Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/316

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i883057 - A88309<(
JUL-DEC. 1977

&883056 (con.) 250 p. Appl. states all neu except p. ix-i» 6 35-57. The inais Kin TrQst; 7Jun77; 1883056.

A883057. The Dark to»er and other stories. By Clive Staples Lewis, edited by Malter Hooper. 158 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1977 e reg. AT- 16651. NH: cospilation & p. 7-103. e Trustees of the Estate of C. S. Levis: 18Apr77: A883057.

A883058. Business mathenatics. By Burton S. Kaliski. 2nd ed. 415 p. © Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 11Apr77; A883058.

AB83059. This day's nadness. By Marianne Seibert. 62 p. NM: conpilation £ additional aaterial. Marianne Seibert; 3Auq77; A883059.

A883060. Love words and other things. By Sheldon Byatt. 63 p. NM: compilation & additional naterial. e Sheldon Hyatt; 3Aaq77; A883060.

4883061. Strange universes, new selected poeos. By Stanton A. Coblentz. 96 p. NM: coapilation C additional naterial. Stanton A. Coblentz; 3Aug77; A883061.

A883062. Case studies in medical ethics. By Bobert M. Teatch. 421 p. O Bobect M. Veatch; 1Auq77; A883062.

A883063. The Bussian Levites: parish clergy in the eighteenth century. By Gregory L. Freeze. 325 p. Appl. states all iiew except part of chap. 7. e The President and Fellows of Harvard college; 28Jul77; A8830e3.

A883064. Dynaaic econonics. By Burton H. Klein. 289 p. The President and Fellows of Harvard College; 29Jul77; A883064.

A883065. Ontogeny and phylogeny. By Stephen Jay Gould. 501 p. O The President and Fellows of Harvard College; 2Auq77; A883065.

A883066. Applying behavior-analysis procedures with children and youth. By Beth Sulzer-Azaroff 8 G. Boy Mayer. 526 p. NM: additions & revisions. 6 Holt, Binehart and Hinston; 17Mar77: AB83066.

A883067. The Liberated dog. By Matthew Margolis, with Julie Grayson. 275 p. e Matthew Hacqolis; 28Jun77: A8830e7.

A883068. Goodrich Amraa 2d procedural rules service with forms. Eules 2001-2175. By the editorial staff of The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Conpany, managing editor: John E. Keefe, Jr. 61(1 p. (Standard Pennsylvania practice, vol. 6) Appl. states copyright not claimed on any material from official O.S- Govt, sources. O on additions & revisions; The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; 18Apr77; A883063.

A8830e9. American law reports, ALB Federal cases and annotations. Vol. 33. Managing editor: Donald T. Kramer, project editors: Jeffrey F. Ghent 6 Sheldon B. Shapiro. 860 p. Appl. au: The Lawyers co-operative Publishing Company 6 Bancrof t-Bhitney Company. Appl. states copyright not claimed on material taken from govt, sources. © The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company 6 Bancroft-Ihitney Company; 1(|Jul77: A883069.

A883070. Federal procedural forms; lawyers ed- Vol. 10. Managing editor: David A. Hinn. 740 p. Appl. au: The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company £ Bancrof t-Hhitney Company. Appl. states copyright not claimed on any material secured from O.S. Govt, sources. O on additions 6 revisions; The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company 6 Bancroft-Whitney Company; 25Jul77; A883070.

A883071. Onited States code service; lawyers ed. Title 28. Managing editor: Gary D. Spivey £ other editors. 640 p. Appl. au: The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company £ Bancroft-ghitney Company. Appl. states copyright not claimed on any material secured from official O.S. Govt, sources. NM: compilation, additions £ arr. © The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company £ Bancrof t-Rhitney Company; 20Jul77; A883a71.

A883072. Digest of Onited States Supreme Court reports; lawyer's ed. Vol. 16A. By The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company. 1344 p. Add. ti: O.S. Supreme Court digest. Appl. states copyright not claimed on material taken from government sources. 6 on additions £ revisions; The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; 24Jun77; A883072.

A883073. The Total couple. By Albert Lee fi Carol Allman Lee. 207 p. © Albert Lee £ Carol Allman Lee; 8Jun77; A883a73.

A883074. Handbook of wealth management. By Leo Barnes £ Stephen Feldman. 1 v. © McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 1Jal77; A883074.

A883075. McGraw-Hill yearbook of science and technology: 1976 comprehensive coverage of the important events of the year. As compiled by the staff of the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. 454 p. Add. ti: McGraw-Hill yearbook of science and technology, 1977. Appl. au: McGraw-Hill Book Company. McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 8Jul77; A883075.

A883076. The Hospital at the end of the Santa Fe Trail; a photographic history of Saint Vincent Hospital, Santa Fe, New Mexico. By Clark Kimball £ Marcus J. Smith. 137 p. © Board of Trustees of Saint Vincent Hospital; 25Jun77; A883076.

A883077. Political change in Japan: response to postindustrial challenge. By Taketsugu Tsurutani. 275 p. (Comparative studies of political life) © David McKay Company, Inc.; 12Apr77; A883077.

A883078. A Mad wet hen and other riddles. By Joseph Low. 55 p. © Joseph Low; 10Mar77: A883078.

A883079. Jack the bum and the Halloween handout. By Janet SchUlman, pictures by James Stevenson. 55 p. on text; Janet SchUlman; 10Mar77: A883079.

A883a30. Jack the bum and the Halloween handout. By Janet Schulman, pictures by James Stevenson. 55 p. O on illus.; James Stevenson; 10Mar77; A883080.

A883081. The Complete book of locks, keys, burglar and smoke alarms and other security devices. By Eugene A. Sloane. 320 p. © on text; Eugene A. Sloane; 14JU177; A883081.

A883082. Carrot cake. By Nonny Hogrogian (Nonny Hogrogian Kherdian) 1 v. © Nonny Hogrogian Kherdian; 14Jul77; A883082.

A883083. The Dark fire. A novel by Linda Murray. 418 p. © Linda Murray; 14Jul77; A883083.

A8830B4. Soviet agriculture: an assessment of its contributions to economic development. Edited by Harry G. Shaffer. 166 p. © Praeger Publishers; 31Jul77; A883084.

A883085. A Development strategy for Iran through the 1980s. By Sobert E. Looney. 207 p. © Praege'r Publishers; 31Jul77; A883085.

A883a86. Energy use and conservation incentives; a study of the southwestern United States. By Rilliam Hughes Cunningham £ Sally Cook Lopreato, with the assistance of Brondel Joseph, Marian Hossum Meriwether £ Pablo Bhi-Perez. 189 p. © Praeger Publishers; 31JU177; A883086.

A883087. Horker self-management in industry: the West European experience. Edited by G. David Garson. 230 p. © Praeger Publishers: 31Jul77; A883087.

A883088. The Energy crisis and the environment: an international perspective. Edited by Donald B. Kelley. 245 p. © Praeger Publishers: 31Jul77; A883088.

A883089. Capital investment in the Middle East; the use of surplus funds for regional development. By Bagaei £1 Hallakh, Mihssen Kadhim £ Barry Barren Poulson, with assistance from Fred B. Glahe £ Carl McGuire. 195 p. © Praeger Publishers; 31JU177; A883089.

A883090. Planning and conservation: the emergence of the frugal society. By Peter Billiam House £ Edward B. Nilliams, foreword by Charles Barren. 257 p. © Praeger Publishers; 31Jul77; A883090.

A883091. Housing in Italy: urban development and political change. By Thomas Angotti. 106 p. © Praeger Publishers; 31JU177; A883091.

A883092. Improving productivity and the quality of work life. By Thomas G. cummings £ Edmond S. Molloy. 305 p. © Praeger Publishers; 31Jul77; A883092.

A883093. The Biofeedback diet: a doctor's revolutionary approach. By J. Frank Hurdle. 248 p. © Parker Publishing company. Inc.; 29Jul77; A883093.

A883094. Pitching and hitting. By Nolan Byan £ Joe Torre, with Joel H. Cohen. 213 p. © Nolan Byan £ Joe Torre; 13Jul77:



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