Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1376

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A925883 - A925921
JUL-DEC. 1977

A925882 (con.) istcid E. Kanar. C Kaaar, Inc.; eoct77: i925882.

A925883. old Sheffield plate; the collectioo of Hr. S Hcs. B. Earl Capehact, Jr. Essay by T. H- Frost, edited e with an introd. & checklist by Catherine Beth Lippert, desiqn: Nancy Hyers Hillinghan, pho- tographer: Robert Ballace. 1 t. 6 Indianapolis Uuseum of Art; 2dSep77: A925883.

A925a8». Perforaance guide for cutting copper pipe and installing fittings. Prepared by Apprentice and Engineering Training Departaent, tie Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. 23 p. Appl. au: The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Coapany. 6 The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Coapany; 8Dec77; A925884.

A925885. Administrator's manual for use uith perforaance guide aodule nuabers PG-ar-10a-5-6 or PG-b- 104-5-6. Prepared by Apprentice and Engineering Training Departaent, the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. 16 p. Appl. an; The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Coapany. @ The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Coapany; 8Dec77 ; A925885.

A925886. Adainistrator*s manual for ^se with perforaance guide module nuaber PG-ar-101 or PG-b-101. Prepared by Apprentice and Engineering Training Departaent, the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Coapany. 12 p. Appl. au: The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Coapany. O The Goodyear Tire atod Rubber coapany; 8Dec77; A925886.

A925887. Svinaing and diving rules. Editor; Brice B. Burbin. 1977-78 National Federation ed. Ill p. Appl. au: National Federation of state High School Asso- ciations. National Federation of State High School Associations; 26JU177; A925887.

A925a88. Basketball rules siaplified and illustrated, 1977-78. Editors: Brice B. Durbin 6 J. Clifford Harper. Ill p. NH: editorial revisions. @ National Federation of State High School Associations: 23Aug77; A925888.

A925889. Hrestling rules. Editor: Brice B. Durbin. 1977-78 National Federation ed. 95 p. Appl. au: National Federation of State High School Associations. 3 National Federation of State High School Associations; 27Jul77; &925889.

A925890. National Federation of State High School Associations official handbook, 1977-1978. 112 p. O National Federation of State High School Associations; 130ct77; A925890.

A925891. Football rules simplified and illus- trated, 1977. Authors: Brice B. Durbin £ J. Clifford Harper. 128 p. Add. ti: Official high school football rules simplified and illustrated, 1977. National Federation of State High School Associations; 19JU177: A925891.

A925892. Basketball case book, 1977-78; official rule interpretations. Edited by Brice B. Durbin 6 Edvard s. steitz. 94 p. Appl. au: National Federation of State High School Associations. Q National Federation of State High School Asso- ciations; 25Jal77; A925892.

A925893. Boys gyanastics rules. Editor: Brice B. Durbin. 1977-78 National Federation ed. 165 p. Appl. au: National Federation of State High School Associations. © National Federation of state High School Associations; 22Sep77; A925893.

A925894. Tracking. By Nancy Steele. 39 p. Some poems prev. pub. in Eureka review & others. Ntj: poems & compilation of poems. e Hancy Steele; 15Jun77; A925894.

A925895. Han in a rovboat. By Toa Eea. 1 v. Some poeas prev. pub. in Montana Gothic e others. MH: new poems & compilation of poeas. e Toa Bea; 1Sep77; A925895.

A925896. Beefs and evaporites — concepts and depositional models. Edited by James H. Fisher. 196 p. (Studies in geology, no. 5) Q The American Association of Petroleum Geologists; 12Dec77; A925896.

A925897. LSI/Sierra 831 A cable splicing system. SOH-831A issue 1, Nov. 1977. 57 p. Q Lear Siegler, Inc., sierra Electronic Division (in notice: Lear Siegler, Inc.); 30NOV77; A925897.

A925898. Poeas for aniaal lovers. By Gary William Osterhoudt. T v. O Gary Nilliam Osterhoudt; 15Dec77; A925898.

A92S899. flodels of teaching surveys (forms B, Q, P) 1 V. Appl. au: Bruce Thompson. e Bruce Thoapson; 28Hov77; A925899.

A925900. Pacific Coast studio directory. Dec. 1977 index 6 suppl. 100 p. Appl. au: Harry C. Beitz d.b.a. Pacific Coast Studio Directory. 6 Pacific Coast Studio Directory: 1Dec77: A925900.

A925901. Verses for all seasons. By Evelyn Gertrude Jensen. 1 v. © Evelyn G. Jensen; 15Dec77; A925901.

A925902. Organic music. By Richard Angilly, photos.: Roger Hess. 78 p. G Richard Angilly; 11Dec77; A925902.

A925903. Electri-List catalog for Shanor Electric Supply, Inc.; 1978 diary price guide. 1 V. © Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 3Nov77; A925903.

A925901(. Electri-List catalog for Penn Electric Supply Group; 1978 diary and price guide. 1 V. © Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 2Nov77; A92590lt.

A925905. Electri-List catalog for Dealers Electrical Supply. Catalog no. 78- 310 p. NM; new material S editorial revision- © Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 30NOV77; A92S90S.

A925906. Electri-List catalog for Dorman Electric Supply Company, Inc. No. 3. 212 p. NH: new material & editorial revision. © Trade Service Publications, Inc. ; 16NOV77: A925906.

A925907. Electri-List catalog for Rensenhouse Electric Supply Company. Catalog no. 78. 1 y. NH: new aaterial & editorial revision. 6 Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 17NOV77; 4925907.

A925908. Social behavior inventory. Form C; child. By Iraa Galejs, Dahlia F. Stockdale, illus. by Lynn Graham Mahl. 1 V. 6 Iowa State University Research Foundation, Inc.; 16Dec77; A925908.

A925909. Pneumatic schematic symbols handbook. Prepared by Apprentice and Engineering Training Department, the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Coapany. 12 p. Appl. au: The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. © The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Coapany; 130ct77; A925909.

A925910. Perforaance guide; cutting polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic pipe and installing fittings. Prepared by Apprentice and Engineering Training Department, The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Coapany. 17 p. Appl. au: The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Coapany. 6 The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company: 80ec77: A925910.

A925911. The Scientific mystery of woman's history solved (the God mother) 31 p. Appl. au: Patricia L. Fearing. 6 Patricia L. Fearing; 14Dec77; A925911.

A9 25912. Kototaaa lectures (January-June) 1977. By Hutsura Hasahilo Nakazono. 80 p. 6 Hutsuru H. Nakazono (in notice: Hasahilo Nakazono) ; ' 10Mov77; 4925912.

4925913. Head bread. 4 handful of spiritual inspirations given to Edward Charles Hymes. 44 p. Q Edward Charles Byrnes; 20NOV77; 4925913.

A925914. The Fulness of ministry. By Christopher Patrick Johnson. 86 p. G Christopher P. Johnson; 13Dec77; A925914.

A925915. Fera's Fast finder index: guide to 1978 national electrical code. 163 p. Appl. au: Olaf G. Ferm. © Olaf G. Fera; 14Dec77; A925915.

A925916. Indonesian revival; why two million came to Christ. By Avery T. Billis, Jr. 263 p. © Avery T. iillis, Jr.; 200ct77; A925916.

A925917. The iord carrying giant; the growth of the American Bible society (1816-1966) By Creighton Lacy. 311 p. © Creighton Lacy; 16NOV77; A925917.

A925918. The Roman who pleases God. By Fay Smart £ Jean Young. 128 p. 6 Eamaus Bible School; 18Aug77; 4925918.

A925919. Financial aspects of industrial leasing decisions: implications for marketing. By Paul F. Anderson. 142 p. © Board of Trustees of Michigan State University; 5Dec77; A925919.

A925920. iorkbook for the Cosmetology teacher- traininy manual; teacher's ed. By Jacob J. laha. 190 p. © Hilady Publishing corporation: 120ct77; A925920.

A925921. Cosmetology teacher-training manual. By

Jacob J. Yaho. 209 p. NH: additions.


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