Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/289

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A881922 (COO.) 45 p. NH: additions. O Edaoud Bordeaux Szekelr; 21Jal77: A8ei922.

»881923. Nature's bridqes aod arches. Vol. 2: Arches National Park, OT. By Bobert H. Tceeland. 124 p. Bobect H. Tceeland; 25JU177: 4881923.

A88192U. Tax facts: how to keep your tax dollars froa slipping throuqh your fingers. 37 p. Appl. au: Billiaa H. Ueodricicson (T. T. Bebil) NH: abridged coapilation C editorial review. ¥. T. Bebil; 25JU177: A88192a.

AS81925. Stephen Uth. By B. G. Allen. 60 p. O E. G. Allen; 25Jul77; A881925.

A881926. Tiae that was. By Judy Hottiec Fcank. 100 p. O Judy Bottler Frank; 2SJttl77: A881926.

A8B1927. yesteryear aeaocies. By Louis L. Miller. 145 p. Louis L. Hilleir: 2SJU177: A881927.

A881928. The Fall of the Alamo. By Beuben H. Potter, with an introd. 6 notes by Charles Grosvenor. 63 p. NB: introd. (p. 5-8) 6 annotations to the text (p. 48-63) Charles Srosvenor; 22Jul77: A381928.

A881929. Hastings-on-the-Hississippi. By Lucille E. Haimarqren Ooffing. 334 p. NH: compilation of historical statistics. O Lucille Baaaargren Doffing; 13Jao77 (in notice: 1976); A881929.

A881930. The Flaainq center; a theology of the Christian aission. By Carl £. Braateo. 170 p. Fortress Press; 1Aug77; A881930.

A881931. A Theology of exile: judgment/deli- verance in Jereaiah and Ezekiel. By Thoaas H. Baitt. 271 p. Appl. states all new except quotations froa Scripture & soae aaterials in chap. 5. Soae material in chap. 5 prev. pub. in fihetorical cciticisa: essays in honor of Jaaes Huilenburg. Portress Press; 1Aug77; A881931.

A881932. Hy work as a Christian; teacher ,-quide. A five-session unit for grade 6. Prepared by Carl D. Shankweiler, edited by Frederick Nohl. 32 p. Parish Life Press; 2Auq77; A881932.

A881933. Bible stories: Old Testaaent; teacher guide. A six-session unit for age five. By Linda Carpenter, edited by Linda Schoiaker. 48 p. Parish Life Press; 2Aug77: A881933.

A8S1934. Getting along with others; teacher guide. A five-session unit for use with grade 4. Prepared by Joyce Budowski, edited by Gustav K. Hiencke. 32 p. O Parish Life Press; 2Aug77; A881934.

A881935. Multiple city learning center- 8 p. Appl. au: Louise S. Nance. O Louise S. Nance; 25Jul77; A881935.

A881936. Larry Jennings on card and coin handling. 1 p. Appl. au: Jeffrey Hilliaa ays. 25 p. O Doris FlerschD 3Auq77; A881951.

A881937. Paoaaa: sovereignty for a land divided. A people's priaer by the EPICA Task Force, editing coordinator: Diane De Graffenreid, research coordinator: Philip £. Uheaton. 127 p. EPICA Task Force; 16Nov76; A881937.

A8ei93e. Puerto Bico: a people challenging colonialism. A people's priaer by the EPICA Task Force, editing coordinator: Mildred A. Mays, research coordinator: Philip E. Uheaton. 108 p. EPICA Task Force; 28Dec76; A881938.

Aa81939. Knife fighting: art of self-defense and sport. By George B. Hallace. 33 p. George B. Ballace; 28Jul77; A881939.

A881940. Grilles for Andersen windows. 12 p. (Coffaan window grilles, price list nuaber CG-102, effective July 1, 1977) NM: compilation & revisions. C Visador Coapany; 1Jul77; A88194Q.

A881941. Grammar notebook: everything you need to know about grammar but would rather not have to ask. By Joan Hansen. 1 v. Joan Hansen; ieFeb77; A881941.

A881942. The Catholic Hospital Association, 1977 guidebook. 82 p. The Catholic Hospital Association; 4Aug77; A881942.

A881943. Advanced Fortran 4; supplemental text £ examples to accompany in-class lecture series. By Donald Alan Betzlaff. 255 p. Donald Alan Betzlaff; 26Jul77; A881943.

A881944. Dispensations: God's plan of the ages. By Kenneth H. Sheppard. Hall chart. Kenneth M. Sheppard: 6Jan75; AS81944.

A881945. The Local church: members one of another. By Kenneth H. Sheppard. Folder. 6 Kenneth H. Sheppard; 6Jan75; A881945.

A8ei946. Believer's baptism. Folder. Appl. au: Kenneth H. Sheppard. O Kenneth M. Sheppard; 6Jan75; A88I946.

A8ei947. The Comaunion service: in remembrance of He. By Kenneth H. Sheppard. Folder. O Kenneth M. Sheppard; 6Jan75; A881947.

A881948. Laboratory medicine. Vol. 1-4. Editor: Georqe J. Bace. 4 v. in 1. NH: 824 new pages. O Harper and Bow, publishers. Inc., Medical Department (in notice: Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.); 20Jun77; A881948.

A881949. Wallace street guide: Tarrant County, Forth uorth, Arlington, aid-cities, 1977-1978. 35th ed. 765 p. Add. ti: Hallace street guide for Tarrant County (Texas) 1977-1978. John L. Ballace, Jr.; 25JU177; A881949.

A881950. 17-8520 tomato biochemical influence BioKit; teacher's aanual. 8 p. Carolina Biological Supply Coapany; 2Sep76; A881950.

A881951. Progression. By Doris Fleiscfaaan

A881952. A Step in tiae: San Diego guide for the handicapped. 53 p. Prev. reg. 1968. NH: editorial revision. O Junior League of San Diego, Inc.; 14JU177; Aa81952.

A881953. Vincent family records. Vol. 1: census records prior to 1850. Compiled 6 arr. by Sheridan E. Vincent, Canadian records coapiled by Phyllis E. Vincent Owen. 68 p. Sheridan E. Vincent; 28Jul77; Aa81953.

A881954. Manipulated man, the power of man over man, its risks and its limits; European studies, Strasbourg, Sept. 24-29, 1973. Edited by Charles Bobert, translated by C. P. Frank. 248 p. (Pittsburgh theological monograph series, no. 16) NH : translation S editorial revision. O The Pickwick Press; 25Jul77; A881954.

A881955. How people reduce you. By Bobert Stanley, pseud, of Bobert Stanley Jackson. 19 p. O Institute of Existential Self-Analysis; 18Jul77; A881955.

A881956. Hishing and avoiding — how you try to make yourself feel better. By Bobert Stanley, pseud, of Bobert Stanley Jackson. 16 p. O Institute of Existential Self-Analysis; 18Jul77; A88 1956.

A881957. The Meaning of being a victim (of yourself) By Bobert Stanley, pseud, of Bobert Stanley Jackson. 21 p. e Institute of Existential Self- Analysis; 18JU177; A881957.

A881958. Hhat it means to live in the present. By Bobert Stanley, pseud, of Bobert Stanley Jackson. 15 p. Institute of Existential Self-Analysis; 18Jul77; A881958.

A881959. Uhat does "I" mean? By Bobert Stanley, pseud, of Bobert Stanley Jackson. 22 p. O Institute of Existential Self- Analysis; 18JU177; A881959.

A881960. Existential clarifications about sex. By Bobert Stanley, pseud, of Bobect Stanley Jackson. 17 p. O Institute of Existential Self-Analysis; 18Jul77; A881960.

A881961. Glossary of terms in existential self-analysis. By Bobert Stanley, pseud, of Bobert Stanley Jackson. 33 p. Institute of Existential Self- Analysis; 18JU177; A881961.

A881962. Austria in pictures. Prepared by Edgar S. Bley. editor: Edward B. Egan. 64 p. NH: updating of text & new pictorial aatter, p. 64. e Sterling Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 29Jul77; A88 1962.

A881963. Alaska in pictures. Prepared by James Nach, editor: Edward B. Egan. 64 p. Add. ti: Alaska, the 49th state, in pictures. NH: updating of text aaterial. O Sterling Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 29Jul77; A881963.

A881964. Belgiua and Luxembourg in pictures. Author e editor: Edward H. Egan. 64 p.

NH: updating of text C new pictorial


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