Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1568

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A933655 - A933695
JUL-DEC. 1977

A933655. Stoppinq the Borld. Photos. S tejct by Martin Schweitzer, foreword by Ansel AdaBS. 1 V. NM: text 6 photos, e Martin Schweitzer; 2Dec77; A933655.

A933656. Stoppinq the world. Photos. 6 text by Hartin Schweitzer, foreword by Ansel Adams. 1 v. on foreword: Ansel Adaas; 2Dec77; A933656.

A933657. Data lanquaqe/I disk operatinq system/virtual storaqe (DL/I DOS/VS) Version 1, release 3, planninq quide. 1 V. (IBM Palo Alto Systems Center bulletin) O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation) ; 1Dec77; 4933657.

A933658. The lest Virqinia calendar, 1978. S Smallridqe-Cotterman Advertisinq, Inc.; mov77: A933658.

A933659. Vernon's Kansas statutes annotated: code of civil procedure. Vol. 1-3. 1977 pocket parts. By James M. Concannon. Add. ti; Vernon's Kansas forms annotated: code of civil procedure. Appl. au; Earl H. Hatcher. 9 Best Publishinq Company; 180ct77: A933659.

A933660. A Civil tonque. By Edwin H. Newman. 207 p. NH: compilation 6 additional new text, e Edwin H. Newman; 23Sep76: A933660.

4933661. 4ntipsychotic, antiemetic, and antidepressant druqs. By Beniamin J. Sudzinowicz £ Michael J. Gudzinowicz, with the assistance of Horace F. Martin S James L. Driscoll. 268 p. (Analysis of drugs and metabolites by qas chromatoqraphy-mass spectrometry, vol. 3) Portion prev. pub. in Gas chromatoqraphic analysis of druqs and pesticides. NM: new text. 6 Marcel Dekker. Inc.; 6Dec77; A933661.

A933662. Immunoloqy of receptors. Edited by Bernhard Cinader. 521 p. Papers prev. pub. in Immunological communications, vol. 5, DO. 1-6 6 vol. 6, no. 2. NM: front matter S index. 6 Marcel Dekker, Inc.; 270ct77: A933662.

4933663. Pioneers on skis. By Erlinq Strom, with an introd. by Lowell Thomas. 239 p. O Julien Cornell; 25Feb77: A933663.

A93366it. The Johnson years. Editor; Nelson Lichtenstein, associate editors; Eleanora H. Schoenebaum G Michael L. Levine. 741 p. (Political profiles) Appl. au: Facts on Pile. 9 Facts on File, Inc.; 15Dec76; A933664.

A933665. The Kennedy years. Editor: Nelson Lichtenstein, associate editor: Eleanora 8. schoenebaum. 621 p. (Political profiles) Appl. au: Pacts on File. e Facts on File, Inc.; 15Dec76: A933665.

A933666. Ceramics, mosaics and stained qlass; a creative introduction to methods and materials. Edited by Saul Lapidus, illus. in adaptation by Chris Dec. 181 p. Sections on ceramics E mosaics adapted from Craft techniques in occupational therapy. NM: illus. S section on stained qlass. e Saul Lapidus: 270ct77; A933666.

4933667. Oceanic sound scattering prediction. Edited by Neil B. 4nderson £ Bernard J. Zahuranec. 859 p. 4ppl. au: Plenum Press, employer for hire. Appl. states coypcight not claimed in any portion written by a U.S. Govt, employee as part of his official duties. 9 Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation; 20Jun77; A933667.

A933668. Star Trek: the prisoner of Vega, iritten by Sharon Lerner 6 Christopher Cerf, illustrated by Robert Swanson. 41 p. © Paramount Pictures Corporation; 40ct77; A933668.

A933669. Catastrophe theory; selected papers, 1972-1977. By E. C. Zeeman. 675 p. NH: editorial selection, compilation & new text. Addison- Hesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 1Nov77; A933669.

4933670. Scenes et sejours. Level 2. By 41bert Valdman, Nancy Caplan Mellerski, Marcel LaVergne 6 Simon Belasco. 484 p. NM: 70X new text, new line art, 80% new photos. 9 Scott, Foresman and Company; 23Aug77; A933670.

A933671. The Eevolution, the Mar of 1812, the early frontier, 1776-1850. By Bandy Steffen, illus. by the author. 195 p. (The Horse soldier, the Onited States cavalryman: his uniform, arms, accout- rements, and equipments, vol. 1) e University of Oklahoma Press, publishing division of the Dniversity; 18Nov77; A933671.

A933672. A Political history of the Cherokee Nation, 1838-1907, by Morris L. Hardell. In search of Cherokee history; a bibliographical foreword to the second printing, by Eennard Strickland. 383 p. NM: foreword. 9 Dniversity of Oklahoma Press, publishing division of the University; 2Nov77: A933672.

4933673. Aeroquip standard S.A.E. 37 degree flared tube fitting. Bulletin 5551. 2 p. 9 Aeroguip Corporation; 100ct77; A933673.

4933674. 2 wire braid hose and reusable fittings kit for farm eguipment. Bulletin 5552. 2 p. 9 Aeroquip corporation; 2Nov77; A933674.

A933675. New! farm coupling male tips. Bulletin 5555. 2 p. e Aeroquip Corporation; 10Oct77; A933675.

A933676. G-B brake cylinder release valve and adapters. Gustin-Bacon product bulletin: railroad EPB-2. Folder. 8 Aeroquip corporation: 21Aug77; A933676.

A933677. Weld flange fittings for freight car and locomotive air brake piping. Gustin-Bacon product bulletin: railroad BPB-4. 7 p. 9 Aeroguip Corporation; 15Jun77; A933577.

A933678. Lightweight instrument mount clamps. Bulletin 1531. 7 p. 9 Aeroguip Corporation: 15Aug77; 4933678.

4933679. Barco locomotive performance verifier. Bulletin 9004. Folder. 9 Aeroquip corporation; 15Sep77; A933679.

A933680. Distributor displays. Bulletin 8047. Polder. 9 Aeroquip Corporation; 15Aug77: A933680.

4933681. 4eroguip "fi" series spring brake warning! Bulletin 8091. 2 p. 9 4eroguip Corporation; 10Oct77; 4933681.

4933682. Distributor directory: Barco/Marman products. Bulletin 8098. 7 p. 9 Aeroquip Corporation; 20Sep77; 4933682.

A933683. J13 and IIJ13 gasketless tube joints. Aerospace engineering bulletin AEB-195. 7 p. 9 Aeroquip Corporation; 310ct77; A933683.

A933684. LJ11 and J11 joints. Aerospace engineering bulletin AEB-211. Polder. Q Aeroquip Corporation; 20Jun77; A933684.

4933685. New! Aeroquip S1359-1 hose proof test stand. Aerospace engineering bulletin AEB-214. 2 p. 9 Aeroquip Corporation; 20Jun77; A933685.

4933686. Aeroquip E-Z Drain sump valve. Aerospace engineering bulletin AEB-216. 2 p. 9 Aeroquip Corporation; 2Nov77; 4933686.

4933687. The FT1200 hose cut-off machine. Industrial engineering bulletin IEB-195A. 2 p. 9 4eroquip corporation; 21Jun77; 4933687.

4933688. Summary of European product codes- Bulletin C-160B. 2 p. 9 Aeroquip Corporation; 254ug77; 4933688.

4933689. 4eroquip product reference guide. Bulletin C-172. Folder. 9 Aeroquip Corporation; 15Sep77; A933689.

A933690. Aeroquip Versa-flare flareless tube fitting. Bulletin 5550. 2 p. 9 Aeroquip corporation; 100ct77; 4933690.

4933691. 1 wire braid hose and reusable fittings kit for farm equipment. Bulletin 5547. 2 p. 9 Aeroquip Corporation; 2Nov77; 4933691.

4933692. Aeroquip cross reference list; S.A.E. 37 degree tube fittings configurations. Bulletin 5549. Folder. 9 Aeroguip Corporation; 150ct77: A933692.

A933693. Hose assembly changes are made quickly with Aeroguip Stapiok fittings. Application bulletin 5538. 2 p. © Aeroguip corporation; I5Sep77; A933693.

A933694. Osing Aeroquip Stapiok fittings is a dream compared to S.A.E. 37 degree (J. I.e.) flare fittings. 4pplication bulletin 5537. 2 p. 9 4eroquip Corporation; 15Sep77; 4933694.

4933695. Aeroguip cargo control distributor directory. Bulletin 5529. 6 p. © Aeroquip Corporation; 30Aug77;



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