Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/335

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A8BJ8II6. Lecture aotes on fluid nechanics £oc enqloeerinq techniclaos. By yllliaa Pelzec e, Alan Paul pelzer. 1 t. MB: additions. HilliaB Felzer (, Alan Paul Felzer: 9Auq77: A88381t6.

A8838'47. Bell Systea practices. Pacific Tel. Section 005-202- 916PT, appendix 2, issue A, June 1977. 2 p. O The Pacific Telephone and Teleqraph Coapany; 1Jun77; A883847.

A883848. Flyinq fish, sinqinq vhales and other ioterestinq aninals. By Thoaas Gunninq. 20 p. O Thoaas Gunninq; 1(lay77: A883848.

A8838U9. The Story of yoqurt. 7 p. Appl. au: Deactra Hanzara. Deaetra Hanzara; 9Auq77: A8838U9.

A883850. Personal proqranainq: a coaplete guide to a whole new diaensioo in problea solvinq ease and pouer — handheld proqraaainq; a coaplete owner's manual for TI proqraaaable Se/S9. 1 v. Texas Instruaents, Inc.; 2itl!ay77: A883850.

A3838S1. Genealoqy of the Bowes of Virqinia and lest Virqinia and connectinq faaililes (1697 to 1977) By Clara Pauline Adkins. 126 p. Clara Pauline Adkxns (in notice: Adkins); 22Apr77; A883851.

A683852. iichita Falls, Archer City, Burkburnett, TX, and others, telephone directory, Auqust 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany: 9Auq77: A8838S2.

A883853. Series on the "faaily chest". By Gordon Lee Burqett. 1 t. O Gordon Lee Bargett; 10Auq77: A883853.

A8e385l|. Be port of the superintendent's task force on kinderqartens. 30 p. Diocesan School office of Toledo: 2Auq77; A8838S1.

A883855. Manual for self-study. 61 p. Add. ti: Self-study aanual. Diocesan School office of Toledo; 2Auq77; A883855.

A883856. Stock aarket. Kit. Appl. au: Stephen N. Bu. Hu and Coapany; 1Auq77; A883856.

A883857. Group care of children: crossroads and transitions. By Horris Fritz nayer, Leon H. Richaan (, Edwin A. Balcerzak. 327 p. O Child Nelfare Leaque of Aaerica, Inc.; 6Jul77: A883857.

A883858. Hudpies. Vol. 1. Poeas by Pat aurphy Garst (Patricia Hary aurphy Garst) 23 p. 5 poeas prev. pub. in The Daily pan- taqraph, Blooainqton, IL t, others. tiH: 24 new poeas. C Pat Hurphy Garst; 9Auq77; Aa83858.

A883859. Plantation boaes of Louisiana. Edited by Nancy Harris Calhoun 6 Jaaes Calhoun. 4th ed. 128 p. Add. ti: The Pelican quide to plantation hoaes of Louisiana. O Pelican Publishinq Coapany, Inc.; 15JU177: A883859.

A383860. A Pocket quide to Caterpillar serial nuabers. 91 p. Add. ti: Hac's pocket quide. Appl. au: Honty acDonald t, Hark HcDonald. Hac's Pocket Guide; 10Aug77: A88 3860.

A883861. Santa's coaing. w Carol Lingalong, a Joy S. Holiday. 2 folders. Add. ti: Herry Christaas, one and all. Appl. au: Loyd C. Frederiksen. NH: additional text, e Loyd C. Frederiksen 6 Adeline Fre- deriksen: 12Aug77: A883861.

A8e3B62. Books on poultry and cock-fighting; a collectors bibliography. By John E. Norris. 33 p. 6 John E. Norris; 1Auq77; AB83862.

A883863. Haking tracks into prograaaing: a step-by-step learning guide to the power, ease and fun of using your TI proqraaaable 57. Developed by the staff of the Texas Instruaents, Inc. Learning Center 6 the staff of the University of Denver Hatheaatics Laboratory, artwork coor- dinated e executed by Deasoo and Schenck Associates. 1 v. Appl. au: Texas Instruaents, Inc. O Texas Instruaents, Inc.: 24Hay77; A883S63.

A8e3864. The Six trials of Christ. By John y. Lawrence. 238 p. O John H. Lawrence; 28JU177; A883864.

A883865. Holokai: "the friendly isle." iiritten by Harlene Freedaan, photos, by Aaron Chang, aap by Daphne Socher. 1 v. Harlene Freedaan; 5Aug77; A883865.

A883866. LSI-2 prograaaing reference card 90-10078-00B1. Folder. O Coaputer Autoaation, Inc.; 5Jul77: AB83866.

A883867. Congratulations! By Frank B. Siachak £ Hargery B. Siachak. 1 v. Hargery B. Siachak: 1Aug77; A883867.

A883868. Your natural gifts: how to recognize and develop thea for success and self- fulfillaent. By Hargaret £. Broadley. 155 p. Original ti. : Be yourself. NH: additional text, new charts, updating G editorial revision. © Hargaret E. Broadley: 11Aug77; A883868.

A8e3869. Harkstein's Guide to auch bigger investaent incoae. 83 p. Portions appeared in Hodern aaturity. David L. Harkstein; 1Sep76: A883869.

A883870. The Espire of Alexander: a Hellenistic war qaae for two to six players; rules. 6 p. Appl. au: yarren T. Treadgold. d yarren T. Treadgold; 12Aug77; A883870.

A883871. Vehicle owner's liaited warranty. 1 p. e Pro-Tech Bust Inhibitor, Inc.; 13Jan77: A883871.

A883872. caap Fire self-reliance course — I can do it! By Georgia K. Dee. 21 p. Caap Fire Girls of Buffalo and Erie County, Inc.; 1Sep77; A883872.

A883873. coaaunication exercises for preaarital couples. 15 p. Appl. au: Hillard J. Bienvenu, Sr. O Hillard J. Bienvenu, Sr. ; 8Aug77; A883873.

A883874. charitable trust finder guide. Polder. Appl. au: John L. HacBean. O John L. HacBean; Jun77; A883874.

A88387S. Stocks, bonds and bills: historical studies. By J. Peter yilliaason. 24 p. O Trustees of Dartmouth College; 25JU177; A883875.

Ae83876. Listed stock options. By J. Peter yilliaason. 16 p. O Trustees of Dartaouth College; 25JU177; A883876.

A883877. A Proposed aortgage indenture aodi- fication for Central Veraont Public Service Corporation. By J. Peter yilliaason. 54 p. Trustees of Dartaouth College; 25Jul77: A883877.

A883878. An Option writing prograa for the Country Savings Bank. By J. Peter yilliaason. 29 p. O Trustees of Dartaouth College; 25Jul77; A883878.

A883879. Stocks or bonds; a college president's plea. By J. Peter yilliaason. 9 p. Trustees of Dartaouth College: 25Jul77: A883879.

A883e80. A Natural approach to teachiiig language arts in the secondary schools. By yilliao J. Gaydos. 1 v. NH: 10 new stories. 19 p. of new illas. £ revisions. O yilliaa J. Gaydos; 10Aug77: A883880.

A883881. Vocabulary aagic. By laogene Forte & Hary Ann Pangle, illustrated by Patty Pangle. 110 p. Incentive Publications, Inc.; 1Aug77; A883881.

AaB3882. Hini View Hanor: decorating ideas for dollhouses and ainiature rooas; standard one inch to one foot. By Betty Borgeson. 19 p. e Betty Borgeson; 2Aug77;

A883882. A Study and translation of two plays by Tirso Oe Holina. By Bayaond Edward Conlon. Hicrofilffi. C Raymond Edward Conlon; 15Jul77: A883883.

A883884. The Social iapacts of urban sections of the interstate highway systea. By Hichael Light Chernoff. Hicrofila. Hichael Light Chernoff; 15JU177; A883884.

A883885. The Learning coapetence paradiga of the Anisa Bodel and the preparation of teachers. By Hargaret Hagdalene Carney. Hicrofila. O Hargaret Hagdalene Carney; 15Jul77: A883885.

A883886. Cheaical stiaulation of single huaan funqifora taste papillae. By Araand Vincent Cardello. Hicrofila. O Araand Vincent Cardello; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A883886.

A883887. A Study of soae residual effects of a teaporary dropout prevention prograa on participating parents and students located in a disadvantaged and majority black school district. By Ulysses Byas. Hicrofila. O Olysses Byas; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A883887.

A883888. A Survey of principal attitudes toward coaaunity involveaent in a southern public school systea. By yillis Heraan Crosby,

Jr. Hicrofila. Uillis Beraan Crosby,


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