Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/288

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JUL-DEC. 1977

S881877 (con.) Correctional dissociation; 1Har77; A881877.

4881878. The Class of 1952: where we are and hov we've chacqed. 32 p. Appl. au: James J. ToQunanev. 3 James J. Tommaney; 18Ha777; 4881878.

4881879. IB4 death notification report. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Carroll B. Payne. 6 Independent Research 4qency for life Insurance, a.a.d.o. IB4 (in notice: IB4) ; 210ec76 (in notice: 1977); 4881879.

A881880. Executive budqetinq system. Oriqinated by Darrell Neil Jerome Norlinq. 1 v. @ Executive Budqetinq Systems, Inc., solely owned by Darrell N. J. Uorlinq (in notice: Darrell N. J. Hoclinq) ; 23Har77 tin notice: 1976): 4881880.

4881881. James Bama: western paintinqs. 1 v. 4ppl. au: peter H. Hassriclc. 9 Buffalo Bill Historical Center; 5Har77; 4881881.

4881882. How to qet the most from the emphysema- bronchitis diet. 6 p. Appl. au: Barlow P. Merrick. Q Medical Reports, Ltd. , Harlow P. Herriclt: ISHarV?; 4881882.

A881883. It ain't easy to qet to an uninhabited island: an Allen Free School adventure. 17 p. 4ppl. au: Kent Daniels, Laurel Palasch & Susan Haxon. 3 Brotherhood Press: 13Jun77; 4881883.

4881884. Oil spill and how to play it. 8 p. Appl. au: Paul 4. Martin, e Paul 4. Martin d.b. a. Martin Enterprizes; 31May77; 48818811.

4881885. 4 Practical low cost solar home heatinq system. 3<t p. 4ppl. au: 41vis Howard. e Enerqoqenics, solely owned by 41vis Howard: 1May77: 4881885.

A881886. Foot notes. Britten by Cynthia Bobb. Folder. (To the hoop, vol. 1, no. 1, Apr. 25, 1977) a Cynthia Bobb; 25Apr77; A881886.

A881887. The Malce-a-qame kit. By Bobert Sommer. 1 V. Robert Sommer; 15Mar77: 4881387.

A881888. Play to win with Amsterdam's advertisinq qifts. 39 p. e 4isterdam Printinq and Litho Corporation; 74pr77: 4881888.

4881889. The Pete Duran story. By Peter Julian Duran. 36 p. e Peter Julian Duran (in notice: Pete Duran): 25Jul77: 4881889.

4881890. For uniformity in practices to be followed by staff members of summer school sessions for the introductory courses of The Slinqerland adaptation for classroom use of the Orton-Gillinqham approach. By Beth H. slinqerland. 14 p. @ Beth H. Slinqerland; 18May77; A881890.

A88ia91. Fire and life safety systems in Hater Tower Place. By Eolf H. Jensen. 1 v. e Eolf H. Jensen: 1Hay77; A881891.

4881892. Livinq and learninq a lanquaqe in a laboratory location; pilot proqram. By Lois Miner. 16 p. Lois Miner; 164pr77; A881892.

A881893. Everythinq anout quitar chords; a quitar phonics method. By Wilbur Martin Savidge. 192 p. e Bilbur Martin Savidge; 11Jun77; 4881893.

4881894. Bus Man John. By Jack Sundowner, pseud, of Gerald B. Michels. 55 p. Add. ti: Jack Sundowner's Bus Man John. Q Gerald H. Michels S Georqiann M. Michels d.b. a. G. and G. Michels; 1Jul77; 4881894.

A881895. Hi, Doc, Kansas City, Missouri. By LeBoy C. House. 1 v. LeRoy C. House; 18May77; 4881895.

4881896. Remember. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Irwin Bappaport. O Irwin Bappaport; 290ct76 (in notice: 1977) ; 4881896.

A881897. Centennial historical salute to the East High Alumni Association; part of the rich history of East Des Moines & East High School. By Bobert E. Denny. 60 p. e East High School of the Des Moines Independent Community School District (in notice: East High School) ; 1May77; 4881897.

4881898. Sacelles/pylons (ATA 54) : inspection of engine firewall receptacles. 15 p. (Gulf stream 1, customer bulletin no. 295) Grufflman American Aviation Corporation (in notice: Grumman American Corporation) ; 30Jun77: A881898.

4881899. Putting the pieces together; help for single parents. By Velma Thorne Carter £ J. Lynn Leavenworth, photos. 6 illus. by George H. Carter, Jr. 127 p. Judson Press; 22Jun77; 4881899.

4881900. Putting the pieces together: help for single parents; leader's guide. By Velma Thorne Carter e J. Lynn Leavenworth, photos. 6 illus. by George H. Carter, Jr. 159 p. e Judson Press; 22Jun77; 4881900.

4881901. The 4uthor and finisher of our faith. By Michael J. Sullivan. 32 p. 6 Michael J. Sullivan; 6Jul77: 4881901.

4881902. Eternally free. By Michael J. Sullivan. 24 p. e Michael J. Sullivan; 6Jul77; A8819a2.

A881903. Tasty Gourmet recipes. Compiled by Tasty Gourmet Society. 150 p. Add. ti: Tasty Gourmet cookbook. NM; original recipes & compilation. Tasty Gourmet Society; 151lov76; A881903.

4881904. Bhither goest thou? 4 brief anthology by Janie Sanders. 40 p. Janie Sanders; 24Jun77; 4881904.

4881905. Crepe and omelet cookbook. By Haryana Vollstedt. 38 p. C Maryaiia Vollstedt; 5Jan77; 4881905.

4881906. -^ Rocky Bella and Sons. 1 p. Add. ti: Sales record. 6 Rocky Bello and Sons d.b. a. Bello, Ltd.; 31Dec76; 4881906.

4881907. A and L muslc-key scout; instruction booklet e chart. By Adelee Bhetstone & Lynette Bhetstone. 15 p. A. E. Bhetstone; 18Mar77; A881907.

A88r908. The Developing nations, a comparative perspective. By Robert E. Gamer. 393 p. O Allyn and Bacon. Inc.; 2Feb76; A881908.

A881909. Computer pin map system. By Thomas P. Evans. 2 v., printout & magnetic tape. Evans Programming services (Thomas p. Evans); 6Aug77; A881909.

A881910. Smitbfield as seen by Sherman's soldiers. By Don Wharton. 16 p. Prev. pub. in Smithfield (NC) herald, 1975. NM: foreword. Smithfield Herald Publishing Company; 12Apr77; 4881910.

4881911. True learning gone forever? By Pauline Elizabeth Theobald. 15 p. Pauline Elizabeth Theobald; 1Jun77; 4881911.

4881912. Creeping compromise. By Joe Crews. 104 p. 4mazing Facts, Inc.; 29Jul77; 4881912.

4881913. God's plan for this planet; a looJc at future events and how to get ready for them. By Ian Macpherson. 91 p. Gospel Publishing House; 29Jul77; 4881913.

4881914. 21-Zip, the NFL. 1977 ed. Folder & cards. Add. ti: 21-Zip pro football. Appl. au: Jon Howard Bight. Jon B. Bight; 5Jul77; 4881914.

A881915. Kitchen guide. By The House of Kitchens, Inc. Folder. Q The House of Kitchens, Inc.; 2Aug77; A881915.

A881916. The Beaird method. Folder. Appl. au: Byron Grady Beaird. B. G. Beaird; 6JU177; A881916.

A881917. The Essene gospel of peace. Book 2: the unknown books of the Essenes. The original Hebrew 6 Aramaic texts translated 6 edited by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. 127 p. NH: additions. edmond Bordeaux Szekely; 21Jul77; A881917.

A881918. Sexual harmony. By Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. 58 p. NM: revisions, additions & illus. Edmond Bordeaux Szekely; 21JU177; A881918.

4881919. The Essene gospel of peace. Book. 1. The 4ramaic 6 old Slavonic texts compared, edited fi translated by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. 72 p. NM: additions. Edmond Bordeaux Szekely; 21JU177; 4881919.

A881920. The Book of herbs: natural, organic, ecological. By Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. 46 p. NM: additions. Edmond Bordeaux Szekely; 21Jul77; A881920.

A881921. The Discovery of the Essene gospel of peace: the Essenes and the Vatican. By Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. 91 p. NM: additions. Edmond Bordeaux Szekely; 21JU177; A881921.

A881922. The Preventive diet for heart and

overweight. By Edmond Bordeaux Szekely.


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