Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/208

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4878627. Distar reading 1: an instructional STStep. By Sieqfried Enqelnann 6 Elaine C. Bruner. 2nd ed. Kit. Accompanied by sound recordinq in boi. e Science Besearch Associates, Inc.; 17Jul7it: A878627.

A878628. Announcinq select-a-sale: feature a 88 cent-99 cent sale. 15 p. 6 B.I. Sotion Coapanr of Chicago; 6Jul77; A878628.

A878629. Bank-some- Boney-card. Appl. au: David La»rence Eichcreek. S David L. Bichcreek; 21JU177; A878529.

A878630. The iorld outlook for polypropylene. By Dlysses A. Yannas. 21 p. Appl. au: Drexel Burnham Lambert. Inc. Drexel Burnham Lambert, Inc.; 13Jul77; A878630.

A878631. Iron ore Creek chili. 1 p. Appl. au: Eosemary H. Parker. Bosemary H. Parker: 15JU177; A878631.

A878632. GSA authorized Federal supply schedule. PSC qroup 65, part 2, section B, item number 268-9 sutures. Suppl. no. 2, effective July 1, 1977. 2 p. S Ethicon, Inc.; 30Jun77; A878632.

A878633. Grants asd awards available to American writers. 9th ed., 1977. 66 p. e P.E.H. American Center: 5Jul77; A878633.

A878631I. Viqnattta of dispaira. By Garth Coogan. Ill p. Enqlish only. Garth Coogan: 23JU177: A878634.

A87e635. First Security Corporation; research report, June 14, 1977. Analyst: John L. Obourn. 2 p. 6 Bosvorth Sullivan and Company, Inc.; 1i|Jun77; A878635.

A878636. Myominq Bancorporation ; research report. Hay 12, 1977. Analyst: John L. Obourn. 2 p. e Bosworth Sullivan and Company, Inc. ; 12May77; AB78636.

A878637. A/E legal newsletter. Vol. 5, no. 5, July 1977. Folder (6 p. I Appl. au: Paul L. Genecki. 9 Victor O. Schinnerer and Company, Inc.; 15Jul77; A878637.

A878638. Breastfeeding and drugs in human milk. By Mary white. 31 p. La Leche Leaque International, Inc.; iajul77; A878638.

A878639. The LLLove story. By Kaye Lowman. 91 p. Q La Leche League International, Inc. ; iajul77; A878639.

AB786itO. 1977 supplement and index to Defending criminal cases in Virginia, 1975 edition; Virqiziia lawyer's practice handbook supply. 1 V. Appl. au; Joint Committee on Continuing Legal Education of the Virginia State Bar and the Virginia Bar Asso- ciation. The Virginia Bar Association & The Virginia State Bar; 20Jul77; A878610.

A878641. Banna's town: the foundinq of a western Pennsylvania village. By Edward H. Hahn. 16 p. Add. ti: Hannastown: the foundinq of a western Pennsylvania villaqe; Hannastown: the founding of a^ village on the Pennsylvauia frontier. &. Edward H. Hahn: 30Apr77; A87861(1.

A878642. Fall and winter, 1977 catalog. 31 p. Appl. au: Stuart Berger. © B. Handelsman Company; 25Jul77; A8786112.

4878643. Six blueprints for a stillborn dream. By Thomas J. Soul. 63 p. S Thomas J. Soul; 30Jun77: A878643.

4878644. Newspaper clipping earnings. Folder. Appl. au: Susan H. Lassig. @ National Financial Enterprises; 22Jul77; 4878644.

A876645. Financial enterprise kit. 12 p. Appl. au: Susan H. Lassig. O National Financial Enterprises; 22JU177; 4878645.

4878646. D.S. transit markings catalog. Vol. 2, suppl. 2. Sheets. 4dd. ti: The Dnited States transit markings catalog. 4ppl. au: Charles L. Towle. O aobile Post Office Society: 25Jul77; A878646.

A878647. Alternative life safety systems for historic structures. By Melvyn Green 6 Harriet B. iatson. 107 p. Helvyn Green 6 Harriet B. iatson; 2Jun77; A878647.

4878648. Smoke detectors. 2 p. (Be an open-eyed consumer, guideline no. 59) © Penn- sylvania Department of Justice, Bureau of Consumer Protection; 27Jun77; A878648.

4878649. Joybells activities for 4's and 5's. cycle 2. Editor: Virginia Jeffries, illustrated by Sharon Bailey Drury, Grace 4bbott, Katherine Bummage 6 Genevieve Springer, writers: Grace 4bbott, Donna Fillmore, Katherine Eummage 6 Genevieve Springer. 47 p. Appl. au: Sesleyan/Free Methodist Children's and Youth Hinistries Committee. © Wesleyan/Free Methodist Children's and Youth Ministries Committee; 2Jun77: A878649.

A878650. The Life of Christ in the Book of John: student outline manual. 106 p. S Positive Action for Christ, Inc. ; 20Jun77; A878650.

A878651. Antiquer's and camper's guide for travelers in Maine, on Boute 2. 19 p. Appl. au: John Robert Johnson. © John B. Johnson; 11Jun77; 4878651.

4878652. Thrifty nifty coloring book- 1 v- © Saint Paul Federal Savings and Loan 4ssociation of Chicago; 25Jul77; 4878652.

A878653. One day at a time; a book of poems. By Joel Bruce Chasen. 1 v. © Joel Bruce Chasen; 4Apr76; A878653.

4878654. Laboratory manual in food chemistry. By A. E. Hoods S Leonard B. Aurand. 72 p. © The 4vi Publishing company. Inc. ; 16Mar77: A878654.

A878655. K. P. Restaurant Supply Company catalog. 1 V. Add. ti: Foodservice equipment and supply dealer's catalog. © Summit Catalog company; 14JU177: 4878555.

4878656.^-, From cotton to clothing: an inter- disciplinary economics program for elementary grade students. By Elizabeth a. Schwammberger. 47 p. © Elizabeth B. Schwammberger; l8Jul77; 4878656.

4878657. Life of Paul, junior high. 10-day teacher's manual 6 10-day pupil book. Bevision writer: La Vernae J- Dick, editor: James E. Horsch, associate editor: Levi Miller, illustrator: 411an Eitzen. 2 V- (Herald summer Bible school series, grade 8) NM: revisions £ additional text 6 illus. © Herald Press; 2May77; 4878657.

A878658. Getting acquainted with the New testament, youth/adult. 10-day teacher's manual 6 10-day pupil book. Bevision writer: Nancy V. Lee, editor: James E- Horsch, associate editor; Levi Miller, illustrator: Marvin Espe. 2 v. (Herald summer Bible school series, grade 10) NM: revisions 6 additional text & illus. © Herald Press; 9May77; A878658.

A878659. Followers of Jesus, junior high. 10-day teacher's manual 6 10-day pupil book. Bevision writer: La Vernae J. Dick, editor: James E. Horsch, associate editor: Levi Miller, illustrator: Allau Eitzen. 2 V. (Berald summer Bible school series, qrade 7) NM: revisions £ additional text £ illus. © Herald Press; 10May77; 4878659.

4878660. Cards. Ser. 8. By Raymond V. 4nderson. 1 p. © Raymond V. 4nderson; 26Jul77; 4878660.

A878661. A Job search manual for the new graduate. By Anne Johnson, issued by Oniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, College of 4griculture. 182 p. © College of 4griculture, Institute of 4griculture and Natural Resources; 7Sep76; 4878661.

4878662. A Complete guide to canoeing: a manual on technique and equipment and the best canoeing routes in North America. By Carl Monk £ Jerome Knap. 192 p. © Pagurian Press, Ltd.; 15Jul76; A878662.

A878663. A Child's introduction to the outdoors. By David Bichey. 158 p. Pagurian Press, Ltd.; 150ct76; A878663.

Ae78664. Big biology: the OS/IBP. By H. Frank Blair. 261 p. (OS/IBP synthesis series, 7) © The Institute of Ecology: 24Jan77; 4878664.

4878665. Mechanisms and control of cell division. Edited by Thomas L. Host £ Ernest M. Gifford, Jr. 387 p. © Dowden, Hutchinson and Boss, Inc.; 20May77: 4878665.

4878666. Concepts and methods of biostratigraphy. Edited by Erie Galen Kauffman £ Joseph E. Hazel, with the assistance of Barbara Duffy Heffernan. 658 p. © Dowden, Hutchinson and Boss, Inc.; 2 4Jun77; 4878666.

4878667. Meteorite craters. Edited by Gerald Joseph Home McCall. 364 p. (Benchmark papers in qeology, vol. 36. Series editor: Rhodes V. fairbridge) NM: prefaces by the series fi volume editors, introd., commentaries, translations, indexes fi table of contents. © Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, Inc.; 15Jul77; 4878667.


Enclosinq behavior. By Robert B.


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