Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/209

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A878668 (con.) Bechtel. 192 p. Douden. ButchinsOD and Ross, Inc.; 1Jul77; iB78668.

1878669. Buaan response to tall buildiaqs. Edited by Donald J. Coniiar. 362 p. Dowden, ButchinsoD and Boss, Inc.; 1JU177; 1878669.

4878670. The Last of the Arctic. By uilliaa Kurelek. 9U p. Paqurian Pcess, Ltd.; 10No»76; &878670.

4878671. Hadane Jehane Benoit's Coaplete heritaqe of international cookinq. 125 p. e Paqurian Press, Ltd.; 15liov76; 4878671.

4878672. The Heal 4«erican traqedy: 186 1-1865 Bar Between the States as never told before. Color photos.: Blunclc studio of Hoore, Inc. 151 p. 4ppl. au; J. fi. Hoasey, Jia Sinon t SQzi Sinon. NH: conpilation of photos. , editinq of research aaterials & additional text 6 pictorial natter. 6 Hoasey-Sinon Production Conpany; 13JU177: 4878672.

4878673. The 4qatha Christie Mystery. By Derrick aurdoch. 192 p. C Paqurian Press, Ltd.; 15No»76: 4878673.

4878674. Hasterinq the art of vinninq qolf. By Jaaes Haber. 192 p. Paqurian Press. Ltd.; 150ct76: 4878674.

4878675. Prayers froa the classrooa. Editor; Evelyn H. Copeland, with an introd. by Charles B. Keller. 44 p. O Evelyn H. Copeland E Charles B. Keller; 7Jal77; 4878675.

4878676. iaaqe sharinq. 1 V. airai 4878676. By Uirai Bosen Bosenkranz; kranz. 1 27JU177:

4878677. Flaqstaff, Ash Fork, Caaeron, AZ« and others telephone directory, July 1977. The nountain states Telephone and Teleqraph Coapany: 25JU177: 48 78677.

4878678. Plyaouth, Marshfield, 114, area telephone directory, 4uqust 1977. Vev Enqland Telephone and Teleqraph Coapany; 22Jul77; 4878678.

4878679. Portsaouth, Exeter, Dover, fl4, and others telephone directory, 4uqust 1977. O Mew Enqland Telephone and Teleqraph Coapany; 14uq77; 4878679.

4878680. Franchise laws, requlations and rulinqs. Vol. 1-2. Coapiled by the International Franchise 4ssociation. O International Franchise 4ssociation; 20Hay77; 4878680. O Vasil 0. lasil D. 41arupi:

4878681. denthi dhe 4qi 41arapi. 57 p. 34uq77; 4878681.

4878682. Deteraine your net worth; a worksheet 6 quide to coapute your net worth. By Leonard 4. Paolillo. 10 p. O Leonard 4. Paolillo; 27Jun77; 4878682.

4878683. Colloquia in anthropoloqy. Vol. 1, 1977. Edited by Sonald X. Hetherington. 118 p. Fort Burgwin Besearch Center, Inc.; 24Jun77; 4878683.

4878684. How to interview successfully and get the -job. Folder. O David Bood Personnel 4gencies, Inc.; 22JU177; 4878684.

4878685. Instant Freebee. Kit. 4ppl. au: Richard Linick. O fiicfaard Linick 4ssociates; 13Jul77; 4878685.

4878686. Bedia 3 for Tounq Innovators grapevine, July 15, 1977. 5 V. 4dd. ti: Bedia 3/qrapeviue. NB: additional text & pictorial natter. Young Innovators, Inc.; 15JU177; 4878686.

4878687. Biteway blackjack. Card. 4ppl. au: Dorothy L. Bayden. O The Biteway Coapany; 26JU177: 4878687.

4878688. Exploring the sentence. Prepared for the Institute for Teaching and Learning, Spelaan College. 123 p. 4ppl. au: Jacqueline 4. Jones. O Jacqueline 4. Jones; 12JU177; 4878688.

4878689. Huaan sexuality: a preliainary study. Developed for the Executive Council, United Church of Chrxst by the United Church Board for Boaeland Binistries. 197 p. 4dd. ti; Huaan sexuality: advance report. O United Church Board for Hoaeland Binistries; 31Hay77; 4878689.

4878690. The Views of General Synod delegates on huaan sexuality. 4 survey report by loshio Fukuyaaa, prepared for the Eleventh General Synod of the United Church of Christ, Bashington, D.C., July 1-5, 1977. 20 p. 4ppl. au: United Church Board for Homeland Binistries. United church Board for Hoaeland Binistries; 30Jun77; 4878690.

4878691. Besearching alternative spellings of naaes of persons and places. By Frances Baxine Si.aaons Bell. 4 p. Frances Baiine siaaons Bell; 25Jun77i 4878691.

4878692. Besearching alternative spellings of naaes of persons and places. By Frances Baxine Siaaons Bell. 8 p. BB: additions & revisions. Frances Baxine Sinoons Bell; 12JU177; 4878692.

4878693. Subaersible puaps: bowl sizes 6" to 18" diaaeter. Brochure B-700. Folder (7 p.) Peerless Pump; 11Jul77; 4878693.

4878694. 4pplication for credit line loan account. Folder. 4dd. ti: Application for credit line — General Telephone Federal Credit Union. The Center for Financial Studies and Development; 17Nov76; 4878694.

4878695. The Chicago metro book, 1977/78; a guide to advertising agencies & advertisers in the 8 county Chicago area. 458 p. 4dd. ti: Chicago aetro, 1977/78. Rational Register Publishing Coapany. Inc.; 20JU177; 4878695.

A878696. Florida session law service (4th increment), 1977. Bultiple voluaes. O The Harrison Coapany; 22Jal77; 4878696.

4878697. Baiter Drake and Sons, Inc. picking slip. Bo. DV001-1. 2 p. MB: editorial revision t: updating. Baiter Drake and Sons, Inc.; 15Jul77; 4878697.

A878698. The Charles i. Garfield stocj. By Bary Emily Schroeder. 90 p. Bary Eaily Schroeder; 22Jul77; 4878698.

4878699. 4 Guide to discipline in the public sector. By Joel Seidaan. 117 p. O Industrial Belations Center, University of Hawaii; iejnl77; 4878699.

4378700. Huaan possibilities; a Vernon Johns reader. Edited by Saauel Lucius Gandy. 167 p. Saauel Lucius Gandy; 13Jul77; 4878700.

4878701. Placebos and your personality. By Steven D. Saul. 4 p. Steven D. Saul; 25JU177; 4878701.

4878702. Survivors and other poeas. By Carol 4nn Borizot, illustrated by 4ravinda Chakravarti. 79 p. Gulfstreaa first appeared in 4rt and literary digest, 1975. O Carol 4nn Borizot; 23Jul77; 4878702.

4878703. Poems, sentimental and otherwise. By iendell H. Burgess. 1 v. Bendell H. Burgess; 25Jul77: 4878703.

4878704. Bissing pieces. By Gail K. Belson. 1 V. 4 Bew day originally pub. in 4 Collection of poeas, 1976. O Gail K. Belson; 22Jul77; 4878704.

4878705. Pro-teen rallies. Folder. Positive 4ction for Christ, Inc.; 15Jul77; 4878705.

A878706. Bankel Publishing's Faaily adventure directory. 1 v. Appl. au: Robert 4. Kelly. O Bankel Publishing; 19Apr77; 4878706.

4878707. The Ban who. Britten by Charles B. Hodge, Jr., edited by Leonard Bullens. 61 p. O Gospel Teachers Publications, Inc.; 2bJul77; 4878707.

4878708. College learning resources prograas; a book of readings. 80 p. Appl. au: 4ECI, Program Standards Committee Task Force. 4ssociation for Educational Coaau- nications and Technology; 20Jun77; 4878708.

4878709. Let the women run 4merica. By Peter Djurovic. 55 p. O Peter Djurovic; 8JU177; 4878709.

4878710. Ideas for the experienced caner. By John Peterka 6 Lillian Peterka. John Peterka £ Lillian Peterka; 25JU177; 4878710.

A878711. Visiguide. VSB no. 2, Apr. 1977. 1 v O Hartford Fire Insurance Company: 22Jan77; 4878711.

AS78712. Binds of life. By Binifred Oarden Barren. 1 v. 6 Binifred Dacden Barren:

25Apr77; A878712.


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