Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1569

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JUL-DEC. 1977

1933696. Selected adapters for hiqh perforaance applications. Bulletin 5520». 2 p. ieroquip Corporation; 10Sep77; 4933696.

A933697. Training Center 77; Industrial Division Traininq Center announces its schedule for 1977. Bulletin 5512. Folder. ieroquip Corporation; 15Hay77: 1933697.

1933698. Eepublic hose technical data. Bulletin 5465. 2 p. C Seroquip Corporation; 310ct77: 1933698.

1933699. leroquip hiqh perfornance products. Bulletin 51611. 11 p. O leroquip corporation; 15Sep77; 1933699.

1933700. lerofiner air dryer; I'd like to put lerofiner air dryers on anythinq that requires air. Ipplication bulletin 118-106. 2 p. e leroquip corporation: 151uq77: 1933700.

1933701. lerofiner air dryer; lerofiner does its 1ob — fleet superintendent orders 11 more. Ipplication bulletin IIB-IOI. 2 p. leroquip Corporation; 20Jun77: 1933701.

1933702. He» leroquip crash»orthy fuel systen couplinq. Industrial enqineerinq bulletin lBB-228. 2 p. leroquip Corporation; 301uq77; 1933702.

1933703. leroquip tie-down strap asseably for hiqh performance vehicles. Bulletin 5519. 2 p. leroquip Corporation; 281uq77; 1933703.

1933704. leroquip FD56 series couplinqs for racinq applications. Bulletin 5524. 2 p. leroquip Corporation; 31iuq77; 1933704.

1933705. Quick disconnect couplinq cataloq 242. 29 p. leroquip Corporation; 15Jul77; 1933705.

1933706. leroquip pipinq systems. Bulletin 15. 12/le-1. 1 V. leroquip Corporation; 251uq77 (in notice: 1975); 1933706.

1933707. leroquip industrial cataloq 243. 209 p. leroquip Corporation ; 2Nov77: 1933707.

1933708. leroquip narine hose and fittinqs. cataloq 3051. 227 p. leroquip Corporation: 310ct77: 1933708.

1933709. In the good old days. Uhat's qoinq on? Thanks for telling us! 4 posters. (Hospitalics — prof it/uakers. no. 15F-F6. 16F-P7, 17F-0 £ 0-F8) NH: text £ additional pictorial laterial. C Haurice 1. Straub d.b.a. The Buarts coiipany; 1Dec77; 1933709.

1933710. Ipplication laoual for Coca-Cola bottlers. 1 ». C Durhai Coca-Cola Bottling Coapany; 1Dec76: 1933710.

1933711. Library directory, procedure library and source library for narket audit and statistic sales for Coca-Cola bottlers. Printout. Durhaa Coca-Cola Bottlinq company; 1Dec76: 1933711.

1933712. yalores del adolescente cubano. Por llicia G. Bamonuevo. 11 p. (Nines, adolescentes, conprendalos aejor* 1) e llicia G. Barrionuevo; 7Ho»77: 1933712.

1933713. Conflictos de adaptacion del adolescente cubano. By llicia G. Barrionuevo. 13 p. {Ninos, adolescentes, coiprendalos aejor, 2) llicia G. Barrionuevo; 7Nov77; 1933713.

1933714. El Idolescente triste. By llicia G. Barrionuevo. 12 p. (Ninos, adolescentes, conprendalos aejor, 6) llicia G. Barrionuevo; 7llov77; 1933714.

1933715. Niedos y fobias en el nino y en el adolescente. By llicia G. Barrionuevo. 13 p. (Ninos, adolescentes, coaprendalos aejor, 9( llicia G. Barrionuevo; 7NOV77; 1933715.

1933716. Handbook on church doctrines. By Stafford North. 168 p. OCC Bookstore; 19Sep77: 1933716.

1933717. Hysteria and schizophrenia: diaqnosis and treataent; counselor's handbook. By aonte Harris Liebaan. 74 p. Monte Harris Liebaan; 1Sep77; 1933717.

1933718. COBBunications froB the private world of a psychiatrist. By aonte Harris Liebaan. 16 p. O Monte Harris Liebaan; 1Sep77; 1933718.

1933719. Introduction to psychotherapy. By Monte B. Liebaan. 30 p. Monte H. Liebaan; 150ct77; 1933719.

1933720. What is love and hon to find it. By Monte Harris Liebaan. 56 p. 6 Monte Harris Liebaan; 1Nov77: 1933720.

1933721. Script for David's city. Written by Sol Staaber, edited by Yaakov Eeshef £ Israel Graaa, photos, by Jay Maisel. 12 p. Board of Jewish Education, Inc.; 2May77; 1933721.

1933722. Be who survive; an original audio draaa in 2 parts. By Michael DeGuzaan, edited by Yaakov Beshef, Israel Graaa £ Bebekah Mosenkis, guide prepared by Shosbana Glatzer. 43 p. Idd. ti: Guide and script for »e who survive. Board of Jewish Education, Inc.; 2Mar77; 1933722.

1933723. Haa'raqel aikikar Dizengoff. By Batia Baron, edited by Elchanan Indelaan, illustrated by Irie Haas. 59 p. Idd. ti: The "Spy" of Dizengoff Square. O Board of Jewish Education, Inc.; 1Feb77: 1933723.

1933724. Ka via I'Boreh I'shvuot. 345 p. Board of Jewish Education, Inc. ; 2May77 (in notice: 1976) ; 1933724.

1933725. The Sleeper. By :Susan Kurzweil. 1 v. O Susan Kurzweil; 1Jan77: 1933725.

1933726. The Bible's story. By Susan Kurzweil. 63 p. Susan Kurzweil; 1Jun76: 1933726.

1933728. Building book collections: two variations on a theae. By Jaaes H. Osborn 6 Robert Vosper. 58 p. Ippl. au: Estate of Jaaes M. Osborn. O Hilliam Indrews Clark Meaorial Library, Oniversity of California, Los ingeles; 1Nov77; A933728.

1933729. The Irt of field dressing a deer. 6 p. Ippl. au: Indrew J. Panish. O Indrew J. Panrsh; 12Nov77: 1933729.

1933730. Daybook of Hestern heroes: poeas froa an outlaw calendar. By Jaaes Frank Parman, Jr. 1 V. NH: additions. Prank Paraan; 26Dec77: 1933730.

1933731. OSHl requireaents guide. May 1977 revision, GPP. 34 p. Equipaent Guide-Book Coapany; 15May77; 1933731.

1933732. OSHl requirements guide. May 1977 revision, OPP. 4 p. O Equipaent Guide-Book Company; 15aay77; 1933732.

1933733. OSHl requireaents guide. June 1977 revision, MPP. 12 p. O Equipment Guide-Book Coapany; 15Jun77; 1933733.

1933734. OSHl requireaents guide. Bay 1977 revision, OPP. 9 p. C Equipaent Guide-Book Coapany; 15May77; 1933734.

1933735. Tuesday nights: writings by woaen. Edited by Marion Cohen £ Heaara, pseud, of Carolyn Lichty. 59 p. Ippl. states coapilation £ aaterial new except for poems on p. 11, 19, 21, 25, 29, 30 £ 37. 6 Marion Cohen £ Hemara Daer, pseud, for Carolyn Lichty; 210ct77; 1933735.

1933737. Karismatics for kiddies: a Sunday school program for preschoolers, winter quarter. 26 p. Ippl. au: Ellyn M. Flotho (E. Flotbo) O E. Flotho; 23Nov77; 1933737.

1933738. Early lurora. Editors: Carl Vincent McFadden 6 Leona a. acFadden, assistant editor: Gladys J. aetcalf. 44 p. Ippl. states text new except for prev. pub. photos. £ illus. e Carl Vincent McFadden fi Leona M. McFadden; 23Nov77; 1933738.

1933739. Computer enqineerinq. By C. Gordon Bell £ J. Craig Mudge. 1 v. NM: additional text £ compilation, e Digital Equipment Corporation; 10Nov77; 1933739.

1933740. Projected Learning Programs, Inc. 165 audio-visual programs. 8 p. Ippl. au: Bichard F. Carle, Jr. NM: additions. Projected Learning Programs, Inc. ; 110ct77; 1933740.

1933741. Guide to the college view-deck 4-year colleges. 1977-1979 ed. 22 p. Chronicle Guidance Publications, Inc.; lSep77; 1933741.

1933742. I see a bee! By Nettie Hay Hassey £ Queene H. Morrison, illustrated by Eddi Idams. Sheets. O Nettie May Massey; 16Mar77; 1933742.


The Roman who pleases God; teacher's


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