. Kandel. 525 p. C College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia Dniversity; 6Sep77; A922261.

A9 22262. Saw food recipes: light eating for survival. Britten by Barcia Acciardo. introd. by Vi)ctoral Kulvinslcas. 1 v. aarcia Acciardo; 25No»77; A922262.

A922263. P. n. puppet. Kit. DM: instructions 6 color photo. Leisure Home Parties, Inc.; 111Iar77: A922263.

A922264. Bacrame plant hangers kit. HH: instructions e color photo. 6 Leisure Home Parties, Inc.; 5Apr77; A922264.

A922265. Bright eyes. Kit. nb: instructions 6 color photo. Leisure Home Parties, Inc.; 1I4JU177; A922265.

S922266. Flower basket. Kit. HH: instructions £ color photo. Leisure Hone Parties, Inc.; 1ilJul77: A922266.

A922267. Halt Disney's Bickey Bouse and friends/paint 'n' show. Kit. Appl. au; Bait Disney Productions. Bait Disney Productions; 13Jun77; A922267.

A922268. Boderick Hudson. By Henry James, with an introd. by Leon Edel. 526 p. e on introd.; Leon Edel; 2May77; A922268.

A922269. Food first: beyond the myth of scarcity. By Frances Boore Lappe £ Joseph Collins, with Cary Fowler. 1(66 p. Institute for Pood and Development Policy; 21Jul77; A922269.

A922270. The Shrine and other stories. By Bary Lavin. 156 p. Prev. pub. abroad 30Bay77, AI- 16869 & portions prev. pub. in The New Yorker, Bar. 1976 £ others. NB: compilation. Bary Lavin; 16Sep77; A922270.

A922271. The Shaping of America's heartland: the landscape of the Biddle Best. By Betty Flanders Thomson. 267 p. (The Natu- ralist's America) Diagram on p. 61 prev. pub. in American journal of science, 1951. Betty Flanders Thomson; 170ct77; A922271.

A922272. The Japanese corpse. A novel by Janwillem Van De Betering. 280 p. e Janwillem Van De Betering; 1«Sep77; 4922272.

A922273. The German wars, 191»-19i»5. By Donald James Gooflspeed, illustrator: Samuel H. Bryand. 561 p. e D. J. Goodspeed; 6Sep77; A922273.

A922274. Anne Sexton: a self-portrait in letters. Edited by Linda Gray Sexton 6 Lois Ames. 1*33 p. NB: letters 6 prev. unpub. photos, e poems. © Linda Gray Sexton £ Loring Conant, Jr., executors of the will of Anne Sexton; 14Gct77: A922274.

A922275. Anne Sexton: a self-portrait in letters. Edited by Linda Gray Sexton £ Lois Ames. 433 p. 6 on commentary £ editing; Linda Gray Sexton £ Lois Ames; 1itoct77; A922275.

A92227C. The Best American short stories, 1977 and the Yearbook of the American short story. Edited by Bartha Foley, compiler. 374 p. Portions prev. pub. in The Carleton miscellany £ others. NB: compilation, biographical notes £ Yearbook of the American short story. C Houghton Bifflin Company; 25Aug77; A922276.

A922277. The Best American short stories, 1977 and the Yearbook of the American short story. Edited by Bartha Foley, compiler. 374 p. Portions prev. pub. in The Carleton miscellany £ others. NB: e Bartha Foley; 25Aug77;

A922278. Zora Neale Hurston: a literary biography. By Robert E. Hemenway, with a foreword by Alice Balker. 371 p. e The Board of Trustees of the Dniversity of Illinois; 1lDec77; A922278.

A922279. Borniiig chores and other times remembered. By Hadley Bead, illus. by Lydia Bosier. 189 p. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois- 30NOV77; A922279.

A922280. The Factory girls; a collection of writings on life and struggles in the New England factories of the 1840 's by the fadtory girls themselves, and the story, in their own words, of the first trade unions of women workers in the Dnited States. Edited by Philip Sheldon Foner. 360 p. NB: compilation, abridgment, additions £ revisions. The Board of Trustees of the Oniversity of Illinois; 6Dec77; A922280.

A922281. The Federal Hriters' Project: a study in Government patronage of the arts. By flonty Noam Penkower. 266 p. NB: additions £ revisions, e The Board of Trustees of the Oniversity of Illinois; 29NOV77; A922281.

A922282. Black Georgia in the progressive era, 1900-1920. By John Dittmer. 239 p. (Blacks in the New Horld) NB: revision 6 expansion of doctoral dissertation. The Board of Trustees of the Oniversity of Illinois; 5Dec77; A922282.

A922283. Onassigned fteguencies: American poetry in review, 1964-77. By Laurence Lieberman. 296 p. NB: compilation, front matter, pref., 1 essay £ revisions. e Laurence Lieberman; 30Nov77; A922283.

A922284. Humanitarian politics: the International Committee of the Bed Cross. By David P. Forsythe. 298 p. The Johns Hopkins Oniversity Press; 18Nov77; A922284.

A922285. Soviet semiotics: an anthology. Edited, translated £ with an introd. by Daniel Peri Lucid. 259 p. KB: translation, introd., editor's notes £ bibliography. O The Johns Hopkins Dniversity Press; 28NOV77; A922285.

A922286. Glyph 2: Johns Hopkins textual studies. Editors: Samuel Beber £ Henry Sussman. 256 p. 6 The Johns Hopkins Oniversity Press; 17Nov77; A922286.

A922287. Science in Victorian Manchester: enterprise and expertise. By Bobert Hugh Kargon. 283 p. The Johns Hopkins Oniversity Press; 28Nov77; A922287.

A922288. Poverty in a land of plenty: tenancy in eighteenth-century Baryland. By Gregory A. Stiverson. 187 p. (Baryland Bicentennial studies) The Johns Hopkins Oniversity Press; 28Nov77; A922288.

A922289. Social development in childhood: day-care programs and research. Edited by Eoger A. Bebb. 196 p. Papers from the Fourth Hyman filumberg Symposium on

aesearch in Early Childhood Education.


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