Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/315

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1883013 - 1863056
JUL-DEC. 1977

1883013. Public ezpeoditures, taxes, and the distribution of iocone: the United States, 1950. 1951, 1970. By Borqan Beynolds £ Euqene Soolensitv. 1'45 p. Begents of the Oniversity of Hisconsin Systea on behalf of the Institute for Besearch on Poverty: 15Jun77; 1883013.

18830111. Guide to reference boolcs. Conpiled by Eugene Paul Sheehy, with the assistance of Bita G. Keckeissen 6 Eileen Bcllyaine. 9th ed. 1015 p. Ippl. au: Inerican Library Issociation. laerican Library Issociatiou; 1Sep76: 18830 14.

1883015. Theory and experinent in psychical research; with a new foreword & index. By Silliaa Georqe Boll. 510 p. (Pers- pectives in psychical research) Hilliaa G. Roll; IINOV75: 18830 15. 1883016.

How to protect your child against criae. By peter Irnold. 173 p. Peter Arnold; 27llay77; 1883016.

1883017. Sex education for today's child; a guide for aodern parents. By Irlene s. Oslaader, Caroline E. Heiss & Judith Telaan. 21it p. Peer Patterns; 301pr77; 1883017.

1883018. Crisis intervention. By Gary 1. Crow. 170 p. Gary 1. Crow; 27Juo77; 1883018.

1883019. The Ghost garden. By Hila Fell, illustrated by Thoaas Quirk. 236 p. O Hila Fell; 1511ai;76: 1883019.

1883020. New York's Chinese restaurants. By Stan Miller (Stanley Hiller) . Irline niller. Bita Bowan £ Jaaes Bowan. 216 p. Stan Hiller, Irline fliller, Bita Bowan & Jaaes Bowan; 25Jal77: 1883020.

1883021. laerican oen and women of science: consultants, 1977. Edited by the Jagues Catteli Press. 1100 p. Idd. ti: IHBS consultants, 1977. Ippl. au: B. B. Bowker Coapany. S Zeroi Corporation: 2iljun77; 1883021.

1883022. laerican aen and wonen of science; cheaistry, 1977. Edited by the Jagues Catteli Press. 1672 p. Idd. ti: IHHS cheaistry. 1977. Ippl. au: B. B. Bowker Coapany. Q Xerox Corporation; 25Hay77; 1883022.

A883023. The Tex Bitter story. By Johnny Bond. 397 p. NH: original text & coapilation. Johnny Bond; 1iiJan77 (in notice: 1976); 1883023.

1883021. Onknown aan nuaber 89. 1 novel by Elaore Leonard. 264 p. O Elaore Leonard; 1Jun77: 1883024.

1883025. The Chronicle of Ikakor. By Karl Brugger, translated froa the Geraao by Lu Fenton, pref. by Erich Von Daeniken. 233 p. Ippl. au: Dell Publishing Coapany. Inc., eaployer for hire. on English translation: Oell Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 1BJU177; 1883025.

1883026. The Chronicle of Ikakor. By Karl Brugger, translated froa the Geraan by Lu Fenton, pref. by Erich Von Daeniken. 233 p. Ippl. au: Karl Brugger, eaployer for hire. NH: introd. G pref. Karl Brugger: 18Jul77: 1883026.

1883027. Beyond biofeedback. By Elaer Green £ llyce Green. 369 p. Elaer llyce Green; 27Jul77; 1883027.

1883028. The Case of the sneaker snatcher. By John Shearer, pictures by Ted Shearer. 47 p. Idd. ti: Billy Jo Jive: the case of the sneaker snatcher; Billy Jo Jive, super private eye: the case of the sneaker snatcher. O on text; John Shearer; 15Jun77; 1883028.

1883029. The Case of the sneaker snatcher. By John Shearer, pictures by Ted Shearer. 47 p. Idd. ti: Billy Jo Jive: the case of the sneaker snatcher; Billy Jo Jive, super private eye: the case of the sneaker snatcher. O on illus. ; Ted Shearer; 15Jun77; 1883029.

1883030. Supernutrition for healthy hearts: the total protection plan for the prevention and cure of heart disease through vitaains. diet and exercise. By Bichard 1. Passwater. 386 p. Ippl. states all new except chap. 3 £ p. 267-274. Chap. 3 prev. pub. in Bealth quarterly. Bichard 1. Passwater; 30Jun77; 1883030.

1883031. Cole Porter; a biography. By Charles Schwartz. 365 p. Ippl. states all new except Busic lyrics C photos. 6 Charles Schwartz; 19Jun77; 1883031.

1883032. The Green rose. By yarren A. Silver. 305 p. O Barren 1. silver; 26Jul77; 1883032.

1883033. The Boataan's bible. By Barry 1. Kusnick, drawings by Jaaes £. Hitchell. with an introd. by Hurray Davis. 432 p. BB: text, drawings £ coapilation of prev. pub. photos. 6 Barry 1. Kusnick; 22Jun77: 1883033.

1883034. The Boataan's bible. By Barry 1. Kusnick, drawings by Jaaes E. Hitchell, with an introd. by Hurray Davis. 432 p. Ippl. au: The Dial Press, eaployer for hire. on introd.; The Dial Press; 22JUU77: 1883034.

1883035. 1 Creature was stirring. By Tobias Hells, pseud, of Oeloris Forbes. 178 p. Deloris Forbes; 121ug77; 1883035.

1883036. Killer's Canyon. By Bill C. Knott. 183 p. O Sill C. Knott; 51uq77; 1883036.

1883037. The Hugo winners. Vol. 3. Edited by Isaac Isiaov. 603 p. NH: coapilation £ introductions. 6 Isaac Isiaov; 5lug77; 1883037.

1883038. 1 Shepherd watches, a shepherd sings. By Louis Irigaray £ Theodore Taylor. 300 p. Louis Irigaray £ Theodore Taylor; 5iug77; 1883038.

1883039. A Circle of friends. By Lou D'lngelo. 180 p. Lou D'lngelo; 51ug77; 1883039.

1883040. Irchie: the Irchie Griffin story. By Irchie Griffin with David Diles. 192 p.

1883041. The Theta syndroae. By Elleston Trevor. 233 p. O Trevor Enterprises; Slug77; 1883041.

1883042. 1 Harder thing than triuaph. By Barbara Hinde Byfield. 181 p. Barbara Ninde Byfield; 5Aug77; A883042.

1883043. uitness to treason. By Billie J. Bagosta. 210 p. O Hille J. Bagosta; 12Aug77; AB83043.

A883044. The Dollar-saving decorating book. By Jose Wilson £ Arthur Leaaan. 160 p. O Jose Hilson £ Arthur Leaaan; 5Auq77; A383044.

1883045. Behind the scenes at the zoo. By Georg Zappler. 89 p. O Georg Zappler; 51ug77; 1883045.

1883046. Intiques and art: how to know, buy and use thea. By Howard L. Katzander, introd. by Peter C. Hilson. 287 p. O Howard L. Katzander: 81ug77: A883046.

A883047. Giant animals. By Howard Everett Saith, Jr., illustrated by John Lane. 58 p. NH: additional text. Howard E. Saith, Jr.; 5Aug77; 1883047.

1883048. Pakistan: the long view. Edited by Lawrence Ziring. Balph Braxbanti £ Uilliaa Howard Hriggins. 485 p. Duke Oniversity Press; 30Jul77; A883048.

1883049. Toward a people's art: the conteoporary aural ooveaent. By Eva Cockcroft, John Heber £ Jia Cockcroft, foreword by Jean Chariot. 292 p. O Eva Cockcroft, John Heber £ Jia Cockcroft; 28Jan77; 1883049.

A883050. Froa the laving Earth. By Pat Straub. 171 p. UH: additional text £ editorial revisions. Pat Straub; 19Jan77: A883050.

A883051. The Coaplete book of midwifery. By Barbara Brennan £ Joan Battner Heilaan. 142 p. Barbara Brennan £ Joan Battner Heilaan; 19Jan77; A8830S1.

A8830S2. Land of clear light. By Hichael Jenkinson, photos, by Karl Kernberger, aaps by Hary Beth Stokes. 30 5 p. C Hichael Jenkinson; 7Feb77; A883052.

A883053. Land of clear light. By Hichael Jenkinson, photos, by Karl Kernberger, aaps by Hary Beth Stokes. 305 p. on photos, by Kernberger; Karl Kernberger; 7Feb77; A883053.

1883054. The California catalogue. By Boger Bapoport 6 Hargot Lind. 240 p. e Boger Bapoport 6 Hargot Lind; 3Jan77; 1883054.

188 30 5 5. Paul Leicester Ford: an laerican aan of letters, 1865-1902. By Paul Z. DuBois, introd. by L. H. Butterfield. 212 p. C Burt Franklin and Coapany, Inc.; 181pr77; 1883055.


Delta of Venus: erotica. By Inais Nin.


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