Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1375

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A925833 - A925882
JUL-DEC. 1977

4925833. The Donino effect of alcoholiSD and its impact OD society. 1 p. 6 2 folders. The Otbec Victims of Alcoholism* Inc.; 12»pr77; »925833.

»925831|. The Louis A. Allen position piannioq quide. 76 p. Louis A. Allen Asso- ciates. Inc. ; 8Dec77; i92583«.

A925835. The Allen complimentary seminar. 3 t. O Louis A. Allen Associates, Inc.; 8Dec77: A925835.

A92SB36. General mathematics; Hathematics A-1. By Lyle sbooli. 69 p. Appl. au: The University of Hyomiaq. The University of Hyominq; 9Mov77; A925836.

A925837. Hanaqement and ocqanization: Hanaqement 621D. By Frank M. Hertel. 13 p. Appl. au: The University of iyominq. O The University of Hyomiaq; 15liov77: 4925837.

A925838. Access for all; an illustrated handbook of barrier free desiqn for Ohio. By the Ohio Governor's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped & Schooiey Cornelias Association, Architects/Enqineer s/P- lanners. 192 p. The Ohio Governor's Committee on Employment of Lhe Handicapped 6 Schooiey Cornelius Associates. Architect s/Enq in eers/Pianners; isep77; A925838.

A925839. Soul mates. 11 p. (Circulaucq file) O Edqar Cayce Foundation; 170ct77; A92S839.

A92S8II0. Soul retroqression and development. 3^4 p. fCirculatinq file) Edqar Cayce Foundation; 2bApr77; 4925840. A925841. Soul birth. 6 Edqar Cayce 4925841. 7 p. (Circulatinq file) Foundation; 6Jan77;

A9258it2. Cayc 35 p. (Circulatinq file) e Edqar jundation; 24Hay77: 4925842.

4925B43. The Seven year physical cycle. 29 p. (Circulatinq file) Edqar Cayce Foundation: 18JU177; A925843.

4925844. Zero depreciation. By Corvin Jacobson. 83 p. Add. ti; Zero (car) depreciation; a key to financial success. O corvin Jacobson: 23Nov77; A925844.

A925845. Guide to the essene way of bioqenic livinq; nev perspectives, new horizons, nev frontiers. By Edmond Bordeaux Szekelv. 178 p. C Edmond Bordeaux Szekely; 13Dec77: A925845.

4925846. Bovdidqe's First aid manual for statistics. 114 p. O John S. Boirdidqe; 15Dec77: 4925846.

4925847. Graduation uishes. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Robin Lee Dennison. Catherine Plumb & Hickey Klumb. va: compilation, additional text 6 pictorial matter. Ideals Putlishinq Corporation: 14Dec77; 4925847.

4925848. Deaf like me. By Georqe C. lilson. with a comment by C. J. Fronczek. 145 p. O Georqe c. Bilson; 5Dec77; 4925848.

4925849. Professional cartooninq instruction tips and tricks! By Kinqsley 0. Harris. 13 p. 4ppl. states all nev except portions on p. 3, 5. 7. 10-13 vhich vere prev. pub. in Champoeq (OE) pioneer. June 1956 S others. O Kinqsley 0. Harris; 140ec77; 4925B49.

4925850. Hore lauqhs; 125 cartoons includinq professional tips! Tricks! By Kinqsley Osmund Harris. 1 v. O Kinqsley o. Harris; 14Dec77: 4925850.

4925851. Cartoons. By Kinqsley O. Harris. 1 v. Kinqsley 0. Harris; 14Dec77; A925851.

4925852. Cartoon samples. By Kinqsley 0. Harris. 1 V. O Kinqsley 0. Harris; 14Dec77; 4925852.

4925853. Communication, qoals, time planninq. By 41an H. Jacobson. 19 p. O Alan H. Jacobson; 1Dec77 ; A925853.

4925854. Sounds of letters; consonant "tricks" and vord endinqs. Book 2. By Ellen B. Bilson. 36 p. E. B. Bilson; 15Dec77; A925854.

A925855. calendar of vild thinqs. 1978. Britten by Susan Tyler Hitchcock, illustrated by Gail Bruce Hclntosh. O Susan Tyler Hitchcock S Gail Bruce Mcintosh (in notice: Hitchcock 6 Hclntosh) ; 4Dec77; 4925855.

4925856. Materials handlinq equipment and industrial products. 47 p. NR; additional text & pictorial matter. 6 Equipment Company of 4merica; 7Dec77; 4925856.

4925857. Ouick-n-easy one peice (sic) crochet mittens. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Judith L. Biley. Judith L. Eiley; 13Dec77; 4925857.

4925858, food for thouqht. By Theodore P. Labuza C Anne Elizabeth Sloan. 2nd ed. 179 p. AH Publishinq Company, Inc.; 12Jul77; 4925858.

4925859. Laboratory manual in food preservation. By Harion L. Fields. Ill p. 4VI Publishinq Company. Inc.; 23Sep77; 4925859.

4925860. Traininq manual for meat cutting and merchandising. By Thomas Fabbricante. 291 p. O AVI Publishinq Company, Inc.; 180ct77; 4925860.

4925861. Snap-on spray director, model 4. 4 p. Appl. au: Thomas B. facrv. O Thooas B. Farry; 2Dec77; 4925861.

4925862. Nev lark at the Hotel Mars. By Karla Moss Freeman. 19 p. O Karla Moss Freeman; 12Dec77; 4925862.

4925663. The House of Procter Purser. By John M. McRae. 27 p. O John M. McEae; 7Nov77; 4925863.

4925864. A visit to the land of dwellings. By John M. McRae. 15 p. John M. McRae; 7Nov77’ A925864

A925865. HOH to pick a lavyer. By Jack Q. Barton. 21 p. 6 Jack Q. Barton; 14Dec77; A925865.

4925866. Bheat veaving. 24 p. Appl. au: Doxie 4. Keller C Lois McNeil. O Doxie 4. Keller 6 Lois McNeil; 16May77; 4925866.

4925867. Prenatal record- 1. 1 p. 4rizona Perinatal Program; 17oct77; 4925867.

4925868. 4dmission status record. 1 p. 4rizona Perinatal Program; 170ct77; 4925868.

4925869. Labor — delivery. 1 p. O 4rizona Perinatal Program; 170ct77; 4925869.

4925870. obstetric summary. 1 p. O 4rizona Perinatal Program; 170ct77; 4925870.

4925871. Keonatal data 1 — admission. 1 p. O Arizona Perinatal Program; 170ct77; 492587 1.

4925872. Neonatal 2. 1 p. 4rizona Perinatal Program: 170ct77: 4925872.

4925873. Geologic hazards in San Diego: earthquakes, landslides and floods. Edited by Patrick L. Abbott G Janice K. Victoria. 96 p. The San Diego society of Natural History; 1«Dec77; A925873.

A9:5874. Super seving shortcuts. By Sharon Marie Kirkpatrick Goodrich. 20 p. O Marie K. Goodrich; 16Nov77; A925874.

4925875. DisseiTtation proposal; Personality traits and concentration styles of U.S. International Preerifle competitors. By Billiam aalph Bigby. 52 p. Billiam Ralph aigby; 7Dec77; A925875.

4925876. Investors Research Company: profits through research. 21st ed. 1 v. 4ppl. aU: Edgar T. Bells, Jr. £ John E. Noble. Investors Research Company; 14Dec77; 4925876.

4925877. Financing residential real estate; seminar outline. By 41an B. Jacobson. 26 p. O Alan B. Jacobson; 1Dec77; A925877.

A925878. Cultivating your listing farm; seminar outline. By Alan B. Jacobson. 50 p. O Alan B. Jacobson; 10ec77; 4925878.

4925879. Guaranteed sale plan; seminar outline. By 41an B. Jacob.son. 22 p. Alan B. Jacobson: 1Dec77; A925879.

A925880. Real estate office management; seminar outline. By Alan B. Jacobson. 148 p. O Alan B. Jacobson; 1Dec77; A925880.

A925881. An Exploration of the child's concept of intelligence. By Ellen Banner Pollack, sheets (58 p.) O Ellen Banner Pollack; 25May77; A925881.


Kamar. spring 1978. 1 v. Appl. au:


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